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Veuillez nous excuser, mais cette page n'est pas encore disponible en Français.

The official language of ITER Organization is English. Contracts and purchase orders concluded by the ITER Organization shall be in writing, concluded and normally drawn up in Euros.
The following documents govern the ITER Organization Procurement and Contract activities:

Regulations applying to the Cash Resources of the ITER Organization (version 6.0)

On-line registration : please refer to "overview of tender" page for guidance.

The aim of the supplier registration is to encourage new vendors of relevant goods and services to register with the Procurement and Contract Division of ITER Organization.

Tenderers from the following ITER Member States are eligible for tendering:

  • European Union (EURATOM Members),
  • Republic of India,
  • Japan,
  • People's Republic of China,
  • Republic of Korea,
  • Russian Federation,
  • United States of America

ITER Organization reserves the right to broaden the eligibility to other countries if deemed appropriate.

For general information or questions, please contact: iopcd@iter.org

Veuillez nous excuser, mais cette page n'est pas encore disponible en Français.

ITER Organization Internal Regulations concerning work on site
Contractor Safety Management Procedure related to ITER
Financial Identification Form