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Newsfeed from Oak Ridge

 (Click to view larger version...)
Bernice Rogers (Click to view larger version...)
Bernice Rogers
Helen Henderson Hinton, new technical coordination assistant for the ITER Project, visited the United States ITER Project Office (USIPO) earlier this month to meet some of the staff members with whom she will regularly interface and coordinate. Helen (centre) is shown with USIPO staff (from left) Jama Hill, Business Manager; Bonnie Hébert, Human Resources and Communications Manager; Karen Andrews, Document Control Center Manager; and Tonia McPeters, Executive Assistant.

Bernice C. Rogers has been appointed Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Manager for the US ITER Tokamak exhaust processing system. In this capacity, she reports to Ned R. Sauthoff, US ITER Project Manager, and to Benjamin J. Cross, Manager, Nuclear Energy Programs, Savannah River National Laboratory. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University.

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