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Actu & Médias

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Roll up for the Alcator C-Mod virtual tour!

Opportunities to tour the inside of a tokamak are not very frequent. In order to share this unique experience, Robert T. Mumgaard, a grad student at MIT's Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), and Chris Bolin, of Bolin Photography in Cambridge, Massachusetts (US) teamed up to develop a technique that delivers a spectacular virtual tour of the interior of Alcator C-Mod, presently the largest fusion reactor operated by a university.

The next best thing to actually walking inside a tokamak: embarking on Mumgaard and Bolin's virtual tour of MIT's tokamak Alcator C-Mod. (Click to view larger version...)
The next best thing to actually walking inside a tokamak: embarking on Mumgaard and Bolin's virtual tour of MIT's tokamak Alcator C-Mod.
At the end of 2013, as the machine was open for maintenance, they acquired some 1,600 high resolution pictures of the vacuum vessel that they later stitched together to form 360x180-degree projections (photography buffs will find detailed explanations in this document.)

Embarking on Mumgaard and Bolin's virtual tour of Alcator C-Mod is the next best thing to actually walking inside a tokamak—you can check for yourself on PSFC's website.

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