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Actu & Médias


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Working group on Site & Buildings

Between 21-23 March, a Site & Buildings working group meeting — involving representatives of the ITER Parties and the ITER Organization — took place under the chairmanship of Carl Strawbridge of the US ITER Office. The working group is part of the Design Review process, and it is their task to resolve the outstanding issue cards regarding the size and layout of the ITER buildings, in particular the nuclear buildings. The working group also defines the schedule for the architectural engineering, and provides input for the safety and licensing procedures.

Jerry Sovka, one of the participants to the meeting, said: "We meet every two weeks, be it by means of phone or video-conferences, or face-to-face meetings. The ITER Responsible Officers provide us with input on what they need to put in the buildings, and it is our job to translate that information into a consistent layout of the site".

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