Please note that Dr Bigot’s funeral will be a small, private event. In keeping with the wishes of Dr Bigot and his family, in lieu of flowers, donations can be made at the following link

ITER Statement

Bernard Bigot, Director-General of the ITER Organization since 2015, passed away on 14 May 2022 at the age of 72 due to illness. His premature death will be felt with the greatest sadness by all those who were privileged to work alongside him in the many domains where he left his mark, a very personal blend of dedication and rigour. The ITER Organization, its staff and collaborators, and its international partners extend their sincerest sympathy and condolences to his family and loved ones.

In the course of his long and distinguished career, Bernard Bigot held senior positions in research, higher education and government. A chemist by training, he was first and foremost a dedicated high-level public servant. From the creation of the École normale supérieure de Lyon, which he helped to establish in the 1980s, to positions at ministerial level in science, technology, research and education for successive French governments, as France's High Commissioner for Atomic Energy (2003-2009), and as Chairman and CEO of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (2009-2012 and 2012-2015), Mr Bigot used his intelligence, his creativity, his diplomacy and an impressive capacity to work to bring about what he hoped would be "un monde meilleur" (a better world).

In this "monde meilleur," energy—as a motor for human and social development—occupied a central role. The ITER international research program, which he accepted to lead from 2015, clearly fell within this category. Starting with a series of profound structural and managerial reforms, Bernard Bigot put the project on a path to success that continues today.

Despite the volume of work related to ITER, Bernard Bigot remained deeply attached to a number of institutions and associations that he believed in and that he supported in various ways. He was president of the non-profit foundation of the Maison de la Chimie in Paris, an international centre for chemistry. He was a member of the board of directors of the chemistry and chemical engineering school CPE Lyon (Ecole supérieure chimie physique électronique de Lyon), and president of the Université de Lyon foundation. He followed with interest the scientific work of the Institut Mérieux (biology), the Institut de Paléontologie Humaine (human paleontology), and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (planetary health). He had recently been elected to the French Academy of Technologies (Académie des technologies).

Bernard Bigot was a Commandeur in the French Order of the Legion of Honour, an Officer of the French Order of the National Merit, and a Commandeur in the Royal Swedish Order of the Polar Star. He was the recipient of the Gold and Silver Star in the Japanese Order of the Rising Sun and was recently awarded the Chinese Government Friendship Award.

Always ready to exchange with media representatives, politicians, economists, VIPs, or simple visitors, he knew how to make complex subjects understandable and meaningful. His enthusiasm was communicative.

Bernard Bigot was a visionary. Demanding in his expectations of others, and even more of himself, he valued loyalty above all else. Under an exterior that could appear austere, he was a profoundly human man.

Well beyond ITER and the international research community, his passing will be felt as a tremendous loss.

ITER Statement

Directeur général d'ITER Organization depuis 2015, Bernard Bigot s'est éteint le 14 mai 2022, emporté par la maladie. Cette disparition prématurée, à l'âge de 72 ans, sera ressentie avec une immense tristesse par tous ceux qui ont eu le privilège de travailler à ses côtés dans l'ensemble des domaines qu'il a marqués de sa forte et exigeante empreinte. L'organisation internationale ITER, ses collaborateurs et ses partenaires de par le monde partagent la douleur de sa famille et de ses proches.

Chercheur, enseignant, haut-fonctionnaire, administrateur, Bernard Bigot était d'abord un grand serviteur de l'État. Depuis la création de l'École normale supérieure de Lyon, pour laquelle il avait joué un rôle clé dans les années 1980 ; dans les différentes responsabilités qui furent les siennes au plus proche de ministres de l'Éducation et de la Recherche successifs ; dans ses fonctions de Haut-commissaire à l'Énergie atomique et tout au long de ses deux mandats à la tête du Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA), Bernard Bigot aura mobilisé son intelligence, sa créativité, ses talents de diplomate et son impressionnante capacité de travail pour faire advenir « le monde meilleur » qu'il appelait de ses vœux.

Dans ce « monde meilleur », l'énergie, moteur du développement humain et social, occupait la place centrale. Le programme de recherche international ITER, dont il avait accepté d'assumer la direction en 2015, s'inscrivait dans cette perspective. Ayant initié dès son arrivée un ensemble de réformes profondes, Bernard Bigot avait permis au programme de retrouver une dynamique qui, depuis, ne s'est pas démentie.

En dépit de la charge de travail qu'ITER lui imposait, Bernard Bigot demeurait profondément impliqué dans de nombreuses institutions qui lui étaient chères à des titres divers. Il était notamment président de la Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie ; membre du conseil d'administration de l'École supérieure chimie physique électronique de Lyon (CPE Lyon) ; président de la Fondation de l'Université de Lyon et suivait avec intérêt les travaux de l'Institut Mérieux, de l'Institut de Paléontologie Humaine, de la Fondation Prince Albert 1er de Monaco. Il avait été récemment élu à l'Académie des technologies.

Bernard Bigot était Commandeur de la Légion d'Honneur et Officier de l'Ordre du Mérite, Commandeur de l'Ordre royal de l'Étoile polaire (Suède), décoré de l'Étoile d'or et d'argent de l'Ordre du Soleil Levant (Japon) et avait récemment reçu la Médaille de l'Amitié, décernée par le gouvernement chinois.

Disponible à tous ceux — media, responsables politiques ou économiques, personnalités ou simple visiteurs — qui « voulaient comprendre », il savait fournir des explications simples et éclairantes.

Bernard Bigot était un visionnaire. Exigeant envers ses collaborateurs, il l'était plus encore envers lui-même. La loyauté était pour lui la plus haute des vertus et sous des dehors qui pouvaient paraître austères, c'était un homme d'une profonde humanité.

Bien au-delà d'ITER et de la communauté de recherche mondiale, sa disparition prématurée sera ressentie comme une perte immense.

Eisuke Tada, Director-General (interim), ITER Organization


We are now full of deep sorrow. I never thought that you, who lived so energetic and powerful, would pass away, and I am still full of unbelievable feelings. I still remember the time when we met, exchanged opinions on the ITER project and fusion, and you invited me to work together. You are an extraordinary and intelligent leader who could cover everything from high-level strategies to detail technical issues, take any issues seriously, never run away, and find the best answer at the time. I have worked with you for a long time and learned a lot, but all I can't imitate. I am determined to carry on your ambitions and work together with everyone to proceed with the ITER Project. Thank you for your hard work. Please take a rest. We would like to express our sincere gratitude and condolences.


Francois Storrer, Commission nationale d'évaluation, Paris

Bernard BIGOT nous a quitté.

La CNE ressent une grande tristesse devant la disparition d'un grand scientifique et d'un ami.

Depuis  une vingtaine d'années, avec lui, nous avons vécu une longue et très enrichissante relation avec un homme d'action, grand serviteur de l'Etat. Pour certains d'entre nous, ce fut le partage de quelques aventures comme celle de la création de l'ICSM à Marcoule.

Depuis son passage du ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche aux fonctions de Haut-Commissaire à l'énergie atomique, puis d'Administrateur général du CEA, la CNE a toujours bénéficié de son soutien attentif et sans faille.

Bernard BIGOT nous avait très amicalement accueillis lors de plusieurs visites à ITER et nous avions été impressionnés par son enthousiasme et par son art de conduire un projet international d'une telle dimension.

La CNE adresse ses pensées solidaires à sa famille.

Prof. Satoshi konishi, Kyoto University, Chief Fusioneer of Kyoto

I miss Dr Bernard Bigot. We will never forget his leadership in the world fusion development centered at ITER. I met him many times at many occasions, but one of the best memory is a time when he visited our lab in Kyoto University, and walked some historical streets together. I also remember him pleased to see our LEGO ITER that I believe still is displayed at the HQ building. We do not have to say much to express his achievements in fusion history. Quoting his word, I like to say that we will soon make a sun that will never set...with him!


Søren Bang Korsholm, Senior Scientist, Technical University of Denmark

I was very sad to learn about the passing of Dr. Bigot. He had an immense importance for the ITER project for the past many years. He was very dedicated and worked for the benefit of ITER and fusion research until the end. Besides his great responsibility at ITER, Bigot was always aware of the importance of the broader fusion research community; as an example when he gave a live video speech at the inauguration for the DTU tokamak NORTH on August 23rd 2019.



Antoine Petit, Président-directeur général du CNRS

Le CNRS salue la mémoire de Bernard Bigot, brillant chimiste reconnu pour sa carrière scientifique de premier plan et grand serviteur de l'Etat dans tous ses engagements. Il a piloté le développement de l'Institut de recherche sur la catalyse qu'il a dirigé de 1998 à 2002, y menant des travaux de pointe avec les méthodes les plus avancées de l'époque. Mais il a aussi eu tout au long de sa vie la volonté de mettre ses compétences au service d'une mission fondatrice de notre projet national : le bien public. Fervent promoteur de la chimie, discipline fondamentale, notamment auprès des jeunes générations, la question de l'énergie future le préoccupait. En prenant à l'unanimité la direction de l'ITER en 2015, il a montré qu'il était un scientifique d'une grande rigueur, fin connaisseur du monde de la recherche, toujours dévoué à l'intérêt général. Au nom de l'ensemble du CNRS, j'adresse nos plus sincères condoléances à ses proches et à sa famille. 


Alexandre Moatti, Ingénieur général des Mines (Conseil général de l'Economie), Chercheur associé HDR à l'Université de Paris-Cité (P-VII)

Bernard Bigot a été mon directeur de cabinet auprès de Claudie Haigneré, au ministère de la Recherche de 2002 à 2003. Il avait constitué avec elle une équipe sympathique. Cela m'a permis de reprendre une carrière dans la haute fonction publique (Corps des Mines), mais surtout cette période a correspondu à mon "chemin de Damas" de retour à la science : je remercie B. Bigot de m'avoir donné cette opportunité. C'était un directeur exigeant, toujours avenant, et qui connaissait bien le sujet de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche - de l'intérieur, en scientifique de haut niveau et en homme de vision, pas en bureaucrate.

Quelques années plus tard, administrateur général du CEA, il s'était démené et nous avait aidés à obtenir la cravate de la Légion d'Honneur pour le physicien atomiste Albert Messiah (1921-2013), peu de temps avant la mort de ce dernier. B. Bigot s'était adressé directement à la Chancellerie. La cravate de Commandeur avait été remise à A. Messiah par Yves Guéna, ancien ministre (voir notre billet X-Résistance

Roger Pizot, Maire de St-Paul-lez-Durance jusqu'en 2020

Sincères condoléances.
Un grand Monsieur nous quitte.
Beaucoup de tristesse.
Souvenirs éternels. 

Matilda Morgan, Engage (F4E Contractor)

As you've always believed, this project will come to light one day
And the world's biggest humanitarian crisis (climate)
Would've been resolved thanks to your leadership & passion
For clean energy.

My prayers goes out to your family. Rest in peace Dr. Bigot.


Pr. Dennoun SAIFAOUI, Faculty of Sciences, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco

Un grand scientifique qui a beaucoup travaillé sur la plus grande experience de physique pour reussir la production de l'énergie pour l'humanité. Cette energie va desaller beaucoup d'eau de mer pour resoudre le problème de la sécheresse dans les pays du sud.

Nous regrettons le défunt Pr Bigot.

Mes condoleances à la communauté scientifique de la fusion.



Women in Nuclear (WiN) France au travers de sa Présidente Isabelle Poli (EDF) et sa Vice Présidente Patricia Schindler (ex CEA)

C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse que nous avons appris la disparition de Bernard Bigot. Nous l'avons connu Administrateur du CEA, puis Directeur de ITER. Nous avons eu la grande chance qu'il vienne lors de notre assemblée Générale de 2018 à Lyon. Il parlait du projet ITER avec un tel enthousiasme. Il était un de ces hommes qui soulève les montagnes ! Un grand homme nous a quittés. 


Women in Nuclear (WiN) Global President and WiN Global Steering Committee

This month we lost not only a great scientist but "The man" whose name will forever be linked to the ITER project. Indeed, what Bernard Bigot achieved with ITER, few could have achieved. 

How lucky to have had the opportunity to meet him, his technical explanations were always so clear and he had this unfailing determination. He was one of those people who can move mountains. 



Luigi Di Pace, International Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Power Technology Development Section, Division of Nuclear Power, Department of Nuclear Energy

I have had, in the few occasions, I met Dr Bigot, personally in Taormina for the SOFT Conference, and virtually two years later in the virtual SOFT 2020, the feeling of a person of great depth with a considerable technical background, but at the same time of great simplicity and immediacy with everyone, even with young students.

We will always remember him.



Ralf Kaiser, Head of Programmes, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy

In the future, when we will look back on the events of the 21st century, the development of nuclear fusion power will be seen as one of the most crucial achievements. At least that's what I hope and believe. ITER is the key to this development - and Bernard Bigot successfully managed the project during its most difficult phase. He deserved to see it completed, and I am very sorry that he will not be able to.


Marta de la TORRE ADRADOS, elected parent from the International School EIPACA (from 2014 to 2021)

Dear Mr. Bigot,

It is out of sadness that I write these lines to express my sorrow for the terrible news.

I had the opportunity to meet you in person at some ITER end-of-year celebrations but especially at the biannual meetings with the EIPACA elected parenters that we had the good fortune to share for several years with the Rector of the Aix-Marseille Academy, the EIPACA management and you as DG of ITER Organization.

I can say that in addition to your qualities as a scientist and nuclear fusion professional, I could see from your devotion and time devoted to the International School of Manosque, that it was always important to you and that you cared about the welfare of the students and families. One could clearly recognize your past dedication to teaching and your deep knowledge of the French educational system.

Thank you very much for everything, may you rest in peace.



I started working at ITER with a master's internship in the same day Bernard started his duties. I will always be grateful to him for his constants efforts and very hard work towards making ITER succeed. Adopting his sense of taking ITER as my own and dear project, I will do my best for its success. Rest in peace Bernard.


Thierry TIZON, Ex-Secrétaire Général de CPE Lyon

J'ai croisé Mr Bernard BIGOT alors qu'il était Président d'une Ecole d'ingénieurs, parallèlement avec ses fonctions au CEA, puis pour ITER.

L'exigence pour la qualité des projets, comme pour lui-même, était une valeur partagée, qui permettait de d'échanger même lorsque les points de vue divergeaient.

Une relation de confiance existait et j'ai toujours été surpris de sa disponibilité, particulièrement sur les courriers électronique.

C'est un homme très engagé qui s'est éteint.

J'adresse mes plus sincères condoléances à sa famille, à ses amis les plus proches.


Laurent Schmieder, BIPS Project Team leader, Fusion for Energy

C'est avec une grande tristesse que j'ai appris le décès de Bernard Bigot. Je suis fier de l'avoir suivi et de l'avoir eu comme directeur aussi bien au CEA et sur le projet ITER. Bernard était un grand homme au service des autres, toujours prêt à aider pour trouver une solution et pour avancer. Bernard était un grand défenseur de l'excellence de la filaire nucléaire française. Depuis 2015, il a consacré tous ses instants à faire avancer et réussir le projet ITER. Dans quelques décennies, on se souviendra de celui qui aura permis à la fusion de fournir une énergie abondante dont l'humanité a besoin pour vivre.

Bernard ton départ nous laisse orphelin, ton départ nous laisse sans voix, mais nous continuerons ton œuvre jusqu'à son succès.

Puisses-tu reposer en paix et avec l'assurance du devoir achevé.


Erasto MALECHE, Instrumentation & Control Engineer, ITER Organization

It was a pleasure working under your stewardship. You were an example of commitment and hard work, and you walked the talk until the very end.

May you Rest In Eternal Peace.


Giuseppe B. Suffritti, Retired Professor of Chemical Physics, University of Sassari, Italy

The first time I met Bernard was in 1980 in Florence, at an international scientific meeting. We happened to share a poster session, and as a young lecturer I encouraged Bernard, who was reaching Professor Jorgensen in the US for a PostDoc, to proceed in his career.

When I was invited by Dr. Fabienne Vigné-Maeder to Lyon in December 1989 as a referee of the PhD thesis, Bernard was the Director of the CNRS Institute at Villeurbanne, and I had the opportunity to appreciate his hearty welcome and warm hospitality, whose recollection still cheers me.

After thirty years after our last meeting in Lyon, I sent him a short greeting message and some recent results of my research work, which could be useful for scientists and engineers developing the ITER great project.

He promptly sent me a kind and warm message, which will last in my heart forever.


Hongbo HUANG, Structural Design Engineer, Tokamak Cooling Water System Section, ITER Organization

Dear Dr. Bigot, as the leader of ours, you are strict yet approachable. Because of you, we have a sense of mission for the ITER project. I joined ITER in 2015, when you became the ITER DG. In the beginning, we were sometimes puzzled by your vigorous and resolute style, but with the advancement of the ITER project, we understand your painstaking efforts and great contributions. As an ITER employee, we respect you from the bottom of our hearts, and you put all your energy and even your life into the ITER project. May you rest in peace in heaven.

Anthony Bradley, Electrical Officer, ITER Organization

The degree to which Dr. Bigot showed an interest in the concerns of the staff that were under his stewardship was a testimony to his character and showed that he was a man of great humanity. The ITER Organization is the lesser for his passing.

May he rest in peace and may God bless his soul.


Natalia Casal, ITER Organization

Dear Bernard,

I would like to tell you here, with sadness, what I haven't had a chance to tell you in person. Thank you for your infinite dedication, for saving and moving forward our project. And thank you very much for giving me one of the best career advices I have ever received, and which I apply every day. You will always be remembered for your great achievements, commitment and passion to this Project.

My deepest condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.


Dr. Jef Ongena, Research Director, LPP-ERM/KMS, Brussels, Belgium

The news of the passing away of Dr. Bigot was a shock to all of us.

His impact on the ITER project during his seven years as Director General was extraordinary and the fusion community is deeply indebted to his vision, leadership and determination.

The advanced stage of the construction of ITER is the best tribute to his work.

The ITER project and international partners will all sadly miss him.

Sincere condoleances to his family, friends and close collaborators worldwide.

Mr. Hikaru Massaki, Mayor of Naka City, Japan

I was deeply shocked to hear of Director-General Bernard Bigot's sudden passing. I would like to show my respect for his meritorious deeds and I pray his soul may rest in peace.


Fabrice Tenneson, Directeur régional, Dalkia Méditerranée

Toutes les équipes de Dalkia Méditerranée et particulièrement celles qui œuvrent quotidiennement au succès du projet ITER, saluent la mémoire de Bernard Bigot, grand leader, grand serviteur de projet hors du commun, un homme simple qui aura marqué son siècle. Nous nous associons à la douleur de sa famille et de ses proches à qui nous adressons toutes nos condoléances.  


CNPE Consortium

ITER Organization,

On behalf of all CNPE Consortium members, we express our deepest condolences on the sudden passing away of our beloved DG Dr. Bernard Bigot, to his family, friends, colleagues and everyone working on the ITER Project for which he devoted all his energy until the end of his life.    

Dr. Bigot has been an inspiring leader, a caring mentor and a visionary advisor to our Consortium from the very beginning of our collaboration. Under situations of technical and human challenges, his strong leadership and continuous support on our capacity to overcome difficulties have always been the most important cornerstone of our actions.

In the beginning of 2020 when our first batch of workers arrived in France in the middle of the first epidemic impact to Europe, Dr. Bigot came in person to the workers' dormitory, delivering an inspiring speech to those who left home to France for the first time and encouraging them to build confidence and keep moving on. Our team felt warmly embraced as part of the ITER fusion community since that very beginning.

Since then our TAC-1 team reached one milestone after another, thanks to the support and collaboration of ITER Organization teams, and sometimes directly from the encouragement of Dr. Bigot. We still remember the day in late November 2021 when Dr. Bigot attended and chaired the IO TAC-1 Steering Board #5 although worn by the sickness and provided strategic remarks and decisions for the following work of TAC-1 Contract. Our memories are so vivid that we are still inspired by the spirit of Dr. Bigot and it never leaves.

Despite the sorrowful passing away, Dr. Bigot left us with the precious legacy of the "general interest" value that is key to ITER Project, a golden value for which he embodied with exemplarity throughout the time we worked together. All the members of our Consortium are grateful to such a remarkable human being and we are more than committed to carry the torch towards the greater success of ITER Project in the years to come.   

Best regards,

JING Chunning, General Manager of CNPE

Catherine CORNAND, Vice President of Framatome

FAN Kai, Deputy General Manager of CNI23

LIU Zhonghua, Deputy Director of SWIP

LU Kun, Deputy Director of ASIPP

TAI Jiang, President of CNPEU

Shinichi Ishida, Director General, Rokkasho Fusion Institute, QST

I am deeply shocked to hear of Dr. Bigot's sudden passing. I knew he was a wonderful person not only as a Director-General but also as a  human being  whenever I interacted him for ITER and Broader Approach. His passing will be great loss for fusion community.

Please accept my sincere condolences.

May he rest in peace.


Fracesco Volpe, Founder, Renaissance Fusion

Tout Renaissance Fusion pleure le décès de Bernard Bigot, un capitaine souriant, efficace, pragmatique, aux grandes capacités d'analyse et qui a tant fait pour la fusion. Aucun mot ne saurait décrire notre sentiment. Nous regrettons sincèrement la mort de ce leader charismatique. Son héritage perdurera de nombreuses années.

The whole Renaissance Fusion mourns the passing of Bernard Bigot - a lucid, smiling, quick, analytical and effective captain who has done so much for Fusion. There are no words, except that we are in pain and that a charismatic leader died, but his legacy lives on and continues, full steam ahead.

Francesco, Achilleas, Chris, Deborah, Diego, Jorge, Lorenzo, Loris, Mehdi, Nicolas, Nathaniel, Simon, Victor


Professor Ali Akbar Salehi, Former President of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Vice-President for Research and Deputy President The Academy of Sciences of IR of Iran

Dear Dr. Bigot's family,

I was deeply sad when I learned that Bernard has passed away. I would like to express my sincere condolences for his loss and also my utmost sympathy to his family and to you in particular.

We have known each other for the past few years. Bernard was highly respected by his colleagues and friends. His memory will be cherished for a long time. His foot prints in advancing Fusion Technology will remain till eternity.


Jean Daillant, Directeur Général Synchrotron SOLEIL

J'ai rencontré pour la première fois Bernard Bigot il y a 40 ans en tant qu'étudiant à l'ENS de St Cloud. Il était le chimiste qui était toujours disponible pour répondre à nos questions de physiciens.

Bernard a été l'un des deux professeurs qui m'ont suivi de loin en loin tout au long tout au long de ma carrière. Il était quelqu'un que l'on pouvait contacter et qui s'intéressait à votre problème, malgré ses fonctions toujours plus importantes.

Lorsque j'ai rejoint le synchrotron Soleil, à la création duquel il avait contribué, il était Administrateur Général du CEA, l'une des deux tutelles du synchrotron, et il a immédiatement souhaité me rencontrer pour une discussion amicale.

Il a continué jusque récemment à m'appeler occasionnellement, la dernière fois pour me proposer de contribuer aux journées Ampère, ce dont je lui suis très reconnaissant.

Cette capacité à s'interesser à des personnes avec qui il n'avait eu des liens que relativement lointains est le trait de sa personnalité qui m'aura le plus impressionné et relève pour moi des plus hautes qualités humaines.


Alvaro Garrido-Lestache, Principal Auditor, Head of the F4E audit from 2008-2016, European Court of Auditors

I had the honour of meeting Dr. Bigot at the ITER Project facilities following an invitation from the Audit Committee of the European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion (F4E). I could immediately appreciate his commitment, his leadership based on his thorough knowledge of the project, and the respect and professionalism he showed to all professionals around him. Full of gratitude for his commitment, my deepest condolences to his family.


Prof. Dr. Norbert Holtkamp, Former Principal Deputy Director-General of the ITER Organization

I worked with Dr. Bigot from my very early days in ITER when he still had the role of Haute Commissaire a l'energie atomique. The most dedicated man I ever met and always approachable to help.

I learned on Saturday that Bernard died. While I knew he was very ill, I did not expect it that soon.  

My condolences to everybody in the ITER Organization. Bernard was a great leader from the very early days of the project and certainly shined as the director in the last 7 years. He was an enjoyable discussion partner and versatile scientist. Bernard kept the connection with me after I left and we enjoyed meetings in Washington which I will very much miss. He was simply a great person with incredible integrity and energy. I feel very sorry for his family and everybody who knew him and hope people have the strength needed in these difficult times.


Thibault CARRARD, préfet au lycée Notre-Dame des Aydes à Blois (lycée où Bernard BIGOT a fait ses études)

Monsieur, en 2017, à l'occasion des 150 ans du lycée Notre-Dame des Aydes, votre lycée d'origine, vous avez fasciné par votre description d'ITER les anciens, vos camarades de classe, les familles et les jeunes présents dans l'assistance. 

Vous aviez pris le temps malgré votre emploi du temps international pour transmettre votre passion pour ce projet.

L'année d'après, vous accueilliez une délégation d'élèves à Cadarache. Nous avions traversé la France pour découvrir votre "bébé".

Depuis, tous les ans, nous faisons ce "pèlerinage". Les anciens qui ne l'ont pas fait sont heureux pour les jeunes, et les jeunes sont enthousiasmés par l'énergie du futur que vous avez contribué à mettre en place !

Pour ce projet et pour cette transmission au lycée de votre jeunesse, merci monsieur !

Nous sommes sûrs que ces visites participent à votre relève !

Merci Monsieur Bigot.

Brian Gray, past Chair of the ITER Organization's Financial Audit Board

Bernard Bigot has been the motor of the ITER project, helping to get it launched, and then directing it and the seven partners in IO with the greatest competence so that now it is well on the way to success. The Financial Audit Board annually confirmed the soundness of financial management. Thanks to him, we will one day enjoy a fusion-powered, carbon free economy.

Eric Kraus, Director of Agence ITER France

The passing of Bernard Bigot is leaving many of us feeling much like orphans. The whole AIF team would like to pay tribute to this exceptional man, whose passion for science gave him boundless energy and commitment to take nuclear energy — whether fission and fusion — to the stars. He used to say that nothing was possible without cooperation, and without sharing our knowledge and experience — especially in science and technology. This is what he liked to share with the students he had regularly met at the annual ITER Robots events.



Dr Bigot was one of the most inspiring individuals I have ever known of.

It was my privilege to meet him on several occasions and his warm intelligence, calm tenacity in the face of huge challenges, and genuine care and passion for building a better future is something I, and many others, will always remember.


Mumtaza Rizky Iswanda, Analyst at Ethis

Dear Dr. Bernard,

 Thank you for your great service to humanity.

We will keep on working towards your dream of "un monde meilleur."


Joachim Knebel, Head of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Division, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

I will remember Bernard Bigot was the strategic and scientific heart of the ITER experiment. The international and European Fusion Community lose a great and dedicated mind. And strong supporter of fusion technology.


When walking over the ITER construction site with him, I was always impressed by his devotion and his immediate presence. He knew every single component, every process and every person on site. Based on Bernard's vision, spirit and enthousiasm, ITER will continue its way to completion and success.


At the Helmholtz Association and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, we always appreciated his strong and wise pieces of advice and direct personal support.


We will miss you.


Hans Spoor, former director for finance and Budgets at ITER

With great sadness did I learn about Bernard Bigot's premature death; his kind, intelligent, sympathetic leadership, combining exemplary science, politics and management will be dearly missed; my sincerest sympathies go to his nearest family and friends.

Seong Taek (Sean) You, Chief Marketing Officer Organization, Kiswire Advanced Technologies (KAT)

Words can't express how saddened we are to hear of your loss. 

 When our top management including Kiswire group Chairman Hong visited ITER site in 2018, we still remember Director-General Bernard Bigot personally presented ITER status and plan with his strong passion and dedication to the project success.    

On behalf of all employees of Kiswire Advanced Technologies (KAT) and Kiswire group, we are deeply saddened to learn the sudden passing away of Director-General Bernard Bigot. 

We extend our sincere condolences to his family and ITER staff with profound sorrow and a heavy heart.

Hyunsoo KIM, ITER Vacuum Vessel TRO & Project Manager in the Korean Domestic Agency KODA

Dear Dr. Bigot,

Thank you for your great and strong support for the ITER vacuum vessel procurement.

My warmest tribute to the memory of the deceased.

Please rest in peace in heaven.


Mamoru Toda, Mayor of Rokkasho Village (Japan)

I was surprised and deeply saddened to learn about the passing of Director Bigot. I would like to praise his lifetime achievements and efforts in the history of the ITER project, and also pray for a peaceful rest for his soul.

Mark Johnson, Associate Director, Institut Laue Langevin 2016 - 2021

I was fortunate to visit ITER twice in 5 years, with EIROForum and ILL. On both occasions, Bernard Bigot took time to show us around. His infectious enthusiasm, energy and pragmatism in leading this monumental project were clear for all to see.

My experience of large scale research infrastructures is that they tend to evolve slowly. But from time to time highly effective leaders enable significant and sometimes essential progress - Bernard Bigot at ITER epitomised this.

José David Gomila, President of Equipos Nucleares S.A.,S.M.E. (ENSA)

From ENSA would like to share our sadness at the lose of Monseur Bernard Bigot and send our condolences to his family. For those of us who had the good fortune to know and work with him, we will remember him as an excellent professional dedicated to working for the development of energy in a great project. An inspiration to us all. Thank you for your legacy of knowledge. May you rest in peace. 

Bixiang Zhang, Chairman and Ye LIU, Director, Southwestern Institute of Physics

We are deeply shocked and grieved to hear that Dr Bernard Bigot passed away on 14 May 2022 due to illness. His passing is a tragic loss to our quest to safe, clean and limitless energy. Dr Bigot will be long remembered as a great partner and friend by us and China's fusion community.


Dr Bigot assumed office as Director-General in March 2015 at a critical point in ITER's history. Under his leadership, significant progress has been achieved in the finalization of design, manufacturing, construction, and assembly. His huge contributions and great achievements in ITER project and many scientific fields are of high value, and will benefit mankind forever. For the past years, Dr Bernard Bigot has offered us a lot of assistance and inspiration in the great projects and procurement packages like TAC1, MS, FW, and TBM, to name just a few. It is indeed a great privilege and value for us to work together with him in making headway with the ITER project and fusion development.

On this sad occasion, on behalf of Southwestern Institute of Physics, we express our profound sympathy and heartfelt condolences to his family, friends and close colleagues.

Roberto Ballabeni

Looking at a way to visit ITER, I found this sad news.

I do not know Mr Bigot but reading about his death I had my thought to all the researcher who spend their lives making a small step forward to science.

They will not see the end of the journey but they remain fundamental for it.

Thank you, Mr Bigot and thank you for your "piece of this wonderful puzzle."

Guillaume Gillet, Director "European Affairs," ENGIE

Profonde tristesse à l'annonce du décès de Bernard Bigot.

Je l'ai connu lorsque j'étais scientifique du contingent au Ministère de la Recherche à Paris.

Puis retrouvé au CEA, quand je travaillais à la défense de la candidature de Cadarache pour l'accueil d'ITER en France.

Et les relations se sont poursuivies lorsqu'il s'est agi de continuer à soutenir le projet auprès des institutions européennes à Bruxelles.

Tout le monde salue à juste titre la capacité de travail, la vivacité d'esprit, la disponibilité, l'humanité.

J'ajouterais l'intégrité, la fidélité à ses convictions.

« Un grand serviteur de l'Etat ».

Immense respect.

Dietsmann Management and teams

It is with great sorrow that we have received the sad news regarding the sudden passing away of Dr. Bernard Bigot.

On behalf of Dietsmann's Management and teams, we would like to extend our deepest condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.

Our hearts are saddened by your loss, and our thoughts are with you

Maria Teresa Dominguez, Advanced Projects Director, Empresarios Agrupados Internacional, S.A.

It was a shock the news on Bernard Bigot passed away.

We had the privilege of having several meetings face-to-face with Dr. Bigot allowing us to realise the exceptional humanity combined with excellent skills and management capabilities.

He was an example of dedication and leadership, playing a crucial role in ITER project.

We send our condolences to the ITER Council, the ITER Team and Dr. Bigot's family.

Francois Genevey, Director, Daher Technologies

Dear Bernard since the early days you took over this position of DG for Iter, you have shown for our global logistics activity a real and deep interest, sustaining our efforts by your encouragement and your personal commitment.

So did you for the entire activity of the project, thus creating incredulity and admiration by those who had a chance to work with you.

Your capacity of discernment coupled with your decision-making ability helped the project to move faster towards success.

We shall miss these qualities as well as your deep humanity.

May you rest in peace.

Pr. Frédéric Fotiadu, Directeur, INSA Lyon

J'ai appris avec beaucoup de tristesse la disparition de Bernard Bigot.

La communauté scientifique française et internationale perd l'un de ses plus éminents représentants.

A titre personnel, j'ai eu l'opportunité de rencontrer Bernard Bigot à plusieurs reprises dans le cadre des responsabilités que j'ai exercées à la direction d'écoles d'ingénieurs.

J'ai toujours été très sensible à la pertinence de ses analyses et admiratif de sa brillante carrière.

Acteur majeur du rayonnement de la France sur la scène internationale, à travers le programme ITER notamment, Bernard Bigot a également toujours cultivé une proximité territoriale pour soutenir et accompagner la transformation de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche en France.

Je garde le souvenir d'un homme visionnaire, empathique, doté d'une très grande ouverture d'esprit. Au nom de la communauté INSA, je tiens à adresser à sa famille et à ses proches, mes plus sincères condoléances.

Volker Naulin, EUROfusion Head of Fusion Science Department

It is with great sadness to see the passing away of a such dedicated man, who took time also for the small things. A great loss to the community. Sincere condolences to Dr. Bigot's family.   

Dr. Richard Garrett, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

I was shocked and saddened to hear that we have lost Dr Bigot. He was hugely supportive and welcoming of Australia's involvement with ITER, despite us not being a member nation. Anyone who had the good fortune to hear Bernard present on ITER, or better still lead a tour group around the site, realised both his boundless enthusiasm for ITER and fusion, and his enormous, detailed knowledge of every aspect of the project. His passing is a huge loss for ITER and the whole fusion research community. Personally, and on behalf of ANSTO, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to Bernard's family and his colleagues at ITER.

Dr. Emmanuel Joffrin, EUROfusion task Force Leader for tokamak exploitation, CEA Cadarache

The print of Bernard Bigot on the development of fusion will be felt for years to come. He has managed to make ITER a reality and motivate the new generations to join this adventure that he passionately served. 

Bernard Dormy, ancien chef de service au ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, ancien président du TREF du CERN et des comités administratifs et financiers de FAIR et d'ESS

J'ai eu la chance de travailler à deux reprises avec Bernard Bigot, en devenant son adjoint à la Mission scientifique et technique du ministère en 1995, puis en profitant de l'opportunité d'une seconde carrière dans des comités d'organisations internationales de recherche qu'il m'a offerte lorsqu'il a rejoint la rue Descartes comme directeur de cabinet.

Bernard avait une puissance de travail devenue légendaire.

Il montrait aussi un soutien sans failles à ceux qui lui avaient manifesté leur fidélité, ce qui n'est hélas pas toujours la règle dans un ministère.

Un homme de convictions, au premier rang desquelles l'on trouvait la tolérance et l'ouverture d'esprit.

Il aura marqué beaucoup des fonctionnaires du ministère.

Alex MARTIN, VV Section Leader, ITER Organization

Dear Bernard,

I was moved to hear that you smiled when the first module was lowered into the pit. 

We continue the work.

Rest in peace


Charles Greenfield, Director, U.S. Burning Plasma Organization

Dr. Bigot's passing is a tremendous loss to the worldwide fusion effort. He came to fusion late in his extraordinary career, but his impact during his seven years leading the ITER project cannot be underestimated.

ITER's advanced stage of construction and assembly is a tribute to his leadership, skill, and determination.

He will be sorely missed, but I'm optimistic that the organization he built will follow through and bring his vision and ours to fruition. 

I had opportunities to interact with Dr. Bigot and found him a remarkable man, capable of guiding this enormous project but able to discuss and explain even the smallest details.

My deepest condolences go to his family and friends and all who worked closely with him.

Dr. Peter Schroth, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, German Delegate to the F4E Governing Board

I first met Bernard Bigot in Paris around 2005, shortly after starting my job at the German Ministry of Education and Research.

As a young officer, I soon learned that he was one of the key figures in international cooperation in basic science, especially involving large-scale research infrastructures.

He has always been promoting the French-German scientific cooperation. After joining ITER as Director-General, he obviously did a tremendous job in a very complex environment, steering the ITER project successfully through difficult times.

The whole scientific community and especially the fusion community owe him a lot. He is already being missed.

My condolences go to his family.


David Campbell, formerly Director for Science and Operations, ITER Organization

I learned of Bernard's death with great sadness.

The ITER project and the international fusion community have lost a remarkable leader who contributed enormously to the progress towards the realization of fusion energy.

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to become a member of his management team when he took up the leadership of the ITER Organization in March 2015, at what was probably the most difficult point in the project's history.

However, he set about reorganizing the project with great vigour and vision while re-establishing the morale of the project team and revitalizing its efforts towards the realization of the project's goals. While no one doubted the magnitude of the task that still lay ahead, Bernard's energy and clear-sighted leadership rapidly generated confidence that the construction of the ITER facility would be completed and that an exciting fusion research program lay ahead.

During the 3 years that I was able to work closely with Bernard before my retirement, I enjoyed an excellent and productive working relationship with him, and I was impressed by his understanding of the key technical and scientific (as well as political!) challenges that the project needed to address to ensure success.

Due to this understanding and to his energetic determination to resolve these challenges, not only has the construction of the project progressed impressively, but the preparations for operation and for the implementation of the ITER research program stand on much firmer foundations than prior to his appointment.

The untimely loss of Bernard's leadership at ITER and within the fusion community is a significant blow to us all. However, the progress made in the past 7 years under his responsibility has provided certainty that the ambitious goals of the project will be achieved — in this respect he has left an indelible legacy to the ITER project and to fusion research.

That he achieved so much during his tenure at ITER, despite his recent serious illness and despite the unexpected challenges presented by Covid-19 pandemic, is a profound illustration of his character and abilities.

I would like to offer my deepest condolences to Bernard's family, friends and colleagues on his passing.

ITER Staff Commitee

On behalf of the ITER Staff, the Staff Committee would like to honor the contribution, dedication and commitment of DG Dr Bernard Bigot to our common Project.

We will all remember him as a charismatic leader who dedicated all his effort and passion to our Project. 

His absence is a great loss to ITER and to the world fusion community.

Our thoughts go to his family in this difficult moment.

Sarthak Sharma, Graduate Assistant, Florida State University

Thank you for your work.

Laurence Piketty, Administrateur Général Adjoint du CEA

Cher Bernard,

Quelle triste nouvelle.

Je voulais rendre hommage à ton engagement sans faille, ton énergie, ton optimisme, mis au service d'enjeux nationaux et de grands projets.

J'ai beaucoup appris à tes côtés au CEA, je t'ai vu œuvré avec force, toujours dans l'intérêt général.

Je garderai de toi l'image d'un grand scientifique, inspirant, toujours disponible et d'un enthousiasme communicatif. 

Toutes mes condoléances à ta famille et à tes proches.


Anne-Sophie Defay, Directrice des Affaires publiques (GIFEN)

Quelle triste nouvelle d'apprendre le décès de Bernard Bigot.

Nous perdons un homme extraordinaire. 

Fédérateur et grand scientifique à l'humilité sans pareille, la réalisation d'ITER est à l'image de son œuvre. Son dernier grand projet international sera un marqueur pour l'évolution de l'humanité dans la gestion des ressources de notre planète.

C'est aussi la preuve que des pays ayant des intérêts divergents dans certains domaines sont à même de se retrouver pour défendre une cause commune : se doter d'une source d'énergie inépuisable.

Quelle chance d'avoir pu collaborer à ses côtés pour distinguer des projets industriels innovants à l'occasion de WNE. 

Toutes mes pensées sont tournées vers sa famille et son équipe à laquelle je tiens à exprimer mes plus sincères condoléances. 

Paix à son âme.

Mikhail Kovalchuk, President NRC "Kurchatov Institute" and Evgeny Velikhov, Honorary President NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

It is with sorrow that we learnt about passing away of Dr. Bernard Bigot, Director-General of the ITER Organization. 

In remembering Dr. Bernard Bigot today, we note his outstanding role in the development of cooperation between France and Russia in the field of nuclear energy when he served as the head of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission.  His talent has become particularly visible in recent years in ITER organization.

His contribution to the development of ITER project is enormous indeed. His profound personality, enthusiasm, hardworking capability will be memorable for everyone who had a privilege to work with Dr. Bernard Bigot. 

We are all grieve over severe loss overtaking us and express our deep sympathy to his colleagues, near relations and friends.

Prof. Mateo Valero, director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), and Dr. Josep M. Martorell, Associate Director of BSC

It is with the deepest sadness that we here at Barcelona Supercomputing Center have learned about the passing of ITER Director General Bernard Bigot.

We would like to express our sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues at the ITER Organization at this tremendous loss.

Our paths crossed with Dr Bigot for the first time back in 2015 when he joined the ITER project as new Director General, and our two organizations established first contact. We will always remember his kind address with well wishes at our Center's 10th anniversary in spring 2015, stressing the importance of High Performance Computing to advance fusion science and development.

As a visionary leader of the ITER project, he leaves behind a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come. Let his light guide our steps to make fusion energy a reality for a better world.

Jean-Eric Paquet, Director-General, European Commission

J'ai appris avec une grande tristesse le décès de Bernard Bigot samedi dernier.

Pendant plus de sept années, Bernard a dirigé avec détermination, intelligence et maestria l'ambitieux projet international ITER dont l'Europe est un acteur-clé.

J'avais une grande admiration pour Bernard, pour l'homme et le bâtisseur qu'il était. Scientifique de haut vol et grand commis de l'État, Bernard aura travaillé jusqu'à son dernier souffle pour faire avancer la recherche sur la fusion.

Toutes mes condoléances à sa famille, à ses proches, à la communauté de la fusion et à tout le personnel d'ITER qui perd un de ses pères fondateurs.

Dr. Nicolas Pilet, DECTRIS

We express our sincere condolences to Dr. Bernard Bigot's family, friends, and colleagues at the ITER organization. 

We are sorry for your loss and the loss for the plasma fusion community.

Yu Jianfeng, Chairman China National Nuclear Corporation, China

Learning with great sorrow the passing of Dr. Bernard Bigot, Director General of ITER Organization, on behalf of CNNC and in my own name, I would like to extend my heartfelt condolences to you and the ITER Organization. Dr. Bigot's passing is not only a great loss of a great leader in ITER Organization, but also a tragic loss to the world's nuclear fusion technology and nuclear industry.

Every colleague of CNNC worked in ITER project and I myself will never forget Dr. Bigot's contribution to nuclear fusion technology, as well as his support and help to CNNC. When we first met in March 20l9, I was deeply impressed and inspired by his professional perspectives and boundless enthusiasm in fusion development and ITER Organization. The second time I met him was at the Signing Ceremony of TAC1, when CNNC had become part of the ITER family. We could always get support from Dr. Bigot whenever we had challenges in TAC1 Project. In 2021, CNNC TAC1 team overcame the most challenging difficulty and successfully completed the milestone of PIT. Without the strong support and remarkable leadership of Dr. Bigot, we could not have achieved this goal.

CNNC is honoured to be part of ITER, one of the most influential and huge international science and technology project in the world. I value the cooperation with ITER and would join hands with you and ITER Organization, to further the unfinished cause of Dr Bigot and to make the ITER project a great success.

Please accept our sincere condolences to the loss of Dr. Bigot and help to transmit to his family our heartfelt condolences.


David FRABOULET, Scientific Director, head of DGRI-A3 department, MESRI, France

Mr Bernard Bigot came into my life as a school manager at ENS Lyon.

As a representative of the students at that time, I dealt many issues that revealed each time the level of his commitment to the general good.

It showed how respectful he could be to others.His vision was clearly above minor limitations.

An anecdote among others exemplifies all this : when we went to humbly to ask him for a piano for the pianists in this newly built school, we feared his response.

What a surprise when he replied that he instructed us to choose for him a piano « in keeping with the prestige of the school », regardless of its price.

This says a lot about this truly exceptional man, whom I had the opportunity to cross paths with many times afterwards at CEA.

A man totally respected and appreciated.

Rarely is it impossible to replace a man, states the popular saying, however some are much more than others, and Bernard Bigot is definitively part of.

This popular saying is meanlingless to his familly and close friends.

That is why I want to convey to you personally my deep sorrow and support.

If Bernard was a world for you, the numerous testimonials to which I really wanted to add mine, show the level of esteem he had around him.

Michael Kitchen

To me, the most impressive aspect of the DG was his ability to bring together those of vastly differing agendas. 

Leadership of people who have been sent to accomplish a task a certain specified way, crediting their funders, university, national lab or even a specific political party, to me would be an unthinkable task.

To accomplish all he did, and maintain the respect of all the 'pieces of the puzzle' themselves, is deserving of the highest praise of all.

I will use the sadness at his passing and redirect it to preserving the memory of his work as well as the blessing of his skills.

My condolences to his family and innumerable friends and associates.


Laurent Patisson, Group Leader Civil Structures & Architecture, ITER Organization

Dear Bernard Bigot

I am very grateful for all the supports and encouragements you provided to our Team.

You always took the necessary time to listen carefully, analyse finely and then to provide the Cap to follow.  

I think the best way to pay tribute to you is to continue the path you have traced for the Project and this with the same enthusiasm and determination you had.

Thank you.

Denis Marty, Physicien des plasmas de l'équipe du Tokamak de Fontenay-aux-Roses, membre du projet JET à Culham (UK), ancien directeur au CEA.

Cher Bernard, ta disparition m'a profondément attristé ; je t'imaginais, indestructible, poursuivant ta tâche jusqu'au premier plasma d'Iter.

Directeur des programmes du CEA au début des années 2000, j'ai apprécié ton soutien de Haut-commissaire à l'énergie atomique lorsque la situation l'exigeait ; notamment lors des Conseils scientifiques du CEA, des préparations des Comités de l'énergie atomique ou des séances de sélections des doctorants.

Retraité, puis consultant scientifique pour des entreprises impliquées dans Iter, je fus impressionné par ta capacité à remettre le projet sur les rails alors que celui-ci semblait dériver.

Je garde de toi la mémoire d'un type sympa, direct, intello et pourtant les pieds sur Terre.

Que ta vie éternelle soit bienheureuse.


Yuri Olenin, Deputy Director General for Science and Strategy, ROSATOM

My deepest condolences go to the colleagues, family and all those who knew and respected the late Dr. Bernard Bigot - a uniquely talented and versatile person who made an invaluable contribution to the development of nuclear science.

I had the privilege of being personally acquainted with Dr. Bigot. He was a brilliant man and a true professional who dedicated many years of his life to fusion research. Dr. Bigot's contribution to the ITER project's success is immeasurable. It was his hard work and endless devotion to the cause that brought humankind a step closer to unraveling the mystery of the energy of the Sun.

During his years as director general of CEA, Bernard Bigot played a crucial role in the development of close and fruitful Franco-Russian scientific and technical cooperation on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

May he rest in peace.

Heinz Heidl, Section Leader, ITER Organization

I was deeply shocked by the very sad news of Bernard Bigot's death.

It was your tireless commitment, your enthusiasm for the Fusion and the ITER project in particular that always motivated me to contribute with everything possible to successfully advance the project.

Thanks to you, the project is today on its way to completion.

My deepest sympathy goes to Dr. Bigot's family.


Chang ho Choi, ITER Organization

Dear Mr. Bigot, my DG

What I can say except to miss you.

I will follow your instruction for the project.

I will meet you in next life in the heaven.


Kazuo Yamagata, President of A.L.M.T. Corp., Japan

We would like to express our deepest sympathy on the passing of Director General Mr. Bernard Bigot.

We greatly appreciate his great global leadership of the ITER project, and we are proud to have been one of his business partners.

May he find comfort and peace.


Haresh Pathak, Former Project Manager, ITER In-Wall Shielding, ITER-India, IPR

It is extremely sad and shocking to learn passing away of Dr. Bernard Bigot. Dr. Bigot was a great leader who had clear vision and path forward to achieve the ultimate goal of ITER, deliver Fusion Power. Passing away of Dr. Bigot is a huge loss to fusion community in general and to ITER in specific. I had few opportunities to interact with Dr. Bigot during online meetings on ITER In-Wall Shielding project. I also had an opportunity to meet Dr. Bigot in person during his visit to India in August 2016. His kind and humanitarian approach while interacting with root level members of IWS team touched everyone on the floor. I pray almighty God to rest his soul in peace.

Masanori Koguchi, President, Japan Atomic Energy Agency

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) would like to hereby convey its deepest condolences on the passing of Dr. Bernard Bigot, Director-General of the ITER Organization. Dr. Bigot had been one of the strongest advocates for nuclear R&D throughout his career. With the loss of Dr. Bigot, we cannot overstate our huge appreciation for his unrivaled contributions to the peaceful use of nuclear energy at ITER as well as Administrator General of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) with which JAEA has maintained a long history of partnership. We highly appreciate he played a leadership role to promote bilateral nuclear cooperation between France and Japan, and was a longstanding friend and supporter for our Agency and its activities. JAEA also would like to extend its sincere condolences to his family and colleagues of the ITER Organization.

 Please allow us to take this opportunity to wish you a success on the ITER project, which is extremely important for the future of nuclear energy.

Soon Chul Yun, Chief Project Officer, VITZROTECH

It is big shock and great sadness to hear the news that Dr. Bernard Bigot has passed away, it's hard to express our profound sorrow in words. I am writing you to express, on Behalf of Vitzrotech Co. Ltd, our deep condolences to his family and to ITER.

This is a big loss not only for ITER, but also the ITER family, and to the world of Fusion Community.

A great leader with great Intelligence and warmth, Dr. Bigot will be always missed and remembered. May his soul rest in Peace.

Takashi Yanagi, Senior Deputy Minister of MEXT in Japan

The announcement of the Director-General of the ITER Organization, Dr. Bernard Bigot's passing away was received with great sorrow in our community in Japan. He had led the ITER project strongly as the DG for seven years and his great leadership made the facility be more than 75% complete toward First Plasma. I was always impressed by his strong will power and enthusiasm every time I exchanged words with him.

The progression of the ITER has given people a future vision for the hydrogen fusion energy, and the same is true in Japan. The development of the project led by DG Bigot is so splendid that the Prime Minister Kishida declared that Japan would find direction for hydrogen fusion as a viable carbon -free energy resource.

We, including all JADA Members, feel honored to have had the opportunity to work with him.

Please convey my sincerest condolences to his family and all at ITER Organization.

Laure Béjannin, Directrice de l'Ecole Internationale de Manosque

Cher Bernard, Je me souviens de l'accueil souriant que vous m'avez réservé à mon arrivée à Manosque, du temps que vous avez pris pour me faire découvrir ITER et de votre enthousiasme communicatif. Vous m'avez fait sentir que par mon travail à l'Ecole, j'apportais ma pierre à l'édifice dont vous assuriez la construction. Votre soutien constant à nos projets a été très important pour toute la communauté scolaire, à qui vous avez inspiré tant de respect et d'admiration. Vous restez un modèle de réussite pour nos jeunes. Et un souvenir lumineux dans ma mémoire.


Ming Zhang, Former Ambassador and Head of Chinese Mission to the European Union, Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

It is with deep sadness and sorrow that I learned of the sudden passing of ITER Organization Director-General Dr. Bernard Bigot.

Dr. Bigot is a specialist in nuclear physics. I was deeply impressed by his enthusiasm, passion, vision and leadership. Ever since he assumed office as Director-General, ITER has made enormous progress in science and engineering. Dr. Bigot has been committed to international collaboration in fusion energy. It is an area where China and the European Union worked closely and produced fruitful results. His passing is a tragic loss both to the ITER Organization and to the global fusion community.

I send my deepest condolences to the ITER Council and to Dr. Bigot's family. As an old and dear friend, Dr. Bigot will be remembered and missed. 

Robert Jober, Section Leader, IT, ITER Organization

Dear Bernard,

 It is painful to hear you left this world and the ITER project. I will always remember you as hardworking, just and efficient leader. Rest peacefully, knowing that your legacy is going to be fulfilled, by all of us whom you left behind to complete the ITER machine.




A great man has left us. Science was part of his life and he gave a lot for the development of science in the world participating to many actions. The ITER project was his last challenge. Everyone working on this huge project will remember him. We will remember his support and his commitment for his last challenge on ITER Project. As he liked to say every time "Failure is not an option".

Added to this, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and condolences to this family. Rest in Peace Mister Bigot !!!

Peter Brenier, Group Leader Cooling Mechanical & Welding Section, ITER Organization

Monsieur Bigot,

Je me suis toujours étonné de votre capacité d'analyse fine et rapide, de votre leadership sincère et de votre dévouement sans limite. Votre présence a marqué les esprits comme votre empreinte matérielle et immatérielle. Aujourd'hui avec humilité vous nous auriez remerciés pour ces accomplissements et réussites. Demain avec conviction, je vous remercierai pour cette inspiration.

Mes pensées pour vos proches et votre famille.

Carles Dedeu, Deputy Head of the ITER Unit, DG ENER, European Commission

"Dr Bigot was a visionary that pushed forward the development of fusion energy. Full of enthusiasm and perseverance to overcome the many challenges ITER faced. A worldwide recognised researcher and humanist that wished fusion energy to become a reality for mankind. This is a big loss for the international research family."

Serge Paidassi, Former Head of the ITER Unit, European Commission

Friend, School, Work
Dear Bernard,

I was shocked and very sad to learn that you passed away that early.

I have the honour to have known you from my early days as young student arriving at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (then at Saint Cloud), when you had just succeeded in the Agregation and started as an assistant professor, guiding us in the chemistry curriculum and laboratory at the school. Already at that time I was surprised by your extraordinary enthusiasm and commitment at work. You were a tremendous example for all of us, your students at the school.

Again our paths met when I was in charge of fusion activities in the European Commission while you became Head of Cabinet of Claudie Haigneré, immediately showing an interest for the ITER project, interest that never faded all along your following career as Haut Commissaire and Administrateur General of CEA. I remember that period when the ITER project was still in limbo during its early stages, with chaos in the organisation and too many political inferences, and of our regular working interactions to help establishing a sound framework and support at the EU level. As responsible for the ITER Unit in the European Commission, I still remember trying to convince you of what a breakthrough it would be if you could take the leadership of the ITER project. That great decision was finally achieved by the ITER Parties when you became available and they understood that you were the only person capable to put back ITER on the right track, as you masterfully demonstrated later on during your two terms as ITER Director General.

Bernard, I have always been puzzled by your incredible work dedication and availability, personally reading all your emails even during the night and providing immediate answers. Your passing away being still the Director General of the ITER project is its ultimate demonstration.  But I cannot also forget your human qualities, e.g. as Director of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon when you were so attentive to the curriculum of every of your students, as your family.

Bernard, you can now take a rest in peace. All my condolences to your family and friends, you will be missed.

J. Stephen Binkley, Principal Deputy Director, U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

On behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy and the Office of Science, I would like to extend our sincere condolences to Director General Bernard Bigot's family, friends, and colleagues. We are thankful for Director General Bigot's time as leader of the ITER Project and for his work to improve our future through reduced climate effects of energy production.

Bernard Bigot agreed to become the leader of ITER in March of 2015 at a time of great uncertainty for the project. Under his leadership, the project turned around to the point that the U.S. is now confident of achieving First Plasma well before the end of this decade, despite the difficulties of delivering a first-of-a-kind experimental fusion reactor and the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Department of Energy and the Office of Science will remember Director General Bernard Bigot as a gentleman, a colleague, and a good friend. We will miss his presence and leadership, but his legacy will live on in ITER.

Dr. Alf Köhn-Seemann, Uni Stuttgart

"Like many others, I've always been deeply impressed by Dr.Bernard Bigot's passion and motivation I was privileged to experience in person a few times. He was indeed an inspiration, not only for the field of fusion.

Thank you, rest in peace."

Gabriella Saibene, Programme Manager, Plasma engineering and Operation, F4E

I am very sorry for the death of M Bigot, especially for his family and friends that were near to him until the end. The commitment, passion and determination of M Bigot were legendary in the Project, and he will not be forgotten any time soon.

Denis Trottier, Trade Commissioner, Embassy of Canada to France

Bernard Bigot was a genuine gentleman with a big and loving heart for the earth and humankind.

Ujjwal Baruah, Project Director, ITER-India

The news of passing away of Dr Bernard Bigot came as a shock to all of us working with him for over seven years to realize the common dream of ITER. Dr Bigot was gentle yet determined, and a visionary with unending energy to discuss and resolve problems amicably keeping ITER's interests on top. He will be missed in the years to come as a true leader who had prioritized work over health to ensure that ITER makes progress. The sapling he planted has taken deep root now, we assure him of making ITER a success.

We at ITER India express our heartfelt condolences to his family and colleagues. 

Shinzaburo Matsuda, Former Director for Fusion, JAEA

Dear Bigot-san

I was strongly shocked by the news of your sudden death.

You have taught us quite a lot how the leader should be, by your full body actual behavior. You communicate with any people who wish to contribute to ITER, and they were all encouraged by your advice.

I know him when he was a member of the ITER Council. He thinks more of ITER than of Party's interest. A little later, he accepted the offer of the ITER Council, a position of the ITER Director.  I thought it was the best choice of the ITER Council.

In spite of his high position, and under his very busy time, he was always tried to understand what was the real issue through his direct eyes at the site and communications with the local people and tried to find a best solution.

Under a good leader, a lot of excellent persons were attracted to work with him. So, whenever, ITER difficulty took place, I was still relaxed because Bigot-san is ITER leader.

As many people noted, his soul, his way of consideration, way of  management have impressed so many people, I believe they, successors would help each other and accomplish ITER object sharing dream with Bigot-san.

Finally I wish to express my most sincere condolences to Bigot-san's family and all the fusion people.

Bob Mumgaard, CEO Commonwealth Fusion Systems

ITER is a reason I got into fusion and Dr Bigot saved it. The field is forever in gratitude to his steady leadership and dogged course corrections for such a large ship in its greatest time of need.  We wouldn't have the exciting, vibrant, enthusiastic, and growing fusion community we have now without his dedication to the largest and most visible project in our collective endeavour. 

Víctor Saez, Group Leader Market Analysis Group, Fusion for Energy

"Dear Bernard,

Your enthusiasm and commitment was the fuel that moves the ITER project.

We just should follow in your footsteps to make it happen. Let us hope that we can live up to that to honor your sacrifice."

Toshio Kodama, Former President, JAEA

I am saddened by the passing of Dr. Bigot.

I was impressed by his deep insight and broad perspective when I met him on several occasions.

Especially I highly respect the leadership he had shown as the head of the ITER Organization for the last seven years.

Dr. Bigot, please rest in peace.

Beomseo Park, Executive Senior VP of Nuclear Division, KEPCO E&C

I was extremely shocked to hear of the tragic pass away of Dr. Bernard Bigot. With my staff, I was very saddened to lose a big shiny star to lead the Fusion Energy which will be realized soon. You always treated us considerately and generously whenever you greeted us in your office. In particular, I recall you brought and showed me a KF94 mask for COVID protection, as a thankful token, which we donated in early COVID pandemic era when the masks were rare.

We will always remember you as a human being with full of energy, passion and warmth.    

On behalf of KEPCO E&C staff, I express my sincere condolences and deepest sympathy to your loved family and ITER Community.

Sung-Arm Kim, President and CEO, KEPCO E&C

It is with great sorrow that we have received the sad news of the sudden and untimely passing of Dr. Bernard Bigot, Director-General of ITER. 

We know how much he meant to ITER Organization as an inspirational and visionary leader. He had led ITER Organization for seven years successfully and contributed greatly to the progress of ITER project. With memorializing his willingness and dedication to fusion energy, I promise that KEPCO E&C will make a full commitment to ITER's success.

Representing all employees of KEPCO E&C, I would like to express my most sincere condolences to his family and all colleagues.

Christian Luenig, Photographer

On several occasions during the years of his work, I felt an enormous expertise combined with a natural friendliness towards everyone.

He was the motor and heart of this historic project. His energy for the tireless, daily commitment to ITER seemed to me to be infinite. Unfortunately, it was not.

Very many people are full of sadness now. 

In his memory, they will continue this very important work in his spirit.

This is his legacy. 

Ken Libens, Project Officer, F4E

Thank you Dr. Bigot for your relentless drive to transform this project from dream into reality.

You will be missed.

Stéphane Aubarbier, COO Assystem


 Je suis aujourd'hui bien triste que vous nous ayez quitté.

J'ai pû apprécier depuis 15 ans votre engagement dans notre industrie, et bien sûr particulièrement pour qu'ITER soit un succès. Au delà de votre exigence envers vous comme envers les autres, vos qualités humaines faisaient la différence.

Vous laissez un grand vide.

Il est temps de vous reposer à présent, vous qui l'avez si peu fait.


Xabier RUIZ Morin, Nuclear Services Director, IDOM Consulting, Engineering and Architecture, S.A.U.

The Board of Directors and all personnel of IDOM, especially those involved in the ITER project, express their sorrow for the loss of Dr. Bernard Bigot, a leader who has helped pave the way towards the dream of a clean and unlimited source of energy. The best way to honour his memory will be to keep on giving the best of ourselves for fulfilling this dream. We are close to his family and the entire ITER community in these difficult moments.

Raymond Monk, F4E

I was very sad to learn of the passing of Bernard Bigot last weekend.

This is a tremendous loss for the fusion community, his colleagues, friends and above-all his family.

I had the pleasure to know Bernard since 2006 when the European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy, was being established.

He was a founding member of our Governing Board and was always very supportive and constructive.

Above all, he was very respectful towards me and my colleagues and somehow found the time to respond to emails at any time of the day or night.

Bernard was clearly a man with a great sense of public duty and was totally committed to the mission of ITER.

My deepest sympathy and condolences to his friends and family.

Merci Bernard!

Yannick Paris, CEO LPME and F4E PCC Member

Bernard BIGOT nous a montré à quelle point l'investissement d'un homme au service de l'intérêt général pouvait contribuer au progrès de notre société.

Merci pour ce parcours remarquable et inspirant.

Minh Quang Tran, Former Director of Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Former Member and Vice Chair of ITER STAC.

I was completely overwhelmed by learning the passing away of Bernard Bigot.

I had the opportunity to appreciate the energy and vision of Bernard when I had the privilege to work in various European Committees.

Under his leadership, the ITER construction made tremendous advancement.

I find no words to express my sadness: the International fusion programme has lost one of its principal actor.

I have lost a personal friend.

His vision for fusion will continue to guide all of us for the progress of this energy source, which the world is needing.


Dr. Bigot,

When I started working at ITER in 2007, I saw how your enthusiasm and commitment to the project sparked a revitalized vibrancy.

A friendly individual who was eager to listen and not hesitant to give clear direction for driving this incredible initiative was appreciated and beneficial. You represent the ITER interests in front of the representatives of the seven different political parties involved in the debate.

I am sure you will be proud when we turn on the tokamak and confirm that all objectives are met.

Your family and friends have my sympathies. Relax your mind.


"I came to know Bernard Bigot shortly after the end of my PhD thesis, in very unexpected circumstances. I was just a freshly graduated post-doc, as far as one could have been from the level of responsibilities of Dr. Bigot. Yet he did not hesitate to help me out of a very delicate situation and offered me his support. More than ten years later, I still remember his reactivity, patience, understanding, kindness and above all, his dedication to scientific integrity. I realize today with sadness that I never had the opportunity to thank him in person.

Bernard Bigot will be greatly missed by the fusion community and it pains me that he will not see ITER's first plasma. Yet I am sure his achievements for the development of fusion energy will be remembered by all. Continuing his work and making fusion a reality in the coming years is now the best way for us to honor his memory."

Rubén Moreno Zubelzu, ENSA

Dear Bernard,

Although we have just met for a little time, it has been enough to feel your strong commitment and passion for your valuable work.

We are very sad to lose you, and your leadership in this magnificent project that you have greatly supported with your efforts.

You have created a working atmosphere between colleagues with a common objective, instead of just different companies with their own business.

We will keep working hard in order to honour your memory.

Rest in peace and help us from heaven to bring into earth the power of the sun.


Rich Hawryluk, Former Deputy Director of PPPL and Former ITER Deputy Director General for Administration

It is with great sadness that I learned that Bernard Bigot is no longer with us.  

I had the pleasure of working with Bernard both on issues related to ITER as well as other energy topics.  His dedication to the ITER Project is legendary.  He found technical and programmatic solutions to move the Project forward.  Under his leadership, the Project made great strides.  He will be missed not only by the ITER community but also by the broader technical community.  

My deepest condolences to his family and friends during this very sad time.

Rafael Triviño, Senior Vice President & MD at Equipos Nucleares (ENSA)

It is with great regret I knew that we do not have the opportunity to meet again Mr. Bigot, a true gentleman who always aimed to fulfill his duty. Our utmost privilege to have the opportunity to attend several meetings Chaired by him. I personally enjoyed valuable moments with him and his wife. A fruitful life that will remain in our memory.

Akko Maas, ITER Organization

Thank you Bernard, rest in peace.

Weston Stacey, Emeritus Prof of Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

I am saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Bernard Bigot, who has ably directed the ITER Project forward over these past years to the threshold of fusion power production. He will live on in the contribution of ITER to the world's clean energy future. 

Raphaël Valtot, Hot Cells Deputy Project Leader, ITER Organization

I am deeply sad to have lost a huge mentor. I remember so well our first discussion fifteen years ago. You were so humble in front of the young engineer I was. I was so impressed by your scientific vision and the height of your says. To remember the first discussion with someone is rare except when the person is exceptional. My sorrow is as high as the proud and the chance I had to work for you. Thank you Bernard for your confidence and for the values you taught to all of us.

Erol Gelenbe, Fellow Colleague at the French National Academy of Technologies (Fellow of NATF)

It is with profound sadness and shock that I learn today about our great loss of Bernard Bigot, an eminent colleague and newly elected Fellow of NATF. His great contributions and lasting to the French and International scientific and engineering communities will remain with us and his name will be forever associated with the ITER project that he brilliantly launched and provided leadership from start to well beyond the half-way mark. I present to his family my sincere and warmest condoleances, knowing that they will remember him with pride, as we will always remember him with gratitude. 

Hiroshi Shirai, Former Project Leader of Satellite Tokamak Programme, QST

I am terribly sorry to hear that Dr. Bigot has suddenly passed away like this.

He has always worked very hard than nobody can do. He was always passionate and sincere about his work, not only for the ITER Project but also for the Broader Approach activities and for any kind of fusion related events no matter how busy he was.

It is terribly sad thing that the principal character for the achievement of ITER first plasma has become unable to witness it by his own eyes. But I am sure that his ardent and tireless spirit of going forward toward the realization of nuclear fusion will be carried on by his successors.

I am really proud that I had an opportunity to work with Dr. Bigot for the past 15 years in many scenes.

I would like to offer my deepest sympathies to his beloved family.


A bright, enthusiastic, inspiring and highly knowledgeable Colleague has gone.

We will remember his endless energy, kindness, discipline and absolutely sparking optimism.

ITER will be built.

On behalf of the Plant Construction Department (PLD), ITER Organization

Cher Bernard,

En ce jour d'infinie tristesse, nous tenons à vous remercier d'avoir été une source d'inspiration pour nous tous.

Votre volonté sans faille afin de faire progresser le projet ITER était exemplaire et admirable à tous égards.

Nous vous remercions d'avoir toujours été à l'écoute, d'avoir encouragé les prises d'initiatives, et de les avoir soutenues.

Nous garderons assurément de vous le souvenir d'un leader possédant une extraordinaire empathie. Vous étiez aussi capable de transmettre réellement votre vision et votre grand enthousiasme.

Votre inépuisable ardeur à la tâche continuera longtemps à nous guider, et votre souvenir saura nous aider à franchir les différentes étapes jusqu'à la maîtrise de la fusion nucléaire pour une production d'énergie sûre et décarbonnée.

Nous retiendrons aussi l'attention que vous avez toujours su porter aux différentes demandes de chacun, ainsi qu'au temps que vous étiez capable de dédier aux autres, afin de formuler une réponse ou un conseil toujours fort utile.

Jusqu'aux derniers instants, vous étiez à nos côtés afin de prendre les bonnes décisions et nous aider à emprunter le meilleur chemin.

Vous resterez toujours dans nos esprits et dans nos coeurs. Nous nous efforcerons de faire vivre votre souvenir à travers l'accomplissement et la réussite du projet ITER qui vous passionnait et pour lequel vous vous êtes tant investi. Tout le Département PLD vous parle comme si vous étiez encore avec nous, et vous resterez avec nous jusqu'au premier plasma et au-delà, car vous nous avez demandé d'être disponibles en décembre 2025 pour cette célébration. Nous gardons cela à l'esprit et chacun d'entre nous travaille pour cette réalisation.

Au nom du Département PLD, nous adressons nos condoléances les plus sincères à toute votre famille ainsi qu'à vos amis.

Dr. Anantha Krishnan, Senior Vice President; Dr. Wayne Solomon, Vice President for Magnetic Fusion Energy; and John Smith, Senior Director of Engineering and Projects, General Atomics Energy Group

Dr. Bigot was a visionary leader, who dedicated his life to the pursuit of clean energy for all humankind.

Under his steady leadership as Director-General, the ITER Organization was transformed, and the world witnessed what is possible through true international collaboration — bringing us closer to realizing the promise of fusion energy than ever before.

We join with so many others in honoring his life and legacy as one of the global fusion community's strongest and most respected advocates.

We offer our deepest condolences to Dr. Bigot's family and friends during this difficult time.

Hubert Labourdette, Managing director, MOMENTUM

We are proud and grateful to have been able, under the leadership of Mr Bigot, to contribute to the ITER project.

His commitment, his vision and his humanity are an example for all of us.

May his family and different teams be certain of our support in this difficult time.

As he wished, we will continue with tenacity, commitment and humility to make our contribution on the path, which he traced, towards an energy for future generations

Thomas Klinger, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics and Project Wendelstein 7-X

It was an honour and privilege to know Bernard.

I never met a person so dedicated to the idea of fusion on earth. His competence, attention to detail, and his work style have set high standards in the ITER project. His spirit will always remain the ITER team.

Rest in peace, Bernard. 


Jean-Marc Filhol, EUDA representative, Head of ITER-Programme Department, Fusion For Energy

Cher Bernard,

J'ai eu le privilège que tu m'accordes ta confiance et ton amitié il y a plus de 17 ans déjà. Et progressivement tu m'as fait quitter le monde des accélérateurs, où j'avais une place confortable, pour m'embarquer dans l'aventure de la Fusion, et la réalisation d'ITER.

Pendant toute cette période tu m'as guidé, encouragé, stimulé, conseillé mais aussi challengé et fait incroyablement grandir. Je n'ai jamais travaillé sous tes ordres mais j'ai suivi la trajectoire que tu m'avais tracée.

Merci infiniment pour ta clairvoyance, ta capacité d'écoute, ta simplicité, ton honnêteté et ta transparence, tes réponses à mes e-mails à toute heure du jour ou de la nuit. Nos discussions bilatérales du vendredi matin, ou nos rencontres tardives en fin de journée vont certainement me manquer, mais elles resteront comme des souvenirs impérissables de ma rencontre avec un être exceptionnel, un directeur de projet efficace et visionnaire, un guide spirituel hors du commun, un « Grand Homme » quoi ! que j'ai eu le bonheur de côtoyer.

J'adresse mes pensées les plus sincères à ton épouse et à ta famille.

Zensho Yoshida, Director General, National Institute for Fusion Science

My thoughts are with all members of the ITER Organization and to the entire global fusion community as we mourn the premature loss of a great leader, ITER Director General Bernard Bigot.

I would like to express my deep appreciation for Dr. Bernard Bigot's distinguished stewardship of the ITER project and for his advancement of fusion energy development throughout the world.

On behalf of the members of our Institute, I am also thankful for his continuous encouragement of the LHD project with his broad intelligence and warm humanity.  I believe his great contribution to the ITER project and to the progress of fusion science will be remembered forever.

Finally, I would like to express my sincerest condolences to all the ITER staff, to his acquaintances and especially to his family.

Michael Walsh, Head of Division, Port Plugs & Diagnostics Division, ITER Organization

It is with great sadness that I learned on Saturday morning of the passing of the DG. He has been a huge source of drive and support to me and my team since he came to join ITER. Working with him was always a pleasure. He moved quickly and made sound decisions with equal speed. It is hard for me today to know that he is not with us anymore. On the 13th of April last, just recently I sent him a message for a decision at 15:53. By 15:59, he had read it, assessed it and came back with the decision. This was not unusual; when you engaged with him, things happened.

He had an amazing appetite for work and never wasted any moments. In spite of his very strong and exemplary work ethic, he also had a real human side. He would listen and provide the right words and direction.

While we did not bother him every day, he was always there and we knew that if needed, we could count on him to help us. Last Saturday that changed. That is very sad.

May he rest in peace.

Youngseuk Han, Vice Chairman & CEO of HHI

We convey our deepest condolences to you for the passing of ITER Director-General, Dr. Bernard Bigot.

Dr. Bigot has been widely respected in the industry for his thoughtfulness, generosity and his integrity; he has truly been a role model for all of us. We have been especially grateful for his great support and interest for the Vacuum Vessel manufactured by HHI. Dr. Bigot will be sorely missed by all.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the deceased and may God rest his soul in peace.


Amro Bader, Diagnostics engineer, ITER Organization

Being at ITER, I never worked directly with Dr. Bigot, like many of my colleagues as well. Nevertheless, Dr. Bigot's strong presence, high spirit, and capable leadership were all indelibly felt by everyone, at all levels and in every aspect of the project. He was (and will remain) an inspirational leader in the fusion community. His contributions to ITER are-no exaggeration-larger-than-life.

The 1st time I met Dr. Bigot was during a SOFE conference dinner in China in 2017. He accepted my invitation for a personal picture with humility, which I am attaching here.

Tae Eun Jin, Former EVP of KEPCO E&C

We can't hide our deep sadness after hearing about the passing away of Mr. Bigot, Director General of the ITER.

He really tried to create a "better world" in the future by ITER with intelligence, creativity, diplomacy, and impressive ability.

When I met him as Executive Vice President of KEPCO E&C, his passion and kindness for his work always taught me a lot. He really valued loyalty above all else, and he was strict with himself and ITER, but in reality, he was very humanly warm.

Far beyond KEPCO E&C, his death may feel like a huge loss but ITER, the international research community, and all mankind around the world will honor and inherit his achievements.

 May you rest in peace.


Matthieu Leon, CAD database control officer, ITER Organization

Dear Bernard,

Unfortunately we are losing the greatest  ITER Project supporter and believer, thanks to you and your leadership, we were all able to give to our project the opportunity to be a great success.

Thank you for all what you did to make ITER great again, we won't forget that we are still here because of your trust and dedicated support.

May you rest in peace. Count on all of us to continue your great efforts.

Prof. Vincenzo Coccorese, President and legal representative, Consorzio CREATE

It is with great sadness that we learn that Dr. Bigot passed away.

Indeed he was a great leader, who dedicated a tremendous effort for the success of the ITER challenge. We'll greatly miss him.

On behalf of Consorzio CREATE, I express our condolences to his family and to the whole ITER team.


Boštjan Končar, Jožef Stefan Institute, Head of Slovenian Fusion Association

A huge loss for the entire fusion community!

He was a great man and a true leader. He took over the leadership of ITER project in its most critical moments. With his inspiring energy and dedication, he proved how to run such a demanding project successfully and efficiently.

On behalf of the Slovenian Fusion Association, I express my sincere condolences to his family and his colleagues.


Klaus Hesch, Head of KIT Fusion Programme

This is a tremendous loss for the international and the European fusion community.

We altogether owe a lot to Bernard Bigot, who, instead of going to retirement, since 2015 devoted his life to the success of ITER.

We´ll severely miss him, his vision, his strength and his dedication.


Shiro Arai, President, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum

We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Bernard Bigot. On behalf of the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, I would like to express our heartfelt condolences to you at the ITER organization and his family in this sad event.

Dr. Bigot greatly contributed to the progress of the ITER project and he also made a significant contribution to nuclear cooperation between Japan and France as the French representative at the Japan-France Nuclear Energy Expert Meeting (N20) before his appointment as Director General of ITER. JAIF greatly appreciated his leadership in this connection.

His passing is great loss for you and the world.

We cannot but grieve and pray for the repose of his soul. Please extend our deepest sympathy to his family and all of people who love and respect him so dearly.

In deepest sympathy.


Jean-Daniel Lainé, Président de la 51 Session de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale

Cher Bernard,

Quelle tristesse de voir que tu nous a quittés si tôt, et malheureusement, avant même que tu aies pu découvrir les premiers résultats concrets de cet immense projet ITER.

Lorsque nous t'avons côtoyé à l'Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale, tu nous a toujours impressionnés par ton intelligence, par tes solides connaissances multidisciplinaires et par ton esprit de synthèse hors pair.

Mais par dessus tout, tu as toujours su garder une humanité, une gentillesse et une simplicité qui ont nourri l'amitié que nous avons toujours eu pour toi.



Vyacheslav Pershukov, Special representative of ROSATOM for International and Scientific Projects.

It is with great sadness that I learned of the death of ITER Director General Bernard Bigot.

Since taking over the leadership of ITER in 2015, he has had a huge responsibility for the success of ITER, successfully delivering on the challenge of creating a safe, clean and sustainable energy source for the future.

Bernard deservedly enjoyed the deep respect and support of colleagues around the world, including the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom. But his merits are not limited to activities in ITER.

Previously, as director of the French Commissariat for Atomic Energy, he made an invaluable contribution to the development of not only French, but also global nuclear energy.

It was in those years that I had the opportunity to meet and begin cooperation with this wonderful person. This joint work left a deep imprint on my memory.

I would like to express my sincere condolences to colleagues and employees of Bernard Bigot, to all relatives and friends of this wonderful person.


Eric van Walle, Director-General of the Belgian Nuclear Research Center SCK CEN

Dear Bernard,

I was devastated to hear the very sad and unexpected news yesterday. 

We met many times. As haut commissaire à l'énergie atomique, as administrateur-général of CEA and as Director-General of ITER. Whenever we met, decisions were taken and followed up taking both visions into account. When I wrote you an email late in the evening, the answer was coming in during the night. When I wrote a Xmas card, I was sure handwritten wishes would be returned.

We lose a person for whom I have the utmost respect. You saved the ITER project from disaster in difficult circumstances and your non-exhaustible energy and perseverance pushed it along the path of success.

We will miss you.


Johannes Schwemmer, Director of Fusion for Energy (F4E)

I had the honour of working with Bernard for six years and I have never known anybody with such a commitment: to his role, to fusion, to his people, to his country, and to all working on the same cause.

Bernard was a key advocate for building ITER, for building it in Europe and one of the founding members of F4E's Governing Board.

All the F4E staff and the F4E staff committee join me to send our deepest condolences to his family who had to share so much of him with his work. 

Igor V. Borovkov, Head of delegation of Russian Federation; academician Eugeny P. Velikhov Honor president of "Kurchatov Institute"; Anatoly V. Krasilnikov, Head of RF DA

Dear members of the ITER Organization and the World ITER Community

It is so sad to express our deepest condolences due to Director General Bernard Bigot passing.  Bernard was the very efficient, intelligent and professional leader of the ITER Project both in decision of technical and political issues of ITER.

He selflessly worked and lived for the Project and this provided him time to personally influence onto all Project issues and to personally interact with practically all key persons of the Project.  

As the large size Project Leader, he understands not only the ITER Organization issues but those of the Domestic Agencies and their suppliers and always made all the best for the fast ITER Project development.

Bernard Bigot deeply believed in fusion energy and devoted the end of his life to realization of the ITER Project as necessary step to fusion reactor - our joint consensus idea. His realism and reasonable optimism worked as engine for the ITER Project.

We will continue. We will do all our best for the Project.

Our deepest condolences to Bernard family and friends.

We always will remember him and his strongest contribution to the ITER Project.



Won Namkung, Former Chair of ITER Council and Professor Emeritus, POSTECH

We have lost a great leader of our time.

I was deeply impressed by the dedicated effort he put into reshaping the ITER project when I was chair of the ITER Council.

His leadership will continue to shape ITER in the years to come.

I would like to extend my sympathy and sincere condolences to his family and to all of his ITER colleagues

Clive White, Senior Vice President, Jacobs and ex-Chair of MOMENTUM

A loss for ITER, the fusion community and humanity.

Bernard stood out as a visionary leader, committed beyond reasonable expectation to the fusion cause, with a work ethic, intellect and capacity that dwarfed us all.

Most importantly, he was a kind, thoughtful, compassionate and likeable person — someone who wanted the very best for all concerned and was selfless in every respect.


Yves Desbazeille, Director General of FORATOM

We are deeply saddened by the news of Dr. Bernard Bigot's sudden passing.

On behalf of the entire team at FORATOM, I would like to express our deepest sympathy to his family, friends and colleagues at the ITER Organisation.

His contributions to ITER, and the wider nuclear fusion project in general, will be impossible to forget.

Jamal Ait El Mousse, Nuclear Engineer, ITER Organization

Samedi 14 mai 2022 a été porteur d'un message inattendu et triste. Je garde le souvenir d'un homme qui n'a négligé personne.

Lorsque l'on vous croisait ou que l'on s'adressait à vous, vous preniez le temps dans votre marche rapide de saluer et de sourire avec bienveillance, le temps de toujours formuler une réponse.

Au revoir Monsieur Bigot et merci pour tout.


Guillaume Vitupier, ITER Organization

Although it was known that his health conditions were critical these last weeks, I was quite shocked and saddened when I learnt Bernard Bigot passing this weekend. I would like to convey my sincere condolences to his family and friends.

I will always remember Bernard Bigot as someone who saved the ITER project. I have been consistently admiring of the energy he put in moving the project forward. He would involve at all levels including by attending many on site visits discussing and sharing with the workers. I was always impressed of the detailed knowledge he could have on all systems and components of the ITER machine.

Even though he has gone too fast, I truly believe Bernard Bigot has succeeded in providing the ITER project with the sufficient momentum to complete this great scientific adventure successfully. I guess this is the best tribute we can pay to him.


André Grosman, Directeur adjoint, IRFM, CEA

Les progrès des recherches sur la fusion sont le fruit d'une œuvre éminemment collective et de la participation d'hommes remarquables.

Bernard Bigot aura été l'un d'entre eux. Il n'avait pas initié sa carrière dans ce domaine, mais avait su y découvrir un projet à la hauteur de ses ambitions humaines et sociétales.

On ne peut que garder en mémoire, la pertinence de ses questionnements, son écoute attentive de tous et sa capacité à faire émerger des avis et interrogations, les actions pertinentes et, en corollaire la mobilisation nécessaire pour les mener à bien.

Sergei Kirienko, Chairman of ROSATOM Supervisory Board

Today I am deeply saddened by the passing of my friend, and colleague, dear Dr. Bernard Bigot.

Our cooperation with Dr. Bigot began when Bernard led the French Atomic Energy Commission — in 2010 we signed an agreement to jointly develop nuclear energy. He always knew that humanity could achieve much more if people from different countries would unite their capabilities instead of colliding them against each other. The epitome of such international teamwork — became the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. I know that Mr. Bigot appreciated the contribution of our country and never hesitated to highlight the important role that Russia played in this world-class project.

Dr. Bigot was a wise man and proved himself to be a reliable partner, who always separated science from politics. In this we've always been like-minded.

My heart will forever hold a memory of him — just like all the other Dr. Bigot's colleagues from all over the Russian nuclear industry.

I express my sincere condolences to the family and friends of Dr. Bernard Bigot.


Aleksey Likhachev, Director General of ROSATOM

On behalf of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM and in my personal capacity, I express my deep condolences on the death of Bernard Bigot, Director General of the International Organization ITER for Thermonuclear Energy.

Mr. Bigot has been well known in the Russian nuclear industry for a long time. We remember his contribution to the development of cooperation between Russia and France in the field of nuclear energy during the period when Mr. Bigot was at the head of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission.

The last years of B. Bigot's life were devoted to the service of ITER, the largest international scientific and technical project in history, which became a vivid example of effective and mutually beneficial multilateral cooperation.

Heading ITER, B. Bigot did a lot to promote the project. He managed to create a unique climate for the joint creativity of scientists, engineers, workers and experts from different countries. Under the leadership of B. Bigot, the assembly and installation of the Tokamak — in fact, the heart of the entire project — has begun and is being successfully implemented.

B. Bigot's passing is a great loss not only for his family and friends, but also for the entire nuclear community and the entire world science.

I ask you to convey the words of the sincerest sympathy and support to the family and friends of B. Bigot and ITER employees.



Pierre Colin, Physical and Functional Integration Division Head, ITER Organization

Dear Dr. Bernard Bigot,

I was very sad to hear about this tragic event this week-end. Even if I did not have the chance to meet you many times since I have joined IO only last summer, I have been very impressed by your involvement in all the topics, having a deep knowledge of the IO team and at the same time of all technical issues. It was clear that you were deeply respected by all IO staff members and all stakeholders and that you have been able to motivate and embark everyone for this fantastic project. The achievements of the Iter Project in the last few years are a clear proof of what you have been able to bring to this project. Leading such a large project in a complex environment with the cooperation of more than 30 countries is per say already a huge success.

We will all miss you, but it is now our duty, in your memory, to make all we can to ensure that Iter project will reach the next milestones and demonstrate the feasibility to produce clean energy at a large scale.

My heartfelt condolences to your family.

Joseph Snipes, Scientific Expert, ITER Organization

ITER has lost an unparalleled leader of tremendous stature who will be extremely difficult to replace. 

Dr. Bernard Bigot's drive, dedication, determination, perseverance, and hard work are what has led ITER this far in its difficult construction to place the first vacuum vessel sector into the tokamak pit just days before his untimely death.

May his will live on in the entire ITER team to complete the construction in a timely manner and make this machine work to help achieve his and our dream of controlled fusion energy for the world.

Pengfei Xu, Chairman and Chunning Jing, General Manager of China Nuclear Power Engineering (CNPE)

In Memory of Dr. Bernard Bigot, a Sad Loss to the Fusion Community

ITER Organization,

We are all deeply sorrowful for the sad loss of the ITER Director-General Dr. Bernard Bigot. Dr. Bigot will always remain alive in the memories of those who loved, respected, and treasured him especially for the ITER Project and fusion community with his lifelong dedication and commitment to this complex, multinational cooperation scientific project to achieve safe, clean, alternative energy for the human kind.

From February 2015 to May 2022, Dr. Bigot united all the stakeholders as one ITER team, promoting the progress of the ITER Project significantly. In the year of 2019, Dr. Bigot participated in the TAC1 Contract Signing Ceremony in Beijing that demonstrated the full confidence and support from ITER Organization. As the Tokamak Assembly Contractor (TAC1), CNPE Consortium has confronted with constant challenges from this international scientific project; while Dr. Bigot provided us continuous care, strong support and great help. Beyond all doubt, he was the pillar of our collaboration.

At the very beginning of TAC1, the construction team has experienced various difficulties. Dr. Bigot came personally to the workers dormitory, delivering a speech to those who just arrived in France for the first time, and encouraged them to build confidence and keep moving on. Because of the support and collaboration from ITER Organization and Dr. Bigot both day and night, TAC1 has achieved one milestone after another, including the Pit-Ready in October, 2021. And it is the first time that Dr. Bigot sent a recommendation letter to CNPE Consortium and inspired TAC1 team to keep up the good performance with more dedication. W

e still remember the day that Dr. Bigot attended the IO TAC1 steering board committee #5 meeting in spite of the sickness, deploying series strategic arrangement for the following TAC1 work. With his support, practice, strong management team and scientific decision-making mechanism, Dr. Bigot created an enabling culture. As such ITER project is progressing forward in an orderly manner based on this sound system.

As part of the great One ITER Team, CNPE will make efforts and continue to demonstrate our capability on engineering, collaboration and other professionalism to achieve the first plasma and new milestones of the ITER Project.

Best regards,

Jedidiah Butterfield, Supply Chain Officer, ITER Organization

Unfortunately, I only had the opportunity to have 1 conversation with DG Bernard Bigot before his passing, but it was a memorable one...It was in December 2017 in the Aix Grand Theatre de Provence for the ITER End-of-Year Celebration; one month after I started working for the ITER Organization.  It was my first work event and opportunity to meet ITER colleagues. 

A very friendly gentleman shook my hand and warmly welcomed me inside the main lobby (whom I discovered later was Bernard Bigot), then he continued to ask me about when I arrived, how I liked France so far, about my family, when I started working at ITER, what I enjoy most, etc., etc.. 

After answering, and also asking him many of the same questions and finding out that he "worked at ITER since 2015", we carried on having a very friendly and natural 10-minute conversation, it was wonderful. 

Finally, upon leaving him to get a cocktail and some hors d'oeuvres, I finally thought to ask him his name and he replied that he was "Bernard Bigot, and it was such a pleasure to meet you and I hope you enjoy the celebration"...I was completely speechless, because of course I already knew the Director General's name, but never the face until that evening. 

I will always remember how kind and genuine of a person he was and how much he cared about the success of the ITER project and its people. 


Deepest sympathy and condolence to the family and friends of Dr Bernard Bigot. He can be remembered as both an impressive human being and an impressive and relentlessly energetic leader of the ITER project during key times.

Key challenges were overcome with endless enthusiasm on a daily basis and the organisation was driven towards success through great challenge. I remember fondly and in particular witnessing him hold open the doors for some workers at another facility.

It was an unnecessary and mostly unnoticed action, but generous in both time and spirit and appreciated.

It can be unusual which memories are at the forefront during times such as these, but it is pleasant to remember acts which give a reflection of how much this human being contributed.


Rest in peace Bernard


Paolo Delfino, General Director Vernazza Autogru

J'adresse à ta famille, tes proches et tous ceux qui t'ont aimé, nos condoléances et un message de solidarité et de compassion pour un homme qui gérait avec grand talent et beaucoup de savoir-faire, l'extraordinaire projet ITER.


C'est une immense perte pour nous tous.


Veuillez recevoir les plus sincères condoléances avec l'hommage et le respect de toute la société Vernazza Autogru.

Adieu Bernard et merci pour notre amitié.


Paolo Delfino


Dr. Sun-Soon Park, CEO and President of DAWONSYS, South Korea

With a heavy heart, I wish to give my sincere condolences to his beloved family and all of you.

He will always be remembered for his leadership, passion, inspiration and dedication to realizing nuclear fusion energy.

All his works shown during the ITER project will become the greatest legacy for us. And we, who have been greatly influenced by his affections for ITER project, will inherit the legacy and continue his journey.

Again, I would like to express my sincere condolence to his beloved family.

Now may your soul rest in peace.

Stéphane Herpin, ITER Construction Site Manager, ITER Organization

Dear Bernard,

I am so deeply sad today. You have impressed by your vision, your energy, your leadership, your dedication and commitment to the scientific community and ITER project. When working close to you we are pushed by this strong energy to reach excellence. These values that you transmitted to us we will continue to make them shining on the way you paved, for ITER and much more.



Sibylle Günter, Scientific Director, IPP Germany

At IPP we have been so happy to have Dr. Bernard Bigot as Director General of the ITER Organization and are now deeply saddened of this big loss.

We and the whole fusion community  owe so much to Bernard, especially, of course, the outstanding leadership of the ITER project.

Without him as DG, the ITER project would certainly not have progressed as far as it has.

But Bernard Bigot has been an outstanding political leader and reliable friend far beyond the ITER project.

We will miss him greatly.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family.

Bernard Salanon, Fusion Officer French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission

Cher Bernard,

From your early involvement in ITER I was impressed by your unwavering will and dedication.

I understood, as you once mentioned, that

You were always eager to discern whether the opportunities you came across involved you beyond your own interest.

You were convinced that one has to grasp what destiny decides and commit without shirking.

Among the many qualities you had, you were highly competent, trustful and trustworthy.

I am full of sorrow but immensely grateful for the privilege of having known you. 

As the poet says, we are entitled to these enlargements, and once having passed the bounds we shall never again be quite the miserable pedants we were.

Sit terra tibi levis

Sylvie Gibert, IRFM, CEA

C'est bien évidemment avec beaucoup de tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de Bernard Bigot. Nous partageons avec nos collègues d'ITER Organization cette grande perte.

Prof. P. I. John, Institute for Plasma Research, India

As a former member of the ITER Council, I am deeply grieved to hear about the passing of Dr Bernard Bigot.

He was an exceptionally brilliant leader, who passionately believed in the ITER project.

My heartfelt condolences!


Your departure is a tragic loss for ITER, but in your memory we (the ITER team) will endeavour to continue to make ITER a successful project.

Piergiorgio Sonato, President of Consorzio RFX, Professor at Padova University

Dear Bernard,

it is with immense sadness and I have no words reading the news I received last Saturday.

Our community has lost a point of reference and a person that has enthusiastically led the most challenging scientific and technical enterprise in the world to demonstrate the viability of the fusion energy for the future of the humankind and of the planet. And in your memory, the fusion community will bring to completion the mission of ITER.

On behalf of Consorzio RFX, that hosts the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility, I express our condolences to your family and to whole ITER team,

Jan Marco Müller, Science & Technology Advisor European External Action Service (EEAS)

It has been a privilege to meet Dr. Bigot at the recent visit of the Foreign Ministries Science & Technology Advice Network (FMSTAN) to ITER. Without his vision, his perseverance and his managerial skills, the ITER project would not have survived against all political and technical odds, developing into one of the world's premier vehicles of science diplomacy.

The worlds of science and diplomacy owe him a big debt of gratitude. May he rest in peace.



Amélie Demoustier, Responsable du développement régional, FESTIVAL D'AIX-EN-PROVENCE

J'ai appris la triste nouvelle du départ de Bernard Bigot ce week-end. Vous savez combien je l'appréciais : un homme exceptionnel, d'une grande générosité, comme on en rencontre peu. Notre partenariat dédié à vous tous chez Iter en est la preuve.

Je suis de tout cœur avec vous tous et partage votre peine.

Les évènements à venir nous donneront l'occasion de lui rendre hommage... comme il le mérite.

Jérôme Bucalossi, Directeur IFRM, CEA

Mes collègues et moi-même avons été bouleversés par la disparition de Bernard Bigot.

C'était une chance énorme qu'une personnalité de l'envergure de Bernard Bigot se passionne pour la fusion.

C'est en grande partie grâce à lui qu'ITER a trouvé son site et a pris son élan.

En tant qu'Administrateur Général du CEA, il a engagé l'IRFM dans l'accompagnement et la préparation de l'exploitation d'ITER, notamment en lançant le projet WEST.

Que le souvenir de son action et de son engagement inspirent ceux qui poursuivront son projet pour la fusion !


Sam Su Kang, CEO of EM Korea

On behalf of EM Korea, I would like to express my deepest condolences to his family and colleagues on the death of ITER Director-General, Bernard Bigot.

We know how much he meant to ITER project.

Words cannot express the sadness of losing a leader who has devoted himself to succeeding the ITER project for the next generation.

EMK will support the ITER project until it succeeds.

Once again, we express our sorrow to ITER colleagues.

Emmanuel Fouquart, Conseiller régional de Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur

Je garderai en mémoire l'homme passionné qu'était Bernard Bigot.

Lors de ma première visite du programme ITER, avec sa passion, il m'a convaincu de l'intérêt de suivre ce projet et de le mener à bien.

En sa mémoire, je continuerai les visites du site pour en suivre son avancée.

Je présente à sa famille, ses amis et toute l'équipe d'ITER mes plus sincères condoléances.

Seiji Izumisawa, MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD., President and CEO

I am deeply shocked to hear of the sudden passing of Dr. Bigot and would like to express my deepest sympathy.

With his excellent leadership, tremendous difficulties have been overcome and ITER project has been moving forward to this date, which is highest value for the challenge of humanity.

We are committed to continue to contribute to this challenging project to live up to his wishes.

With heartfelt condolences,

Eric Martin, Head of Design Office, ITER Organization

I am feeling so deeply sad about this devastating news. How to accept that we are not going to meet again Dr. Bigot?

No matter his agenda, the time of the day, the day of the week, he was always welcoming, enthusiastic, listening with a unique attention.

Always supporting, proposing solutions to move forward, trusting, positively challenging, in a kind, tolerant and respectful manner.

His outstanding leading capability, his comprehensive understanding and human behaviour have strongly contributed to build our unique ITER Team and Project Culture; all, while with diverse backgrounds and cultures, pushing in the same direction with professionalism and motivation in the interest of the Project.

We, the Design Office Team, have done, I hope, our best to fulfil Dr. Bigot's expectations and will remain endlessly grateful for his support.

It has been an honour to all of us to serve under Dr. Bigot, and somehow we will carry on as he would have wished, to contribute as much as we can, to make a full success of the ITER Project.

My deepest sorrow goes to Dr. Bigot's Family and numerous Friends and Colleagues.

Mukesh Jindal, Scientific Officer-E, ITER-India

I am saddened to hear of the loss of Dr. Bernard Bigot.

During my deputation in the Temporary Cryostat Workshop (TCW) at the site, I got the chance to interact with him. He was on a visit to some delegates from Japan. His passion for explaining the Cryostat was unparalleled. He explained even very minute working-level details of the Cryostat which I cannot expect from the Director-General.

I remember that each time he enters the TCW, he greets everyone with a big smile and a warm handshake.  

May his soul rest in peace.


Person always attentive to the progress of the project giving importance even to small things and always taking part in person.

I had the honor of doing the interview for the renewal of my contract with him, he wanted to know the people and choose the best for the project.

This has been the key to his success.

May he rest in peace

Pascal Bayetti, CEA

I had opportunity and privilege to meet Bernard Bigot both when he was leading CEA, then ITER.

He was a very committed and inspiring man. His actions towards fission at CEA and fusion at ITER were visionary and very concrete at the same time. Very impressive!

We'll all miss him.


Antonio De Lorenzi, NBTF Steering Committee member.

Dear Bernard,

I had the privilege to know you when you chaired the NBTF Steering Committee meetings.

Your leadership emerged from the immediate, deep understanding of the facts and from the clarity of your statements and directions.

Your example is our committment to do our best for the ITER success.

Katsumi Okayama, Head of Construction Management Office, ITER Organization

Accompanied with my deepest sadness we lost you too early, Bernard.

For over seven years, I had the pleasure to gain unforgettable memories of which I cannot thank you enough.

I will remember you as an incomparable Super Leader, equal of which I will surely never have a chance to meet and work with anymore.

For me and my teams, you always illustrated excellent management capacity and strong leadership backed up with tremendous experience and diplomatic excellence.

Moreover, I remember your personality with extreme fairness, friendliness with smile, and your willingness to always pay attention to the person when looking for the best solutions and their optimal execution.

You truly demonstrated to all of us that "Unlimited Energy" is feasible, through focused effort and achievement.

We miss you tremendously.

Even in the most challenging and difficult moments, you always led us by carrying the strongest light, telling us what to do and how.

Now it is our turn to take over the relay with the baton you set. Together with the team, I will continue and report to you of our progress, and never stop.

My deepest condolences to your beloved family. We pray for your peaceful sleep.


Dilshad Sulaiman, Scientific Officer IN-DA & ITER Project Associate

As coordinator in several activities from IN-DA and also representing IN-DA in related forums & meetings in ITER Organization, I had the opportunity to interact with Dr. Bigot briefly on several occasions in France as well as in India.  It is indeed a very sad news, a big loss to the ITER project and also the scientific community at large. 

Dr. Bigot's exemplary leadership is clearly visible in the progress the ITER project has made during the recent years inspite of the challenging situations.  He was a great human being and will always remain an inspiration for all us.

The moments I briefly interacted with Dr. Bigot will stay with me forever as cherished memories. 

My thoughts and prayers are with his family and well-wishers.  May you rest in peace dear Dr. Bigot. 

We will miss you a lot.

Lakshmi Pendyala, Piping Mechanical Engineer, ITER Organization

I joined ITER in October 2021.

On my first day, one of my colleagues pointed towards one car in the parking lot saying that it belongs to our beloved DG. He added that it is amazing that it looks like it is always there meaning Dr. Bigot started work way early in the morning and left late in the evening — just one of the testimonials to his commitment to the project.

That car in the parking lot instantly became my favourite sight. I took this photo on January 27, 5:34 PM, a very special memory I will hold close to my heart.


Christophe Dorschner, Head Of Procurements And Contracts, ITER Organization

The loss of our DG Bernard Bigot is deeply saddening me. Besides being a very inspirational leader, with an unique ability to sparkle motivation in all his interlocutors for the project, driven by his own passion, it is his determination, simplicity and humanity that I will profoundly miss.


Dear Mr Bigot

May you now rest in peace.

Above all you were a leader and you had to act as such,

You have given all of yourself to the ITER Project and the ITER Project must be always grateful to you for it.

But you were also a thoughtful and kind person, I have deeply treasured and always will the memory of the day I had the opportunity to meet you in person.

I came to your office and you opened your office's door with a huge welcoming smile, we had a work related chat but we also managed to have few jokes and laughs together.

It is a very sad moment and there is no much that can be said

May you now rest dear Mr Bigot

Artemiy Ustimenko, IT Service Manager ITER Organization

I first met Director-General Bigot in person at the concert organized at ITER after more than a year of Covid restrictions. His brief introductory speech was heart-warming, giving confidence that we're all together aspiring for the best and the complicated period is finally passing. What impressed me after the concert is that DG stopped for a minute at the exit doorway to fix the doorstopper — he took an effort to perfect any small detail around him.

The complexity of the unique project we're building is astonishing, both technically and logistically, and the capacity and dedication of Dr. Bernard Bigot was critical for it to stay on track despite all the obstacles. When I saw the car in DG's parking slot far outside the office hours I was sure the project is in the right hands.

No doubt, DG was the face, the brain and the soul of ITER project, but we're still here to continue the momentum and get things moving towards the first plasma and beyond. But I will always miss his dedication and modesty, expressed even in the way he signed his emails:

Best regards,


Luigi SM Papini, Project Director, Dynamic

The entire team of Dynamic expresses their sorrow for the loss of Mr. Bernard Bigot.

Before and foremost of his many professional merits, he was a gentleman.

Shinichi Suga, President and Representative Director, NAT Corporation

We would like to express our deepest condolences for the death of Director- General Bernard Bigot. We know he was a wonderful person not only as a great leader of ITER but also as wonderful and warm man as a human being. Losing him will be a big loss not only to ITER officials but also to us.

Please accept our sincere condolences.

In deepest sympathy,

Chang-Duk Hong, President of Haneul Engineering

I am really sorry for loss of Dr. Bernard Bigot.

I pray for eternal rest of him who has devoted himself to the ITER thru entire life.

Kijung Jung, Head of KODA, KFE

How can I believe that you left us? Even now, I hear your voice as if it was yesterday: "Kijung, you did a great job. I am so proud that we work together. We should take risks. We should not be afraid of our risks, but with strong mitigation measures. You are a real manager." He so strongly encouraged me. It was like yesterday when we seriously discussed how we should transport the vacuum vessel sector 8 under the huge swelling wave conditions. But finally, I could successfully transport it by a barge from Mipo to Ulsan Port thanks to your strong, decisive mind as a great leader. But Bernard, I know that you were already very ill at that time of the decision, even though you did such a nice and crucial decision as usual with the right mind.

Now you physically left us. But you are always in my heart and will stay forever as my leader, my collaborator, my guide, and as my friend.

Our duty is now the success of the ITER project and the successful realization of fusion energy on Earth for the future of mankind, as you always enthusiastically wished as a big leader of the fusion community.  Cher Bernard, you will be assured that we'll do.

So, rest and look at us in peace from Heaven for what we will achieve following your will.

My sincere condolences to Bernard BIGOT's beloved family and to all the fusion community who know him.

Once again, cher Bernard, you will be forever in my heart.

Prof. Dr. Hamid Aït Abderrahim, Deputy Director-General International Relations Director of MYRRHA

J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer pour la première fois Monsieur Bernard Bigot à la maison de la chimie en 2005 pour une session de la CNE sur la gestion des déchets nucléaires hautement radioactifs et par après à différentes reprises en sa qualité de Commissaire à l'énergie atomique et comme Administrateur Général du CEA.

Aujourd'hui je suis triste car le monde scientifique perd un homme visionnaire et à l'écoute des autres, la France perd un de ses Grands Serviteurs au sens noble du terme et ITER un DG qui par sa vision, son leadership et sa poigne a pu mettre ce projet sur les rails de la réussite pour sa réalisation.

Cher Monsieur Bigot vous nous avez quitté trop tôt mais nous garderons votre sourire toujours en mémoire pour illuminer nos pensées à jamais. Mes plus profondes et sincères condoléances aux membres de la famille et toute l'équipe ITER et tous ceux à qui il manquera.

Jose Manuel Silva Rodriguez, Ancien Directeur général de la recherche, Commission européenne.

Bernard était un homme de conviction et de passion qui aura depuis le début porté le projet ITER contre vents et marée.  Mes pensées émues vont vers cet homme parti trop tôt, qui laisse le projet ITER orphelin, ainsi que vers sa famille, à qui j'adresse mes plus sincères condoléances.

Makoto Sugimoto, Head of ITER Japan Domestic Agency, QST


I was shocked to hear the news of your passing.

First, I can't thank you enough for the countless times you have helped ITER Japan. Through your strong leadership abilities, you showed wisdom, kindness, and courage. I really felt and will continue to draw on those wonderful qualities. I remember as if it were only yesterday when you came all the way to Japan after the first ITER-TF coil had been completed. Your undeniable commitment to the ITER project shined through and your words of encouragement to those in Japanese industry and the members of JADA won the respect of many and still resonate to this day.  

Second, it was truly an honor to be able to participate in the ceremonies at the ITER site in France for the start of ITER assembly in July 2020. Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to witness such a historical milestone. It was truly a privilege.

Finally, all members of ITER Japan will carry on your legacy by continuing to work together as one ITER team to contribute to the success of the ITER project to the best of our abilities. May you rest in peace.

Dr. Jae-hoon Chung, CEO and President of KHNP

May your soul rest in peace, Dr. Bernard Bigot.

Since you took office as Director-General of ITER in March 2015, there have been tremendous achievements in terms of scientific and engineering field in ITER.

Hence, your eternal absence won't be substitutable loss for the unwavering progress in the field of nuclear fusion including ITER Project.

Taking over your sincere efforts for ITER Project, I promise unremitting contributions and supports from KHNP to reach our final destination for ITER Project.

Once again, I express my deepest condolences to you and all sedulous members for the success of ITER Project on behalf of KHNP.

LUO Delong, Former Chair of the ITER Council, Head of ITER China Domestic Agency, Ministry of Science and Technology

It was of my great shock and sorrow to learn the sudden demise of Dr. Bernard BIGOT, Director-General of the ITER Organization. I know these feelings are shared by all who know him and work with him along these years.

 Bernard's professionalism and inspiring charisma as the IO DG were much appreciated and admired by all of us. Bernard was not only a fighter himself, but also he led us push forward the ITER Project in such a speed.

 As an old and dear friend of ours, Bernard will long be remembered by the team of ITER, the fusion community and the broader field of atomic energy.

 To honor Bernard and his legacy, let us all stay strong and continue to make our every effort to lead the ITER Project to its final success.

Dr. Yutaka Kamada, Deputy Director General and Former STAC Chair, Former JT-60SA Project Leader, Naka Fusion Institute, QST

I respect DG Bernard Bigot from the bottom of my heart. His energetic and warm leadership covered the whole ITER activities and the fusion society in the world. I will also never forget about DG Bigot's warm encouragements to the JT-60SA project.

Anil Parab, Senior VP & Head Heavy Engineering, Larsen & Toubro Limited

Dear Dr. Bernard Bigot,

We at L&T will always miss you .Your ever smiling face, ability to guide diverse teams to work for success of, first of its kind ITER project is unparalleled. We have lost an outstanding professional and a friend. Your untimely demise has created vacuum. 

We pray to God for heavenly abode of your departed soul and rest in peace for eternity. 

Hidetoshi Takehara, Chairman of the Board, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd

We would like to express our deepest sympathy on the passing of Dr. Bernard Bigot, Director-General of the ITER Organization.

He was a truly great leader, and we are proud to have been working with him as one of his global partners.

Please convey our sincerest condolences to his family and all in the ITER Organization.

Dr. Jeannette Ridder-Numan, Dutch representative to Fusion for Energy (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Directorate Research and Science Policy)

It is with shock and great sadness that I received the message that Bernard Bigot passed away.

He put such a passion and unlimited energy into his work for ITER, that is nearly incredible to believe that he is not there any more.

I think highly of him, and believe that his personality and background made him really the right person on the right place. Everyone will miss him dearly!

My sincere condoleances to his family who will miss him even more!

Sabine Williams, Fusion for Energy

A very sad news, my sincere condolences to Mr Bigot's family and friend.

His passion and energy for the project was contagious.

Keun-Kyeong Kim, Senior Advisor, Construction, ITER Organization

Dear Bernard,

I lost my word yesterday how to express my profound sorrow.

When I confronted a very big difficulty, You saved my life by face to face mentoring even in serious COVID pandemic situation.

It is less than three years when I joined at ITER but, I felt that you have already the same meaning as ITER.

You used to come the first and leave the last to and from ITER site with continuous working without rest.

I will remember your big smile and confident voice everytime you showed me when passing my office.

Legend will remain eternally at ITER history even though you are away.

Now you are free from illeness and from project burden.

May you Rest In Peace.

Luc Bergé, on behalf of the European Physical Society

 May 14, 2022 will remain a date of infinite sadness for the international scientific community, particularly that engaged in research on energy.

Bernard Bigot died yesterday at the age of 72. Researcher, teacher, High Commissioner, General Administrator of the Commissariat for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies (CEA), then Director General of ITER, Bernard Bigot was a fervent defender of industry and nuclear energy.

He was above all a man of science who liked to share knowledge with remarkable pedagogy.

I will remember his immense modesty and exceptional capacity for work when he was managing CEA. We shall all remember his passion for nuclear fusion and its peaceful use for humanity as visionary leader of the ITER project.

Bernard Bigot invited the Executive Committee of the European Physical Society in 2019 and later the Technology and Innovation Group of the EPS in November 2021.

This provided us with the unique opportunity to see the immense progress achieved on this facility in only two years under his inspirational guidance.

Bernard Bigot will be missed by all the European community of physicists.

On behalf of the EPS, I address my most sincere condolences to his family.

Valerie Grosjean

La disparition de M.Bigot est un véritable choc. C'était un Monsieur remarquable, tant par sa force de travail, sa passion pour les Sciences, son intérêt sincère pour les gens qu'il côtoyait. J'ai eu le privilège de travailler sous la direction de M.Bigot a l'ENS de Lyon.

20 ans après, nous nous sommes revus a l'occasion d'une conférence sur le projet ITER et il m'a consacré 15 mn de son temps précieux pour prendre des nouvelles de moi et des anciens collègues, souhaitant même nous réunir pour nous revoir.

Il était d'une modestie aussi énorme que sa carrière professionnelle. Quelle tristesse.

Toutes mes condoléances à sa famille et ses collaborateurs d'ITER. 

Claude-Annick Tissot

J'adresse toutes mes condoléances, les plus sincères, à la famille de Bernard Bigot. Je pense qu'Alain Devaquet, s'il était encore vivant, serait très affecté par cette disparition compte tenu de leurs liens professionnels et affectifs qui datent et qui ont duré pendant de nombreuses années !

Avec toute ma respectueuse et admirative considération.

Ambrogio Fasoli, EUROfusion and EPFL Swiss Plasma Center

C'était avec une énorme tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de Bernard, arrivé après une lutte héroïque contre la maladie.

Nous perdons un véritable phare mondial de la recherche en fusion, peut être le seul à être reconnu tel unanimement par toutes les personnes et institutions qui participent à la grande quête de l'énergie de fusion à travers toute la planète.

Son charisme, son engagement, sa rigueur et ses capacités techniques, scientifiques, managériales et diplomatiques nous serviront d'exemple et constitueront une source d'inspiration constante pour les efforts qui restent à réaliser pour arriver au rêve de la fusion de l'hydrogène, comme Bernard aimait l'appeler.

Mes condoléances les plus profondes, ensemble avec une énorme gratitude pour ses actions toujours fédératrices, vont à sa famille et à tous les collègues directs de ITER IO, à titre personnel mais aussi au nom de tous les amis et collègues d'EUROfusion, de l'EPFL et du Swiss Plasma Center.

Dr. Frank Sotzik

Rest In Peace, Dr. Bernard Bigot.

May your nuclear fusion energy legacy help towards peace and prosperity around the world.

Prof. Yuntao Song, Director of Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP)

I am deeply saddened to learn the passing away of DG Bernard Bigot. I am writing you to express, on behalf of Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), our heartfelt condolences to his family and to ITER, with profound sorrow and a heavy heart.

This is a huge loss not only to ITER, but also to ITER family, and to the world fusion community. 

A great leader with intelligence and warmth, Dr Bigot will also be missed and long remembered as an old friend by my colleagues and me at ASIPP.


Françoise Izquierdo, Taxis LE PENVEN


J'ai rencontré Mr BIGOT lorsque ma société de taxis travaillait pour le compte du CEA de Cadarache et d'ITER. Je garde en mémoire cet homme toujours courtois, très agréable et passionné. Nos discussions étaient toujours très enrichissantes. Il restera une très belle rencontre.


Gaurav Jogi, Scientific Officer, IN-DA

An extremely sad day in the history of ITER, when we have lost one of our brightest star, who paved way for the tremendous progress achieved in recent years overcoming enormous challenges, in the quest to realize mankind's dream of clean and limitless energy. Your contribution to the project is unparalleled and hope the community will be able to live up to your expectations.

Though I did not get a chance to interact with you personally during my tenure at ITER, saw your vision, determination and hard work shape every day at ITER. You were an inspiration for everyone. 

May your soul rest in peace and condolences to the family.

Shishir P Deshpande, Head Fusion Interdisciplinary Science Division Institute for Plasma Research, India

I have had the privilege of working with DG Bernard Bigot from 2015 to early 2019. I was then the head of IN-DA which meant a close association with DG on various matters. We had struck an instant bond in our first meeting. I was deeply impressed by his sheer energy and the steadfastness of pursuit in resolving issues. Humility and knowledge blended in him with his characteristic friendly smile.

We will miss Bernard as a dynamic leader greatly and especially when we all, the ITER family at large needed him most.

RIP Bernard. "Everything in the cosmos came out of nuclear fusion, we just have to do it right on Earth", as you would say!



Tonci Tadic, Croatian Representative at F4E Governing Board Chair of the SOFT IOC

It is unbelievable and shocking news that Dr Bernard Bigot has passed away.

I still remember his inspiring talk given at the SOFT-2020 conference about ITER progress and future plans.

Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director-General for Energy, European Commission

With the passing of Bernard Bigot, ITER and fusion research have lost an extraordinary leader and we have all lost an exceptional human being.

I will remember Bernard as a visionary, dedicated to and passionate about the ITER project.

With his impressive knowledge, intellect and strong personal engagement, he inspired those who were fortunate enough to meet him and motivated everyone in the organisation.

We will miss him. My thoughts are with Bernard's family, friends and close colleagues.

Mario Merola, Head of the Engineering Design Department, ITER Organization

I was editing a report on Saturday morning, when the terrible news of the loss of our Director General reached all of us. I was so touched that I could not continue any longer the writing. However, in the afternoon, I realized that the best way to commemorate his departure was actually to continue our commitment to deliver, as he would have liked us to do. And I was back on the report to complete it.

I have had the privilege to work for Bernard since the very beginning of his appointment as Director General. I have always admired his dedication and his professionalism. He gave the last seven years of his life to this project, helped put it back on track and stayed until the very end.

We are facing sad, difficult and turbulent times right now. It is in this challenging period that we have to show the best of ourselves and our commitment to help keep the end goal of the ITER project in mind and the motivation up, as our Director General would have wanted.

Our thoughts are with his family and his beloved ones. Bernard will be in our hearts and memories.

May Bernard rest in peace.


Mario Merola on behalf of the whole Engineering Design Department.

Marco de Baar, NWO institute DIFFER

The news that reached me yesterday was a great shock. Dr. Bigot transformed ITER-IO and will be greatly missed.

Dear Bernard, be assured that we will work unabatedly, with passion and focus, to achieve our dream and realize fusion energy for mankind.  

I wish Bernard's family and friends strength do deal with this great loss.

Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

I am deeply saddened by the passing of ITER Director-General Dr Bernard Bigot. Dr Bigot provides an example to us all, a dedicated civil servant furthering the peaceful uses of nuclear energy in France and beyond.

We will build on his legacy.

May he rest in peace.


Konstantina Mergia, Greek Representative at F4E Governing Board

A great man, an inspiring leader. The best way to honor his memory is to make ITER a success.

Hyun-Sik Chang, Cryodistribution Engineer, ITER Organization


It was a great honor for us all to have worked with you and witnessed the outstanding accomplishments of the ITER project.

We are deeply saddened to lose you so suddenly but will do our utmost to maintain your legacy and ensure that the ITER project reaches its goals following the roads you paved.

Thank you for everything you did for us, and may you rest in peace as you watch us achieve the Sun on Earth that would not have been so close without you.

Dr. Roland Schenkel, Former Director General of the EU_Joint Research Centre

I was deeply saddened to learn of the untimely death of Bernard Bigot. He was a long-standing compagnon in matters relating to the peaceful use of nuclear energy and a very reliable and highly competent partner.

He was open, sincere and always fair in dealings with partners and staff. He always endeavoured to find best possible solutions. ITER loses an internationally highly respected manager and networker.

I extent my heartfelt sympathy to his family, co-workers and friends.



Dear Mr. Bigot

Having joined ITER at about the same time that you did, I witnessed how your energy and dedication drove forward the project with a renewed vigor.

The few times we met in person (that you found the time to meet in person with virtually every ITER collaborator at every level at least once, was very appreciated and valuable), I met a amicable man, willing to listen and not afraid to give clear direction.

My condolences to your family and friends. Rest peacefully.

Juan Knaster, Deputy Head of ITER Programme Department F4E

Dear Bernard,

Shocked is the least to say when I learnt your passing away. Despite the impressions about the deterioration of your disease last weeks, we all trusted that the inexhaustible energy you showed would drive you back soon to ITER site to continue leading this challenging ITER Programme.

Working with you has been an honour. Your memory will always inspire me.

Rest in peace Bernard.


Vanni Toigo, NBTF Project Manager, Consorzio RFX Padova

Dear Bernard,

I had the privilege to become acquainted with you during the Steering Committee meetings of the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility. 

I was impressed and fascinated by your leading ability: at the end of my long relations, with just a few questions you could focus on the critical issues and propose the solutions, always for the good of the overall project. And, most importantly, I have always sensed that the project had a strong supporter in you and I passed such a feeling on to the NBTF colleagues.

I and the whole NBTF Team offer your family and all ITER colleagues our most sincere and heartfelt condolences.


Youngeek Jung, Head of Construction Domain, ITER Organization

Dear Bernard,

I didn't want to say anything yesterday. It was one of the saddest day in my 65 year life.

One year ago we made the first call and talked about our thoughts on the project management of giant project, like ITER. It was the beginning of my ITER life. Thank you again for your leadership and full support for my soft landing in ITER.

We successfully completed SM6 lifting to pit last week that I promised to give you as a gift. We will continue the project as you taught us.

You were a great leader, forever.

Please now put everything down and relax in heaven.

I express my deepest condolences. I miss you.


Yoshitaka Ikeda, Managing Director Fusion Energy Directorate, QST

I am very sorry to hear the passing, Bernard Bigot. He was a truly great global leader and we at QST Fusion energy directorate knowthat he remarkably progressed the ITER project in these seven years as Director General. Up to now, we can see the setting the first sub-section into Tokamak assembly pit. I personally remember that he showed his leadership, passion, decision on the TBM-SC when I was working in this committee. He indicated us the way to guide the international project towards the goal.

 I would like to express my thanks for all his contributions to the whole fusion community, and to pray that he rests in peace.


It is my great honor to work in an organization under the lead of Dr. Bernard Bigot.

I had several communications with him and he was good at listening, open-minded and inspiring.

Thank you very much, Mr. Bigot, for your coming to our world to make peaceful usage of fusion energy possible, to enlighten many people professionally and personally.

May you rest in peace.

From a colleague who received encouragement and favor from Dr. Bigot

Toshio Hirano, President of National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST)

I was deeply saddened by the obituary of Chairman Dr. Bernard Bigot. As the director of the ITER, he has demonstrated exceptional leadership toward the realization of fusion power generation, which is the dream of humankind. Human beings are now facing various urgent issues related to the survival of humankind, including environmental problems, energy problems, food and water problems, infectious diseases such as COVID-19, and various conflicts such as the Ukrainian War. There are various serious problems to be solved. The ITER project is a very important international collaborative project that opens up the future of humankind and is driven by the seven poles of the world overcoming the barriers of diversity, which is created by differences of languages, people, culture, religion, politics etc. We have the great ideal of overcoming the barriers of diversity, creating harmony, and achieving a peaceful and prosperous human society. On the one hand, we also face various challenges to overcome the barriers of diversity. Bernard has overcome the barriers of diversity and demonstrated tremendous leadership in realizing human ideals. His obituary will hurt mankind, but we must take over his will and open up the future of mankind. I pray from the bottom of my heart for Bernard's soul.

Masanori Onozuka, Fellow Advisor, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd

It was a tremendous honor to work as Head of Central Integration Office under the strong and passionate leadership of Dr. Bigot. He inspired our team through trust, loyalty and unity.  No matter how busy he was—and he was always busy—he made himself available to people. My heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends, and colleagues. Dr. Bigot was an extraordinary man in every sense of the word and will be deeply missed.


Gyung-Su Lee, Former Chief Operating Officer/ Deputy Director-General, the ITER Organization


I cannot believe and so deeply sadden your passing this early. You are indeed our leader with passion and commitment so that we are here from difficult days in ITER. 

We worked together more than two decades to make our dream, ITER success! I personally remember the day in 2015, you have invited me as the Chief Operating Officer in the ITER Organization when the Project is almost disrupted. We worked hard together with your leadership with passover of ICRG and many Councils so we have rescued the Project that you made now stand as we all witness. 

As you have always said, we will carry on however we have lost and sadden, so we will prove your dream is right and worth to fight for, ITER our hope and dream!

Now we pray your Peace in heaven after so tense days and nights that you wrestled for the Project. 

Rest in Peace, Bernard, my friend and leader..

Best Condolences to Bernard Bigot's family and ITER Colleagues from Seoul.

Masataka Nakahira, Deputy director of department of ITER project, JADA

I would like to offer my condolences for the loss of Dr. Bigot.

I remember I saw you in the ITER building 5F at around 7 o'clock at night, just before announcement of your selection to DG of ITER, when I visited IO as a TRO of TF coil structure.

At that time, I did not know who you were, but it was quite impressive since I thought everybody at the floor went home already and did not expect to see anybody still work. I remember you walked corridor with smile and even with some kind of aura. I recognize you worked so hard even before official settlement to DG, and also enjoyed the work.

I also saw your proper decision makings without hesitation in the Superconductiing Magnet Steering Board meeting and was impressed every time.

Everybody know you worked with quite strong concentration and more than 100% power. Thanks for your great effort and hope you to rest in peace.

Massimo Garribba, ITER Council Chair

Dear Bernard, it is very hard to come to terms with the fact that you are no longer with us! It was a privilege and honour to work with you during your tenure as the Director-General of the ITER project. Throughout the years, you showed the strongest possible resolve and determination to make ITER construction progress despite all its complexity and difficulties. As member and the head of the Euratom delegation to the ITER Council, as MAC Chair in 2016-2017, and most recently as ITER Council Chair this year, I always valued your dedication to ITER, your vision, and your determination to make the project a success. You left an indelible mark on the project and on all of us who worked with you in various roles and positions. It will be very difficult to continue without you, but you gave us just one more reason to persevere and fight for ITER — not only for the sake of fusion but also for your eternal memory!

Josette Boudier

A Vinon,  où chaque année ont lieu les "ITER games", Bernard Bigot venait remettre les récompenses et trophées aux gagnants de chaque catégorie. Les élus, les présidents d'association, les sportifs, tous ont pu constater la grande empathie de Bernard Bigot, sa simplicité et son sens du partage avec la photo jointe. En dehors de sa famille, ses amis, ITER vient de perdre sa carte maîtresse.

Jan Panek, Director for Nuclear Energy, Safety and ITER, European Commission

The news of Bernard's demise has touched all of us in the Euratom delegation. He fought his illness with the same determination and resolve that he showed in leading the ITER project ever since he took over in 2015. It is indeed his indefatigable energy, his commitment to the ITER project, and his refusal to bend in front of obstacles that DG Bigot will be remembered for by many of us. Bernard leaves us with a clear and obliging legacy — he showed us how ITER's uniqueness calls for giving our best for its success and for not relenting our joint efforts despite difficulties. May his soul rest in peace and his memory inspire us in further steps on the way towards completing ITER's construction!

Nalinish Nagaich, Head of Corporate Domain, ITER Organization

It is unbelievable and shocking news that Dr Bernard Bigot has passed away. I am deeply saddened. We have lost a person of great virtues and an inspirational dynamic leader; we all will miss him. It was indeed a great honour and privilege for me to work with him for the last couple of years. He was an institution in himself. Every interaction with him, I recall, was indeed a learning. I salute his pragmatic approach, speedier decision making, dedication, commitment and the immense contributions made by him to the ITER Project. Best tribute to him is to continue his legacy in carrying forward the mission of ITER project and the Fusion Energy.  

My heartfelt condolences to his family, near and dear ones.

Roberto Andreani, Former Director of Frascati Laboratory and EFDA Associate leader for technology

I remember very well Bernard Bigot when I was working, together with many good colleagues in Europe, to set up the ITER Organization, analysing the proposals of construction sites, deciding the sharing of contributions amongst the international partners and finally progressing in finalising the Broader Approach Agreement between EU and Japan, which allowed us to finally solve the site issue. 

I still vividly remember his competence, his determination, his strong managerial attitude but even more his kindness and the friendly collaboration I enjoyed.

I am very sorry for his family and his collaborators who have lost a great man.

It is a terrible loss for fusion. We will urgently need to find another similar man to run the project to a complete success.

Michel van der Rest, Professeur émérite à l'ENS de Lyon, Ancien directeur du synchrotron SOLEIL, Président de la Fondation FINOVI abritée par la Fondation pour l'Université de Lyon

Merci Bernard.

Le décès de Bernard Bigot est, pour tous ceux qui ont travaillé de près avec lui, à la fois le déchirement de la perte d'un ami et l'occasion de se souvenir de tout ce qu'il a accompli et de tout ce qu'il nous a permis d'accomplir. J'ai commencé à connaître Bernard quand je suis arrivé comme professeur à l'ENS de Lyon en 1989 alors que Bernard en était directeur des études. C'est surtout à partir de 2000 que j'ai travaillé étroitement avec Bernard qui, alors directeur adjoint chargé de la recherche à l'ENS, venait d'en être nommé directeur. Bernard m'a demandé de lui succéder comme directeur de la recherche. Nous avons travaillé ensemble pendant plusieurs années. En 2002, Bernard a été nommé directeur de cabinet de la ministre déléguée à la Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies, Claudie Haigneré. Nous avons alors établi un mode de travail pour permettre à Bernard de cumuler ses responsabilités ministérielles et celles de directeur de l'ENS. J'avais la délégation de signature, mais Bernard, grâce à sa force de travail qui lui permettait de travailler 20 heures par jour, continuait à suivre les dossiers de l'ENS, comme la construction du nouveau bâtiment de recherche LR6 (photo ci-jointe). Nous nous retrouvions en comité de direction le samedi matin pour établir la stratégie de la période à venir. En 2003, Bernard a été nommé Haut Commissaire à l'Energie Atomique et a dû se retirer de la direction de l'Ecole. Philippe Gillet a pris sa succession.

Pour ma part, à partir de 2005, j'ai été appelé à d'autres fonctions qui m'ont permis d'interagir encore régulièrement avec Bernard dans ses responsabilités de Haut Commissaire, d'Administrateur Général du CEA, de directeur d'ITER et, plus récemment, de président de la Fondation pour l'Université de Lyon. Souvent, je lui ai envoyé un courrier électronique. Je savais qu'il me répondrait très rapidement, d'habitude la nuit suivante entre 2h et 3h du matin, avec des réponses claires et précises à mes questions ! Il y a deux mois, pour la première fois, Bernard ne m'a pas répondu. J'ai pressenti un problème grave et, malheureusement, je ne me suis pas trompé.

Bernard n'était pas seulement un collègue mais surtout un ami qui nous manquera. Nos liens amicaux s'étendaient à nos familles. Que Chantal et tous les siens trouvent ici la marque de notre amitié et de notre sympathie.


Thank you Dr. Bigot for your work for ITER, I personally believe that you made the completion possible. Thank you for making world a better place.

Moustafa Moteleb, Deputy Head of Department, Plant Construction Department, ITER Organization

Today we mourn the death of a legend. A man who not only led the ITER Organization for seven years but united it and gave it much coherency and credibility. To Dr. Bigot, consensus was never good enough. In a global effort such as ITER, one would think that it would take a miracle to build unanimity. But not to Dr. Bigot. He succeeded in making the ITER Organization a "One-Team" and its associates around the globe belong to a greater purpose aiming at the betterment of man-kind.

You have been our star- Fusion Star- and we shall continue the journey that you began and continued until your last day. We will miss you dearly and you will inspire us every step of the way. My thoughts are with your family and your loved ones.

Tony Donné, Programme Manager EUROfusion

It is with great sadness that I learned today about the passing away of Bernard Bigot, a great leader, who has succeeded with his enormous amount of dedication and energy to put ITER back on track. Even though he was sick already for some time, he kept working until the moment it was no longer possible. The world fusion community owes Bernard a lot and the best way to remember him is to finalise the ITER project and to make it a success.

Bernard Bouquin, ancien rédacteur en chef de la revue Clefs CEA

Je garde le souvenir d'une personnalité attachante, optimiste et volontaire, alors qu'il était Haut-commissaire à l'énergie atomique. Il manquera cruellement à la communauté scientifique française, européenne et internationale. 

Pierre Gallezot, Directeur de recherches honoraire au CNRS


J'étais ton adjoint lorsque tu dirigeais l'Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse entre 1998 et 2002 (maintenant IRCELYON).  Je m'étonnais chaque jour de la rapidité avec laquelle tu analysais les situations et prenais les décisions, que ce soit sur le plan purement scientifique ou dans la gestion du laboratoire. Tes qualités intellectuelles exceptionnelles d'analyse et de synthèse pouvaient faire de l'ombre à certains, mais ceux-là t'admiraient secrètement

J'admirais la quantité de travail que tu étais capable d'effectuer chaque jour du calendrier. J'étais fier de te faire passer certaines bonnes idées que tu prenais aussitôt en compte. Mais surtout, dès le premier jour de notre rencontre, je fus frappé par ta grande cordialité par ton aptitude à répondre chaleureusement, par retour du courrier, à toute personne quel que soit son statut dans le laboratoire.

Je suis fier d'avoir travaillé avec toi car j'ai pu ainsi approché une vision du futur bien au-delà des sujets de recherche à la mode.


David Emond, Jules Horowitz Reactor Project Director, CEA

On behalf of the Jules Horowitz Reactor Project team, I feel very sad about the passing of Bernard Bigot: I share the sorrow of the ITER project team, our neighbour at Cadarache, and of the whole ITER community and I pay tribute to the great achievements of Bernard Bigot in the scientific and technological fields. It is a very sad day for the community of nuclear projects and the JHR project team sympathizes with the ITER project team's grief.

Richard Buttery Director, DIII-D National Fusion Facility General Atomics

Fusion has lost a great leader who made the key difference to our field in driving forward the device that will realize our dreams.

Francesco Romanelli, President DTT Consortium, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"

It is with deep regret that we received the news that Bernard passed away. With him our field has lost a true leader who was appointed at a difficult time for ITER and has been crucial to restore confidence in the project. I remember the days when we worked together during the ITER negotiation phase. His dedication, enthusiasm and firm will at that time and as Director General have made it possible to bring the project close to completion. We are all indebted to him and we will always remember his life as an example for all of us.

Jean-Christophe Petrigny, Président de Durance-Luberon-Verdon Agglomération (DLVAgglo)

"J'ai appris, ce jour, la disparition d'un acteur majeur du monde de l'énergie, Bernard Bigot, directeur d'Iter Organization.

Un grand homme tire sa révérence. Proche des élus locaux, ce visionnaire était dévoué à la réussite de cet immense projet international.

Le projet Iter rayonne et contribue sur le développement du territoire de DLVAgglo.

Je tiens à exprimer mes condoléances et mes pensées les plus sincères à sa famille, à ses proches et à tous les collaborateurs du projet ITER.

Michel Chatelier, former Head of fusion research at CEA and currently science Adviser at CEA

No words to express my personal emotion with Bernard's death. The input of Bernard on all aspects of the project has been of high value. My relation with Bernard is mainly when the project was still to be decided. I was far to imagine that Bernard would be involved on such a long time scale. His talent and humanity have been determining all along the process.

So Many thanks Bernard!

Dr. Alain Becoulet, Head of Engineering Domain, ITER Organization

Cher Bernard,

Les mots me manquent, mais pas les souvenirs ni les innombrables échanges que nous avons eus depuis plusieurs décennies. Vous avez accompagné et inspiré tout mon parcours professionnel et m'avez inlassablement motivé et soutenu dans les moments de doute ou de déception.

Je veux garder le souvenir de votre regard et de votre sourire. Ils nous aideront tous désormais à continuer le plus cher de vos projets, celui de donner à l'humanité une nouvelle source d'énergie. Vous êtes ITER.

Comme tant d'autres je mesure la chance incroyable d'avoir croisé votre route. Elle ne s'arrête pas aujourd'hui, nous la poursuivons pour et avec vous.

Avec toute mon admiration, et une pensée pour vos proches dans le deuil.

K R Sriram, Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General of India and Chief Technology Officer

It was indeed my privilege to have worked under Dr. Bigot as Head of the Finance & Procurement Department, especially in the finalization of the updated cost and schedule baseline for the Construction Phase. He was truly an inspiring leader and the ITER Organization and the ITER Project owe a lot to his leadership, dedication and tremendous hard work for the huge progress made in finalization of design, delivery of components and construction and assembly towards Integrated Commissioning and First Plasma.

My deepest condolences to his family on their loss.

Pierre-François Forissier, Amiral, ancien chef d'état-major de la Marine, Compagnon IHEDN de Bernard Bigot

Quelle chance de t'avoir connu et quelle tristesse de te voir partir trop tôt.

Un immense merci pour tout ce que tu nous a apporté, pour ton amitié chaleureuse et pour ton enthousiasme communicatif.

La France perd un très grand serviteur et nous un ami fidèle et sincère.

À Dieu Bernard. Paix et consolation à toute ta famille.

Atsushi Yoshida, Head of Central Integration Office, ITER Organization

On behalf of Central Integration Office, Engineering Domain of the ITER Organization, I would like to express the deepest condolence on this great loss. On this occasion, we can confirm that we have very fierce conviction that we have to overcome it and march toward future.  We believe that it would be what, ultimately, Dr Bigot wants us to do.

Francesco Gnesotto, Professor Emeritus at University of Padova, Member of the ITER NBTF Steering Committee

Dear Bernard,

It's terribly difficult for me to realize that ITER has now missed your leadership, your wisdom. your commitment to the goal to give the humankind the precious gift of fusion energy. For ITER it is an immense loss, but I know very well that, in these seven years as Director General, you succeeded in setting up a perfect machine, not only in terms of hardware, which is there for all to see, but also in terms of organization and human relationships: your successors are about to inherit a wonderful construction.

We at Consorzio RFX are deeply indebted to you for your dedication in supporting the ITER Neutral Beam Facility thoughout all these years and in particular as the Chairman of the NBTF Steering Committee. I will always remember our great satifaction when you pushed  the start of the first SPIDER experiment and your happiness when you gave a memorable keynote speech from the Galileo's chair.

My most sincere condolences to your family and to the whole ITER community.

Takashi Inoue, Deputy Head of JADA, Project Team Leader of Blanket Remote Handling System

Dear DG Bigot,

I am so sad hearing you passed away.

I still remember your visit to Nara and Kyoto in 2016 for STAC. It was so exiting time for me and I really enjoyed talking with you there. I learned quite a lot how the project leader should be, how to manage the project and team. Since then, I tryed to follow you as much as possible for the procurement of various components JADA is responsible for including the Blanket Remote Handling System. 

The ITER is still in the middle of the project, and stepping into an important phase of the machine assembly. We will surely succeeed your strong will to complete the assembly and to realize the fusion energy on Earth, maintaining the momentum of the ITER project you provided.

I pray for your peaceful sleep forever.

Best wishes,

Takashi INOUE

Jean-Pierre Lowys, administrateur SFEN/RAL

Souvenir ému du créateur, réalisateur et meneur d'équipes internationales. Sincères condoléances aux siens.


Francesco Sette, Chair of EIROforum

We are all deeply saddened by the premature loss of Bernard Bigot, our friend, colleague and for many of us example and guide in the difficult job of leading large international research organisations.

His contributions to the ITER programme and to many other scientific programmes are of the highest value, and will shine for many decades to come.

In this difficult moment, on behalf of all EIROforum Intergovernmental Organisations Directors (CERN, EMBL, ESA, ESRF, ESO, EUROFUSION, EUROPEAN-XFEL, ILL) I wish to express my warmest thought to the family of Bernard, and to the ITER staff and community.

Francesco Sette
Chair of EIROforum

Francesco Sette, Director General of ESRF - Grenoble - France

It's with a great sadness that I have learned that Bernard Bigot has left us. An inspirational scientist and leader, totally dedicated and committed to the advancement of Science for the well-being of humanity, Bernard Bigot has been a model for all of us in the scientific community, and for me in particular.
As Director General of the ESRF, and on behalf of all my ESRF colleagues, we wish to honour Bernard Bigot, and its tribute to the peaceful advancement of our society and to world science. It will be remembered forever.
My sincere condolences to his family and to ITER staff and community.

Philippe Hermann, professeur de chimie dans l'éducation nationale


J'ai été ton étudiant puis ton thésard, tu as été mon professeur puis mon directeur de thèse. Nous avons développé une forme de connivence basée sur la confiance et la loyauté. Tu as toujours répondu présent lorsque je te sollicitais même en dehors du champ scientifique.

 Je te suis redevable de ce que je suis devenu.

 Sit tibi terra levis.



I don't have many friends but the ones I do have are all fascinated by bettering humanity in some aspect to the best of their abilities. I didn't know Bernard personally but he helped inspire me and all he accomplished in life. I hope to one day hold close involvement in this noble pursuit he sunk years into.


We all wish to harness the marvellous energy of fusion one day and I know Bernard aided in bringing that time closer to hand.

Olivier Dessibourg, Science journalist & editor

To the science journalist visiting the fusion reactor ITER who I was in fall 2017, Bernard Bigot was the perfect person to interview, as the video below shows: with a smooth but firm voice, full of the passion for science and technology, he explained things with disponibility, interest, conviction and simplicity - and always with a smile on the face - , which made the ITER project absolutely fascinating. Such persons do good to science, and should be more numerous. His legacy will always be remembered.


Reporting article published in Le Temps, 8 October 2022:

R B Grover, Emeritus Professor, Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, INDIA, and Head of India's delegation to the ITER Council

My colleagues and I are very sad to learn about the demise of Bernard Bigot. I first met him about two decades ago at Saclay. In the first meeting itself, he came across as an endearing person, and in subsequent years, we met several times first to develop collaboration in the area of nuclear power between India and France, and later on activities related to ITER.  Bernard, my colleagues in India and I will always remember you and your contributions to nuclear power, particularly the ITER project. 

Gilles Perrier, Head of Safety and Quality, ITER ORGANIZATION


I am so deeply sad this morning. One year ago, I joined the ITER project and we built together a personal, sincere and fruitful relation very quickly.

Your intense passion to the project, your willingness to make fusion happen, your detailed technical understanding and your energy have impressed me from the very first day. I remember back in 2015, I was not yet at ITER but I attended one of your conference and you made all the attendance travel in the fusion world with such a talent! Your tribute to the whole fusion community and to the global scientific community will be remembered forever.  Thank you for all and rest in peace, Bernard. My sincere condolences.

Andrew Holland, Chief Executive Officer, Fusion Industry Association

Dr. Bigot was a transformational leader at ITER.

He brought the multinational fusion experiment together and restored faith among the national governments that this project was worth investing in.

He kept fusion alive when governments were questioning its value. When commercial fusion is achieved, Dr. Bigot should be remembered as a key architect of that.


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