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Actu & Médias


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Control system: one tier out of three

Standing next to DG Motojima: Antonio Gonzàlez, senior vice-president, Empresarios Agrupados S.A.; Felipe Collado, director, Instalaciones Inabensa S.A.; Maria-Teresa Domìnguez, Advanced Projects Director, Empresarios Agrupados S.A. and Juan Pérez-Tinao, Business Development, Instalaciones Inabensa S.A. (Click to view larger version...)
Standing next to DG Motojima: Antonio Gonzàlez, senior vice-president, Empresarios Agrupados S.A.; Felipe Collado, director, Instalaciones Inabensa S.A.; Maria-Teresa Domìnguez, Advanced Projects Director, Empresarios Agrupados S.A. and Juan Pérez-Tinao, Business Development, Instalaciones Inabensa S.A.
On Monday 10 June, ahead of schedule, a contract was signed between the ITER Organization and the Spanish consortium comprising Empresarios Agrupados and Inabensa for the detailed design, qualification and supply of the Central Safety System-Nuclear (CSS-N) for First Plasma.

The safety control system is one of the three tiers in the ITER control system, the others being the interlock control system for investment protection and the conventional control system for operation. The safety control system is split into occupational and nuclear safety and is the personnel and environment protection system of ITER. The nuclear safety control system is subject to licensing by the French nuclear regulatory authority (ASN).

The selection and qualification of the technology based on hardwired logic involved in the implementation of nuclear safety I&C functions of the highest category—another one of the highlights of this contract.

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