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Actu & Médias


Of Interest

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Looking for new talent

Tai Surp Joe in his office. (Click to view larger version...)
Tai Surp Joe in his office.
Whereas not every ITER staff member may know Tai Surp Joe, there is a good chance Tai Surp (we call him Tai) knows most, if not all of them. And the reason for that is that he actually hired a majority of them. When Tai, Senior Administrator in the Human Resources Division, arrived in Cadarache in September 2006, his first task was to recruit 21 CAD-designers and IT-staff from the Gaching/Naka Sites. He also developed the "personal history form", the key form all the candidates need to fill in since the big recruitment campaign for the first 52 positions. And that was only the start, as one campaign was followed by the next. For the first big campaign early 2007, the recruitment team had to read 950 application forms of preselected candidates for the 52 recruitments", says Tai. "This was a lot of work, but at the same time we were happy to see that so many qualified people from the Parties want to be part of the ITER adventure."

Another major campaign has just been launched, this time for 29 professional positions, 16 of which are new urgent positions. The other eight are replacements and five are re-postings. The open positions are posted on the ITER website as well as on the Domestic Agencies' websites with job descriptions drafted by DDG/Head of Office. Candidates have to apply for the positions via the ITER Parties. Each Party, through its Domestic Agency, pre-selects a number of qualified candidates. The applications of these candidates are then sent to the ITER Organization where a selection board of five or six people is set up for each open position. This board makes a shortlist of about five candidates for each position. The shortlisted candidates are then invited to a video-interview by the selection board. At the end of this series of interviews, the selection board will then submit a prioritized list to Senior Management, who will make the final selection. For more information on the open positions please click here: http://www.iter.org/jobs

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