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Rendezvous with industry

"It is the responsibility of our generation to make this project a success," Bernard Bigot, the President of the French ITER Industrial Committee, said in his address to the audience. (Click to view larger version...)
"It is the responsibility of our generation to make this project a success," Bernard Bigot, the President of the French ITER Industrial Committee, said in his address to the audience.
Almost 600 industry representatives from all over France were curious to learn more about ITER. (Click to view larger version...)
Almost 600 industry representatives from all over France were curious to learn more about ITER.
On the second day of the "Rendezvous," the conference participants came to Cadarache to visit the ITER construction site. Copyright: AIF AR
 (Click to view larger version...)
On the second day of the "Rendezvous," the conference participants came to Cadarache to visit the ITER construction site. Copyright: AIF AR
The European Domestic Agency "Fusion for Energy" alone has a purchase budget of EUR 400 million to invest over the next two years. So it is understandable that interest in conducting business with ITER is high. This week, almost 600 industrial representatives from all over France came together in the Palais de Congrès in Aix-en-Provence to find out how to do business with and for ITER.

Organized by Mission ITER, the participants of the "Rencontres d'affaires ITER" first learned the "who's who" of the ITER Project and its satellites in France and Europe: Thierry Brosseron, Administrative Director of Agence Iter France gave the audience an update on site preparations; Jacques Farineau, ITER Senior Advisor for Industrial Matters gave an introduction on the structure of the ITER Organization; Francoise Flament, Head of Contracts and Procurements, drew the roadmap for the call-for-tender process; and Philippe Correa, Francoise's equivalent at "Fusion for Energy," gave additional perspective on the months and years to come.

Finally, Bernard Bigot, the President of the French ITER Industrial Committee and General Administrator of the CEA, addressed the audience stressing the importance of the ITER Project. "It is the responsibility of our generation to make this project a success," Bigot said. "It is time that we mobilize the industrial potential."

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