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On the road: the ITinERaire

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The roadworks necessary for bringing the extra large ITER components to the site from the coast are in full swing. Work started at the beginning of 2008 and the aim is to finish it all before the end of next year, when the first convoys are expected.

Halfway through this large-scale project, work has started on the construction site in all the sixteen communes affected and some work, such as the adaptation of the roundabouts, has already been completed.

Organizing all this is a huge challenge. "Most of the work is being carried out on roads with traffic. Working on so many different construction sites simultaneously, ensuring the safety of both the workers and road-users and disturbing those living nearby, calls for real professionalism," says Alain Budillon, Director of the PACA Region team in charge of this project on behalf of the French Government.

If you would like to know more, you can look on the internet site: under the heading "sites grands projets" where you will find "l'Itineraire ITER".

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