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International School — a long way in a short time

Kaname Ikeda handing over the prizes. (Click to view larger version...)
Kaname Ikeda handing over the prizes.
Kaname Ikeda in a low-level meeting. (Click to view larger version...)
Kaname Ikeda in a low-level meeting.
June ended with a very joyful event at the International School in Manosque: the prize-giving ceremony at the end of the school year. It was an inspiring morning with children aged between 3 and 18, from 22 different countries, working together to present demonstrations of song and dance. "The International School has come a long way in a short time and I would like to congratulate everybody who had been involved in this enterprise," ITER Director-General, Kaname Ikeda, said.

In September 2007, there were only 80 students. At the end of the first school year in June, there were 133 students and at the beginning of the school year in September 2008, 190 children will attend the school. Construction work for the new school campus will start this month and its first phase will be ready for 2009.

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