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Think tank on leak localization techniques

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Knowing that it happened is one thing, knowing where it happened is another: the talk here is about leaks. Leaks in the ITER vacuum system during operation will most certainly occur despite every effort to assure maximum leak-tightness. The challenge is thus to find the right means to effectively detect and localize leaks in order not to jeopardize ITER Project goals and timescales.

That is why the ITER team, lead by the ITER Vacuum Group plus experts from different fields, is meeting for a brainstorming workshop near Orange this week to identify possible techniques which could be adapted or developed to solve the ITER leak localization issues.

Two types of leaks are considered to present the largest localization challenge for ITER: one is a water leak into the main tokamak or cryostat, the other a helium leak into the cryostat. Participants in the workshop will compare ideas to be pursued for further R&D, and identify integration issues for the current component design.

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