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The mayor who became a power supply engineer

"I really felt I could bring something to the ITER project" -  Jerry Goff.  (Click to view larger version...)
"I really felt I could bring something to the ITER project" - Jerry Goff.
After leaving school, Jerry Goff served an apprenticeship with the UK Atomic Energy Authority at Harwell and was involved in building the Bundle Divertor power supplies on the DITE fusion experiment at Culham in 1978. He moved to JET in 1982 where he was involved in commissioning, operations and maintenance of the JET power supplies until he moved to Cadarache earlier this year.

In 1987 Jerry became an active trade union representative in UKAEA, eventually becoming a Branch Secretary. In domestic life he took interest in local politics, was elected to the Town Council of Didcot, a town about 10 km south of Oxford, and even became town Mayor in 2001. But when he was offered the opportunity to join ITER he didn't have to think very long. "Having been in fusion for so long, I really felt I could bring something to the ITER project," says Jerry," and at the same time it is a challenging new project in my own career."

At ITER Jerry works in the Coil Power Supply Section of Electrical Engineering Division within CEP Department. He supports the Section in analysis and design work, especially with regard to control and protection of the ITER magnet power supplies and will soon start working on the technical requirements for the Procurement Arrangements.

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