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ITER team expands

The New year sees the ITER Joint Work Site buillding in Cadarache bursting at its seams. The ITER personnel from Garching and Naka have moved in and the first new professional staff have been recruited, doubling the staff numbers in September. The ITER team now numbers about 130.

Levelling the land in preparation for the next temporary ITER building. Click on the picture for a high-resolution image. (Click to view larger version...)
Levelling the land in preparation for the next temporary ITER building. Click on the picture for a high-resolution image.
Boxes and cartons dominate the scene, empty desks and working space are getting scarce. So in addition to the preparations of the actual project site which will start soon, more portakabin-type offices are currently being built next to the existing provisional ITER building.

To welcome and introduce the new members of the growing team, ITER Director General Nominee Kaname Ikeda and the management addressed the staff in a first official General Staff meeting on January 9th. There, the PDDGN Norbert Holtkamp and the heads of the departments summarized their responsibilities and stressed the milestones that lay ahead. Understaffing seemed to be the main limiting factor for all departments. "This project is extreme in any regard" , said Holtkamp, and invited the gathered team "So, be creative."

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