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Number 27 is signed

Kaname Ikeda and Evgeny Velikhov signing the Procurement Arrangement for ITER's cable-in-conduit conductor for the poloidal field coils earlier today. With this signature, all but one Procurement Arrangement for ITER's poloidal field coils have been completed.  (Click to view larger version...)
Kaname Ikeda and Evgeny Velikhov signing the Procurement Arrangement for ITER's cable-in-conduit conductor for the poloidal field coils earlier today. With this signature, all but one Procurement Arrangement for ITER's poloidal field coils have been completed.
On 2 October at the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow, ITER Director-General Kaname Ikeda and Akademic Evgeny Velikhov signed the Procurement Arrangement for the cable-in-conduit conductor for the ITER poloidal field coils. The Arrangement prepares the way for the production of about 13 kilometres of conductors from about 50 tonnes of niobium-titanium strands and 200 tonnes of stainless steel jacket.

All the strands will be produced at the facilities of the Chepetsky Plant in Glasov. Cabling will be done at the All-Russian Scientific Research and Development Cable Institute (VNIIKP), using their innovative cabling technology.

The jacket and jacketing of the conductor will be done by a European supplier as an in-kind exchange with the European Domestic Agency—"an excellent example of collaboration between two Domestic Agencies and of optimization of procurement," ITER Director-General Kaname Ikeda said in his address prior to signing the contract. "Today's signature means that all but one Procurement Arrangement for ITER's poloidal field coils have been completed. The only Procurement Arrangement left to be implemented for the poloidal field coils is the one for the winding of coil number one. This signature is planned to happen by the end of this year."

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