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Actu & Médias


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ITER firmly connected to the Internet

The new Renater network connection is based at the Château de Cadarache. (Click to view larger version...)
The new Renater network connection is based at the Château de Cadarache.
Three important steps towards a better internet connection for ITER have recently been implemented. A high availability, high capacity (1 Gbps) firewall was implemented, the ITER network was directly connected to RENATER, (the French science network provider which provides the large bandwith needed for scientific data exchange), and the ITER IO received its own block of network address space.

"All in all these were very significant changes and I am pleased that the team of IT experts managed to make all these transitions with minimum interruption to the users", said Hans-Werner Bartels, Head of the ITER IT-Group. "I would also like to mention that we received a lot of help from CEA and RENATER. In addition we were helped by network experts from Garching and Barcelona who know our network configuration in great detail. With this excellent team this big transition was possible."

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