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Actu & Médias

Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.

ITER Magazine now available in seven languages

ITER Organization's weekly publication Newsline begins its summer hiatus this week; we'll be back on Monday 25 August.

However, by way of compensation, we are proud to introduce the Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Korean and Russian versions of ITER Mag, the general public-oriented publication that was launched last December. Just click on the flag that interests you on the ITER Mag homepage.

Welcome to the Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Korean and Russian versions of ITER Mag, which come in addition to the already available English and French versions. (Click to view larger version...)
Welcome to the Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Korean and Russian versions of ITER Mag, which come in addition to the already available English and French versions.
These new versions, which come in addition to the already available English and French versions, are produced in close collaboration with the ITER Domestic Agencies.

ITER Mag, now in seven languages, will be published every other month, bringing to an ever-larger public the news and background stories of the ITER Project.

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