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Actu & Médias


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Safety in the office

 (Click to view larger version...)
Building Security Supervisor Alain Le Bris would like to remind ITER employees of the following precautions to be taken in the office:

No objects or cardboard boxes should be stored on top of file cabinets. If you need extra storage in your office, please contact Logistics through the IDM Ticket System.

Make sure that all personal electrical appliances (lamps, kettles, coffee machines) comply with French (NF) and European (EN) standards. Personal heating devices are forbidden—see Logistics if you have a specific need.

It is contrary to French work legislation to cook or eat in your office. Microwave ovens are expressly forbidden.

Electrical or network cables should be kept along the walls, and out of the way of passers-by. Contact Logistics if you need help. In general, office furniture should be organized in such a way as to leave exits free, in order to facilitate evacuation in an emergency.

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