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First five Monaco Postdoc Fellowships awarded

The first five Principality of Monaco ITER Postdoctoral Fellowships have been awarded. The successful candidates are drawn from five of the seven ITER Member states and represent a range of skills in science and engineering in areas of importance to the ITER Project.

The Principality of Monaco ITER Postdoctoral Fellowships were established as a result of the collaboration agreement between the Principality of Monaco and ITER. The initial phase of the programme was launched in spring 2008 with an invitation to young researchers who had recently received their PhD, or were about to do so, to apply for an award. The call attracted 28 applicants from across the ITER Member research communities and industries. A short-list of 14 candidates was chosen for interview by a selection panel of ITER Deputy Director-Generals. It is anticipated that the five Fellows will take up their posts by January 2009.

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