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Celebrating Newsline #100

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Dear Reader,

It is our pride and pleasure to present to you today the 100th issue of ITER Newsline. Almost three years have passed since the ITER Organization launched the first issue of its on-line publication on 18 October 2006 ... and much has happened since.

The aim of Newsline is to render the ITER project—and all of its myriad technical, scientific, and organizational details—as accessible and understandable as possible to the general public, and also to interest the scientific community, engineers and politicians. In the beginning, Newsline was issued every three weeks. Then, as the ITER Communication team grew and developed with the organization itself, Newsline became stronger and more frequent. Thanks to the strong support we experience from the ITER community here and abroad, as well as from the wider fusion "family," we are today able to report a wide variety of information. Every week, every Friday evening.

For the 100th issue, we decided to produce a special printed version ... a "best-of" album of the events and highlights of the first three years of the ITER Project. Printed copies will be handed out to all ITER staff within the next days; many others will receive it by the postal service. But as it is Friday and we did not want to let you down, please click on the button below to have a first glance.

We do hope that you enjoy browsing through this special issue as much as we enjoyed producing it.

See you again in our regular format next week,

Sabina Griffith

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