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Activation workshop at ITER-India

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UKAEA Culham recently supplied EASY-2007 (the current version of the European Activation System, a computer code and nuclear data for activation calculations) to ITER India. Robin Forrest, Group Leader of the Neutronics and Nuclear Data Group, was invited to the ITER-India headquarters to give a training course on the use of the EASY system. There was significant interest in this from the staff at the institute and it was decided to expand the training course to an Activation workshop so that Robin could also hear about some of the related work being carried out in India.

Commenting on the workshop Robin said: "I was very impressed by the enthusiasm of the ITER-India team and the rapid progress that they have made in the areas of neutronics and activation. The team has the very demanding task of co-ordinating the construction of the various components that India has agreed to provide for ITER and I was convinced that they are making very good progress."

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