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Travel and Removal Forms

Travel and Removal Forms

Welcome to the ITER Organization!
We are pleased to have chosen you as one of our newest employees and eagerly await your arrival.

Below you will find various documents to help you at each step of the recruitment process; if at any time you have a question, please do not hesitate to contact ITER's Human Resources Division at:HR-recruitment@iter.org.

Actu & Médias

Veuillez nous excuser, mais cette page n'est pas encore disponible en Français.


If you are eligible to the reimbursement of travel and removal expenses in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Staff Regulations, below you will find the documents and forms.

Removal expenses request for prior approval
Removal Quotation
Application form for Reimbursement of Travel Expenses

If you have specific questions about the Travel and Removal procedures, the following HR assistants are available to assist you.

jeanne.fouiliard@iter.org - +33 442 17 61 20

magali.walker@iter.org - +33 442 17 61 51