you're currently reading the news digest published from 29 Jul 2020 to 07 Sep 2020



Summer jobs | Massive, intense and spectacular

The 2020 summer months saw some of the most massive, intense and spectacular activities in ITER Project history. July ended with heads of state and world dignitaries virtually gathered in the ITER Assembly Hall to celebrate the launch of assembly operations. August began with the arrival from Korea of the first vacuum vessel segment—an alien-looking, D-shaped chunk of steel which, once welded to 8 other similar 40-degree segments, will form the toroidal chamber where fusion reactions will occur. By the end of the month, the time had come to move the cryostat lower cylinder out of its protective cocoon and into the Assembly Hall. The operation was spectacular: manufactured in India and assembled and welded on site, the lower cylinder is a giant steel ring, 6 centimetres thick, 10 metres high, and 30 metres in diameter—and the doors into the building offered just enough clearance for it to pass. Once inside, and after a few days of preparation and tests, the 375-tonne component was lifted, moved along the entire length of the assembly theatre and delicately inserted into the Tokamak assembly pit. The operation on 31 August was both similar and different (and, at times, even more challenging) than the one on 26 May, when the base section of the cryostat was positioned at the bottom of the pit. Four days into September, a fourth toroidal field coil (TF11, from Europe) arrived on the ITER site. Travelling along the ITER Itinerary now are two semi-circular magnet feeders that left Shanghai late May and arrived in France on 7 July. Next week, logistics teams are expecting vacuum vessel thermal shielding from Korea, followed shortly by the first batch of cryostat top lid segments from India. One by one, the pieces of the giant ITER Erector set are being delivered to the construction site. Ten years to the month after the beginning of building construction and five years before the production of ITER's First Plasma, assembly has begun in earnest.

Toroidal field coils | 15 more to come

The ITER machine will require 18* toroidal field coils—the D-shaped superconducting magnets that are responsible for confining the plasma in the centre of the torus-shaped plasma chamber. Since April four of them, two from Europe and two from Japan, have been delivered to the ITER site. Although similar in shape, they differ in their packaging. Europe has opted for a tight wrap that reveals the general shape of the component and advertises the names of the institutions and companies involved; Japan has chosen a more conservative approach, with the coil encased in a rectangular frame with only its two opposite ends visible. But whatever the packaging and whether experiencing it for the first time or the fourth, the transport of a 17-metre-long, 350-tonne component is always a spectacular event that draws small crowds on its passage. Following the arrival of toroidal field coils TF9 and TF12 in April, and TF13 in July, toroidal field coil #11 (from Europe) was delivered to the ITER site in the small hours of 4 September. Its 'partners' for pre-assembly, toroidal field coil #10 and vacuum vessel sector #8, are not due at ITER before 2021. * Plus one spare

Cryostat lower cylinder | Another major assembly achievement

The setting, the atmosphere, the tension, and the sequence of operations were similar, but the challenges were slightly different. The cryostat base, which was inserted into the assembly pit back in May, was an exceptionally heavy, uniform and rather rigid component. The ring-shaped lower cylinder, although much taller (12 metres vs 4), was a considerably lighter load (375 tonnes vs 1,250) and—due to its diameter, thickness and many large openings—more 'flexible' and likely to deform. In addition, its mass was unevenly distributed: on one side, the neutral beam port area added significant weight, which required a specific rigging arrangement. For more than one year, since April 2019, the cryostat lower cylinder had sat in storage, solidly encased in its steel frame and carefully cocooned in airtight material. On 22 August 2020, a 192-wheel self-propelled transport trailer slowly transferred the component into the Assembly Hall, passing through the wide door with very limited clearance. Preparing for the lifting, transfer and insertion of the cryostat lower cylinder took the better part of one week, including laser measurements, the installation of complex rigging, the connection to the overhead crane, and finally a test lift to determine the importance and range of deflections. On 31 August everything was ready, and the cautious, progressive process of lifting and transferring a steel ring the diameter of the Stonehenge stone circle could begin. By mid-day, the lower cylinder hovered just about the mouth of the Tokamak pit (see video below). An empty well at the time of cryostat base insertion, the pit has since been equipped with a number of protruding components that reduced already tight clearances to less than 10 centimetres at the narrowest points. Alignment with the cryostat base and the openings in the bioshield wall meant also that stringent rotational tolerances had to be met. Watching the huge and almost frail component slowly slide down the pit, each opening in the steel ring aligning with the corresponding opening in the concrete bioshield, was an unforgettable experience. As the lower cylinder settled on temporary hydraulic jacks, just a few centimetres above the base, one felt a sense of awe for the precision engineering that had just been demonstrated. Now, one week later, the lower cylinder is settled in its final position. The gap between the two cryostat sections has been reduced to just 6 millimetres or less and automatic welding operations are ready to start. Expected to last 4 to 5 months, the task will be carried out by specialists from MAN Energy Solutions—the same Indian Domestic Agency contractor that was in charge of assembling and welding the cryostat segments in the Cryostat Workshop. Watch a video of the operation on 31 August here.

Vacuum vessel | First sector unveiled

Travelling in nondescript casing, like a mobile home designed by an uninspired architect, the first of nine sectors of the ITER vacuum vessel was delivered to ITER on 7 August. Five days later, as the housing was removed, the jewel was revealed in all its strangeness: a massive, 440-tonne, D-shaped chunk of steel, dotted with hundreds of protruding cylindrical bumps that evoked a perfectly aligned, metallic measles eruption. Once combined and welded, four sectors supplied by Korea and five supplied by Europe will form ITER's toroidal plasma chamber. As for the measles eruption, it is caused by the 'flexible support housings' or "cartridges"—1,760 of them in total and approximately 200 per sector—onto which the blanket shield blocks will be attached. Beyond its alien shape and its awesome mission, this unique industrial object carries a strong symbolic dimension. It will be the first to be 'upended' to vertical and placed within the open arms of ITER's tallest assembly tool—one of the twin sector sub-assembly tools (SSATs)—to be associated with two D-shaped toroidal field coils (TF12 and TF13) and corresponding thermal shielding. Vacuum vessel sector #6 will stand at the core of the first 1,200-tonne pre-assembly—the first to be delivered by overhead crane into the Tokamak pit. Lessons learned on this first pre-assembly operation will contribute to increased ease and faster turnaround times for all other vacuum vessel pre-assembly sequences. For the moment, the component has been transferred to the far end of the Assembly Hall, where the ITER team has performed a helium leak test. A full report will be published in next week's Newsline.


ITER, el mayor experimento de fusión nuclear, inicia el montaje final

ITER - Die teure künstliche Sonne

AsorCAD participa en el proyecto ITER con su tecnología 3D

US Department of Energy Announces $29 Million in Fusion Energy Technology Development

Когда будет термояд: 500-мегаваттный проект ITER глазами участника

Voyage au centre d'Iter

"人造太阳"ITER又有新进展 地球上种的"太阳"已"发芽"


Fusione nucleare: ITER passa alla fase 3

Inside ITER (paywall)

[마이더스] '인공태양' 본궤도... 한국 기여도 '으뜸'

「地上につくる太陽」はSFでなくなる? 組み立て始まった核融合実験炉

Tungsten isotope helps study how to armor future fusion reactors

The world's largest nuclear fusion experiment: RAZOR full episode

ITER, premier réacteur thermonucléaire: un projet international apolitique «dans sa structure même»

Eddington's dream becoming reality: 100th anniversary of the discovery of solar fusion

ITER Celebrates Milestone, Still at Least a Decade Away From Fusing Atoms

New Developments in ITER Construction span Two Continents

'PC 3천300대 계산 성능' 핵융합 연구용 슈퍼컴 구축

Für immer ein Traum?

Intervju z dr. Luko Snojem: Slovenec ki so deluje pri največjem projektu človeštva

Global Community Makes Important Step Toward Fusion Power By Launching ITER Construction

Hydraulischer Trailerantrieb transportiert ITER-Teile

Tough, timely and team-driven: 50 years of energy research

Model of the Week: Tokamak Fusion Reactor [Fusion Power!]

This giant machine could give us unlimited clean energy

核融合炉 組み立て開始 ~地上の太陽は実現するか~」(くらし☆解説)

Las grúas torre Potain en el proyecto ITER

「太陽エネルギー再現」へ、核融合炉の組み立て開始 仏

World's largest nuclear fusion reactor ITER begins assembly phase


Egemen Kolemen wins 2020 Excellence in Fusion Engineering Award

'한국형 인공태양' 1억도에서도 끄떡없는 텅스텐 토카막 재무장 나선다

Российские ученые рассказали, как наработки нашей страны помогают создавать энергетику XXI века

Создание реактора ИТЭР даст старт развитию термоядерной промышленности - учёный

Отставание в строительстве реактора ИТЭР из-за пандемии планируют нагнать к концу года

Представители Росатома рассказали о роли России в реализации глобального термоядерного проекта ITER

Monteringen av verdens største fusjon-eksperiment har begynt

Kernfusion und Erneuerbare ergänzen sich

Here's One Way to Make Fusion Reactors Much Better

Beskonačni izvor energije: Za pet godina niče najveći fuzioni reaktor na svijetu

ITER Assembly Officially Begins in France

At ITER site, work begins to 'build the sun' on Earth

Ce qu'il faut savoir sur la fusion nucléaire, la nouvelle énergie qui pourrait voir le jour dès 2035

Russian institutes develop welding quality control method for ITER

Wie steht's eigentlich um ITER? (paywall)

A fusion future is getting closer to reality

«L'expérience scientifique la plus grandiose de l'humanité»: interview du directeur du centre russe du projet ITER

China will bei der Kernfusion überholen

ITER el proyecto de fusión nuclear para obtener energía ilimitada



Надежность деталей международного реактора ITER проверят томские специалисты

ITER, il reattore a fusione che mira a imitare il sole e la capacità di alimentare 325mila case

Eksperymentalny reaktor termojądrowy powoli staje się faktem — to będzie przełom w energetyce

US Department of Energy Announces $13.3 Million for Plasma Research

ITER: vers une solution énergétique jamais vue

A Giant Nuclear Fusion Reactor Hotter than the Sun to Provide Unlimited Clean Energy to the World Marks Milestone


ITER: a promessa de paz

Interview: Kathy McCarthy of ORNL, US Director of the ITER Fusion Project

Watch | Assembly of the world's largest nuclear fusion reactor begins

De la bomba atómica a la energía eterna: el átomo puede salvar a la humanidad

핵융합연, 초고온 플라즈마로부터 핵융합로 보호할 차폐블록 개발

S. Korea develops ITER blanket shield block

'ITER'에 조달할 차폐블록 초도품 개발 성공

ITER es solo el primer paso: este es el itinerario que promete llevarnos a la fusión nuclear comercial en 2060

ITER, The World's Largest Nuclear Fusion Project: A Big Step Forward

Global Effort to Create Artificial Sun for Clean Energy... and S. Korea

New ITER Robotics Test Facility project starts

Another Milestone in Indian Contribution to ITER Completion of In-Wall Shield Manufacturing at M/s Avasarala Bengaluru

Magyar mérnökök tudásával használhatunk tiszta energiát

Politechnika Łódzka w projekcie "sztucznego Słońca"

Солнце в миниатюре. Термоядерная гонка

[기고] 신의 영역 도전하는 `인공태양`

Encore un convoi record pour le programme Iter

(intervju) Slovenci v največjem energetskem projektu na svetu

'Kernfusie kan in de voetsporen treden van zonnecellen.'

ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility gets too cool!

«ЗЭТО» разработал оборудование для первой в мире термоядерной установки ITER

The General Atomics nuclear fusion project paves the way toward essentially limitless clean energy (video)

Fusion's future gets real in France

[최준호의 사이언스&] 핵융합·태양광·수소, 인류를 에너지 문제에서 해방할까

«НИИЭФА» наложил корпусную изоляцию на сверхпроводящую катушку полоидального поля реактора ИТЭР

US Department of Energy Announces $21 Million for Fusion Energy Instrumentation

Сунце на Земљи и бесконачни извор енергије — за пет година ниче највећи фузиони реактор на свету

En bordure du Var, coup d'envoi des travaux d'assemblage du réacteur à fusion le plus puissant du monde pour une énergie "propre"

″Künstliche Sonne″Bau des Kernfusionsreaktors Iter — Strom vielleicht ab 2050

Construction of the World's Biggest Nuclear Fusion Plant Just Started in France

Počela posljednja velika etapa megaprojekta, na korak smo od "vještačkog sunca"

La primera estrella de creación humana empieza a tomar forma

Искусственное солнце: как первый в мире термоядерный реактор изменит мир

First results of an upgraded device highlight lithium's value for producing fusion

A nuclear future after the pandemic?

Cel mai mare proiect de fuziune nucleară din lume a început în Franța

Une énergie inépuisable, non polluante, décarbonée et sûre ? C'est le projet ITER.

Construction milestone at new UKAEA Fusion Technology site in Yorkshire

Ve Francii slavnostně začala montáž reaktoru ITER

SVET NA KORAK OD VEŠTAČKOG SUNCA Počinje poslednja velika etapa: Megaprojekat koji bi mogao da PROMENI PLANETU

Con ITER comienza el principio del fin de los combustibles fósiles

Начало сборки термоядерного реактора ИТЭР превратили в онлайн-шоу

Assembly of ITER begins in France

世界最大核融合反應爐終進入組裝階段,2025 年進行電漿測試

Започна строежът на експерименталния реактор ITER

İlk Tokamak nükleer füzyon reaktörü inşası başladı

ITER: Ξεκίνησε η Συναρμολόγηση του «Τεχνητού Ήλιου» — Θα Παράγει Ανεξάντλητη Ενέργεια

Запущена сборка термоядерного реактора проекта ITER

Во Франции началась сборка первого в мире интернационального термоядерного реактора: РФ участвует

एक नया सूरज बना रहे हैं वैज्ञानिक, भारत समेत दुनिया के 35 देश जुड़े

شمس صغيرة على الأرض... 7 دول تعمل على أكبر مشروع نووي علمي في العالم...


Frankreich: Montage des größten Kernfusions-Experimentalreaktors der Welt beginnt

Megaprojekt koji bi mogao promijeniti svijet: Gradi se najkompleksniji stroj

Rozpoczęto montaż reaktora termojądrowego, tokamaka ITER

Ve Francii začala náročná montáž fúzního reaktoru. Některé díly jsou velké jako budova a váží stovky tun

Reactor nuclear ITER: arrancó en Francia el ensamblaje de la primera "estrella" de creación humana

Náš tokamak ide v ústrety Slnku

Work starts on nuclear fusion plant in France

Assembly of ITER begins in Southern France

The World's Largest Nuclear Fusion Reactor Is Finally Being Built

ITER reactor, a promise of peace, moment in history: Macron

ITER - a perfect example of "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam", says PM Modi

Central Solenoid in ITER Fusion Reactor Has the Magnetic Power to Lift an Aircraft Carrier

Assembly of ITER begins in France

El ITER inicia su ensamblaje con el apoyo de 35 países: arranca el gran reactor que intentará demostrar que la fusión nuclear es rentable


Scientists Start Assembling The World's Largest Nuclear Fusion Experiment

World's largest nuclear fusion project that will replicate reactions in the SUN to create 'the ultimate clean energy source' begins assembly in France

'World's largest puzzle': Scientists take another step toward nuclear fusion with ITER project

ITER assembly brings nuclear fusion one step closer

Work begins to assemble France's global nuclear fusion device

'Mặt trời nhân tạo' lớn nhất thế giới đã bắt đầu được lắp ráp

Lắp ráp lò phả‌n ứn‌g nón‌g hơn lõi Mặt Trời


Xi Jinping puji eksperimen fusi nuklir terbesar dunia

У Франції почали будувати «штучне сонце» — інноваційне джерело енергії.

核融合發電 科學家在法國組裝人造太陽

ITER nuclear fusion project begins five-year assembly phase

France's global nuclear fusion device a puzzle of huge parts

ITER: il progetto che fa sognare gli scienziati

L'assemblage du réacteur Iter a débuté

Ein Puzzle mit mehr als zehn Millionen Teilen

Saint-Paul-lès-Durance : le spectaculaire assemblage du réacteur à fusion d'Iter

Assembly of ITER tokamak officially under way

L'assemblage du réacteur Iter, "le soleil artificiel", a débuté dans les Bouches-du-Rhône

Assembly begins on ITER nuclear fusion reactor