What's new @ ITERThis is our all brand new RSS stream to keep in touch with ITERFri, 18 Oct 2013 14:00:00 +0100http://www.iter.orgen-usFEATURED: Tokamaks | Different approaches around the worldhttps://www.iter.org/newsline/-/4063https://www.iter.org/newsline/-/40632024-07-22 00:00:00Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100 <div class="field-image"> <a href="https://www.iter.org/newsline/-/4063"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="https://www.iter.org/img/crop-600-85/www/content/com/Lists/Stories/Attachments/4063/tokamak.jpg" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="field-body"><p>Look east, look west ... tokamak projects are underway in different parts of the world. All of them are benefiting from and complementing the pioneering work already done—and ongoing—at ITER. The ITER Private Sector Fusion Workshop in May was the occasion to showcase some of the different approaches. First to take the floor during a panel on tokamaks was Alex Creely of Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS), a startup spun out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. CFS is currently building the SPARC tokamak, which is based on the same tokamak physics as ITER, but which utilizes new, high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets that enable much higher magnetic fields and therefore smaller tokamaks. 'In the early days of ITER, it was seen as the only viable path to a power plant,' said Creely. 'There are now other viable paths, however, and fusion has become a multi-polar endeavor.' CFS has already built a demonstration non-insulated toroidal field coil and tested a 20.8 Tesla HTS magnet at 20K operating temperature, storing 110 MJ of energy in 270 km of HTS tape. CFS intentionally operated this to the point of failure in order to validate its models. Creely underscored some of the challenges ahead that the global fusion community needs to solve such as blanket and heat extraction, as well as the need for durability and reliability for commercial power plants. 'ITER has the opportunity to become part of a vibrant multi-polar fusion research community, adapting to the emergence of the new private fusion industry.' He went on to stress CFS's strong support of open scientific discourse around plasma physics, and its interest in sharing physics knowledge with ITER and other fusion endeavors—both through publication and through meetings of peers. 'CFS would like to see wider distribution of the documents and tools that ITER has developed. We would be very interested in gaining access to existing ITER documents and not just the planned ITER Design Handbook, which won't be published for some time. There is a lot of existing knowledge that we would be happy to benefit from right now.' The second panel participant was David Kingham from Tokamak Energy, a company founded in 2009 as a spin-off from the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA). A US subsidiary, Tokamak Energy Inc, was established in 2019, and is one of the companies selected for the US Department of Energy's bold decadal vision for fusion energy. 'Tokamak Energy is the only private fusion company with over a decade's experience developing the two technologies that offer the most efficient and commercially attractive route to fusion energy—the compact spherical tokamak and HTS magnets,' said Kingham. He emphasized how HTS is a real game changer for fusion, noting that Tokamak Energy had achieved a record 24 Tesla at 20K. He also pointed out how important the company's work on HTS magnets has been in developing technology for applications well beyond fusion. 'The ability to generate intense magnetic fields in a relatively compact size makes HTS magnets attractive for applications including magnetic levitation, energy storage and lightweight, powerful electric motors and generators. Future applications could include magneto-hydrodynamic propulsion; mineral separation; proton/hadron beam therapy; particle accelerators; and space propulsion. These applications, and more, can be addressed because our magnet engineering and construction, developed for the hugely demanding requirements of fusion energy, produces magnets that are robust, compact, exceptionally powerful and easy to cool—to a typical operating temperature of 20K.' Kingham stressed the importance of ITER's body of work, citing publicly available information on the design of ITER including a grand database of tokamak experimental data, which was useful to conceptual design studies for spherical tokamaks, and advancements in tritium handling and fuel breeding systems. 'ITER has also validated the performance of many important materials and stimulated the development of supply chains for materials and other enabling technologies.' Kingham hopes to continue to benefit from ITER knowledge—including (good and bad) lessons learned and more detail about materials selection, and through the support of bi-directional staff secondments. Panelist David Weisberg described research at General Atomics, which operates the DIII-D tokamak for the US Department of Energy. Whereas early tokamak designs, starting in the 1960s, were circular in cross-section, scientists at General Atomics developed the 'doublet,' a configuration with an elongated hourglass-shaped plasma cross-section. The Doublet I, II, and III tokamaks in the 1970s and 1980s showed that this approach allowed for a hotter and denser stable plasma. The doublet concepts evolved into the D-shaped plasmas universally seen in tokamaks today—including ITER—making General Atomics instrumental in leading this fusion research innovation. Today, General Atomics is a major player in ITER manufacturing (central solenoid, diagnostics) but also an important player in the private-sector push forward for fusion, with specific expertise in developing and fabricating large-scale superconducting magnets for fusion applications. 'Private fusion companies are more nimble and can move more quickly than large public programs,' said Weisberg, 'but we do so at increased programmatic risk. We believe that ITER can play an important role in reducing risk for the private sector by becoming the knowledge base for tomorrow's fusion industry. For example, General Atomics is focusing on reducing risk through technology development that is informed by integrated facility design studies. ITER is already a world leader in this approach, and so we believe there is an important opportunity for ITER to disseminate this knowledge, both through the ITER Design Handbook as well as through person-to-person education.' Calling the design and construction of ITER 'singular accomplishments that have generated a wealth of knowledge,' he said that ITER is closing fusion technology gaps and raising technology readiness levels. ITER 'has already solved many of the integration challenges that a fusion pilot plant will face' but he believes ITER can do more. 'The people behind the ITER design decisions are the most valuable resource for the private sector. The ITER Organization could expand its education efforts to include seminars, workshops, and summer schools for future fusion developers. And it could host industry partners on site to facilitate knowledge transfer, because in-person collaboration is the best way to pass on programmatic and development skills.' Minsheng Liu from China's ENN Energy Research Institute agrees. 'Good examples of how ITER can help include knowledge-sharing, such as the theory and modelling resources delivered by the ITER integrated modelling and analysis suite (IMAS), and the co-development of key technologies, such as negative-ion based neutral beam injector (N-NBI) technology.' Between 2018 and 2022, Liu's group designed and built EXL-50, China's first medium-sized spherical torus experimental device, which established the basis of spherical tokamak proton-boron fusion. In 2022, ENN began to upgrade to EXL-50U and design a new device, EHL-2—a spherical torus R&amp;D platform to tackle key proton-boron fusion challenges including the much higher temperatures needed. The next step—Phase II—will be EHL-3A &amp; 3B, which aim to improve parameters and overcome the engineering constraints for scaling up to a fusion reactor. Phase III will be the engineering and commercial demo, which will also focus on reducing costs. Liu joined the other speakers in emphasizing the importance of cooperation and collaboration in the fusion community and the value of learning by doing, drawing from expertise in fusion, high-energy particles, laser and materials. He said that ENN prioritized engaging experts from universities, laboratories, industries, power companies and private enterprises. Liu also highlighted the importance of digital intelligence in fusion research. 'Through intelligent simulation design, operation control, and experimental analysis of the spherical torus device—integrating physics, diagnosis, and control—we can help to expedite device design, enhance device design reliability, accelerate analysis and the comprehension of experimental results, and accomplish intelligent device control. We can digitize actual experiments and perform them on the computer. Our virtual, intelligent spherical torus experimental platform is flexible, capable of intelligent evolution, and able to extrapolate and predict without being constrained by current engineering technologies.' During the Q&amp;A session following the presentations, all four speakers agreed that one of the key problems facing the industry is the shortage of engineers, suggesting that more funding for training was needed both in universities and public companies. 'But students won't get involved if the industry doesn't exist, if the finish line isn't in sight,' said Weisberg. 'So we really need to bootstrap and to make this happen.' And that, surely, is another way ITER can help.</p></div> https://www.iter.org/img/crop-600-85/www/content/com/Lists/Stories/Attachments/4063/tokamak.jpghttps://www.iter.org/doc/www/content/com/Lists/Stories/Attachments/4063/tokamak.jpgFEATURED: Construction site | A guide to work underwayhttps://www.iter.org/newsline/-/4064https://www.iter.org/newsline/-/40642024-07-22 00:00:00Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100 <div class="field-image"> <a href="https://www.iter.org/newsline/-/4064"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="https://www.iter.org/img/crop-900-85/www/content/com/Lists/Stories/Attachments/4064/platform_20-june-2024_vertical_labels_3.jpg" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="field-body"><p>Just like the ITER worksite, drone photography is also making progress. This view of the ITER platform is the sharpest and most detailed of all those we have published over the past decade. We have added labels and captions to showcase the ongoing work, some of it spectacular and visible, some performed in the depths of the buildings.&#160; 1 — Tokamak Building and Assembly Hall&#58;&#160;As repair operations on vacuum vessel #7 and #6 are nearing completion in the Assembly Hall, the installation of heavy electro-mechanical equipment in the adjacent Tokamak Building and Tokamak assembly pit is mobilizing approximately 300 workers. Among the systems and structures being installed&#58; piping for the cooling water system, platform construction in the drain tank room and in the L4 'vault', fuelling equipment, etc. 2 — Former Cryostat Workshop&#58;&#160;The 5,000-square-metre&#160;workshop&#160;where the four sections of the ITER cryostat were assembled and welded now hosts the repair activities on vacuum vessel sector #8 and some thermal shield panels. 3 — Poloidal field coil winding facility&#58;&#160;In this mighty European factory, four of the largest ITER poloidal field coils, ranging in diameter from 17 to 24 metres and weighing 200 to 400 tonnes, were manufactured and cold tested over a period of approximately ten years. The 49-metre-wide, 257-metre-long facility is now partially devoted to thermal shield panel repair and will host the toroidal field coil cold test facility. 4 — Coil storage&#58;&#160;Whether D-shaped or ring-shaped, the ITER superconducting coils are massive components that, ahead of their installation in the Tokamak assembly pit, require a large amount of storage space.&#160; 5 — Cryobridge&#58;&#160;In order to reach clients inside the Tokamak Building, cooling fluids produced by the ITER cryoplant flow through many kilometres of highly sophisticated piping called cryolines. Departing from and returning to the cryoplant, the cryolines must pass over an industrial bridge more than 10 metres above the ground—the cryobridge. The installation of cryoline spools is approximately 50% complete. 6 — Fast discharge units&#58;&#160;In the case of a sudden loss of superconductivity, an event called a quench, a massive quantity of energy (~ 41 GJ), and hence of heat, will need to be extracted from the magnets. This is the role of the fast discharge unit resistors located in these two buildings. The exhaust ducts, connected to a central chimney, are being installed. 7a &amp; 7b — Cocooned cryostat sections&#58;&#160;Pending their installation in the Tokamak pit, the ITER cryostat upper cylinder (7a) and top lid (7b) are safely stored outdoors in protective cocoons. 8 — Heat rejection system&#58; The refreshing sound of water cascading down the cooling cells is the newest addition to the everyday noise of the construction site. The heat rejection system is being commissioned in parallel with the cryoplant, whose compressors already generate quite a generous amount of heat that needs to be evacuated. 9 — Control Building&#58;&#160;The brain that commands &#160;the various facilities spread over the platform occupies a 3,500-square-metre, three-storey&#160;structure&#160;providing space for control and server rooms, offices, meeting rooms and support facilities. All cubicles (numbering close to 100) are now in place and approximately half of the required connections to the installation's systems have been installed. 10 — Neutral beam power supply installation&#58;&#160;Hosted in two buildings, the neutral beam power supply is a unique electrical installation that will accommodate an array of transformers, generators, rectifiers, inverters and other exotic electrical devices designed to feed 1 MeV ultrahigh voltage to the neutral beam plasma heating system. The first 66kV transformers should arrive at the end of the year. 11 — Cryoplant&#58;&#160;In order to deliver cooling fluids to the machine, ITER operates one the&#160;largest&#160;cryoplants&#160;in the world.&#160;The third and last 'train' of megawatt-class helium compressors has recently been turned on. Commissioning of the cryoplant is now 30% complete. 12 — Diagnostics Building&#58;&#160;Intense work is underway in the five-storey Diagnostics Building to install the fibre optics needed for the flow of data between instruments near the plasma and the back-end diagnostic systems. 13 — Radiofrequency Building&#58; This building&#160;will house the equipment needed by the radio-wave-generating electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) system. Seven and a half years after the start of building construction, control cubicles are being equipped, supports are being built and oil collectors installed to prepare for the installation of the first gyrotrons. See the gallery below for a few more details on work underway.</p></div> https://www.iter.org/img/crop-900-85/www/content/com/Lists/Stories/Attachments/4064/platform_20-june-2024_vertical_labels_3.jpghttps://www.iter.org/doc/www/content/com/Lists/Stories/Attachments/4064/mag_platform_20-june-2024_vertical.jpgOF-INTEREST: Fusion industry report, 2024https://www.iter.org/of-interest/1268https://www.iter.org/of-interest/12682024-07-18 00:00:00Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100 <div class="field-image"> <a href="https://www.iter.org/of-interest/1268"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="https://www.iter.org/img/crop-600-85/www/content/com/lists/of interest/attachments/1268/fia_report_2024.jpg" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="field-body"><p>The&#160;Fusion Industry Association&#160;has released its 2024 Global Fusion Industry Report. The report, which surveyed 45 companies, found that the fusion industry has attracted over USD 7.1 billion in investment, with USD 900 million in new funds since last year. Total public funding increased by 57% in the last 12 months to USD 426 million, showing that governments increasingly see public-private partnerships as central to making commercial fusion a reality. It also showed the United States leading commercial fusion, with 25 companies, followed by the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, and China. Additionally, employment in private fusion firms grew by 34% to over 4,000. More information is available&#160;here.</p></div> https://www.iter.org/img/crop-600-85/www/content/com/lists/of interest/attachments/1268/fia_report_2024.jpgPUBLICATION: ITER: Energy for our Future (Japanese version)https://e.issuu.com/embed.html?d=planet-iter-2024_ja&u=iterorganizationhttps://e.issuu.com/embed.html?d=planet-iter-2024_ja&u=iterorganization2024-07-18 16:32:08Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:32:08 +0100 <div class="field-image"> <a href="https://e.issuu.com/embed.html?d=planet-iter-2024_ja&u=iterorganization"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="https://www.iter.org/img/crop-600-85/www/content/com/Lists/list_items/Attachments/1200/Planet-ITER-2024_JA_thmb.jpg" alt="" /></a> </div> https://www.iter.org/img/crop-600-85/www/content/com/Lists/list_items/Attachments/1200/Planet-ITER-2024_JA_thmb.jpgPRESS: Post-Brexit supercomputer cluster planned for site of shut-down European fusion reactorhttps://www.thestack.technology/uk-supercomputer-data-centre-cluster-jet-torus/https://www.thestack.technology/uk-supercomputer-data-centre-cluster-jet-torus/2024-07-22 00:00:00Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: Delivering fusion energy needs bold decisions and sustained commitmenthttps://www.nature.com/articles/s42254-024-00742-zhttps://www.nature.com/articles/s42254-024-00742-z2024-07-22 00:00:00Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: Une vidéo sur le dernier record de WESThttps://irfm.cea.fr/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/News/index.php?id_news=2068https://irfm.cea.fr/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/News/index.php?id_news=20682024-07-22 00:00:00Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: Tech companies rake in $7.1 billion on quest to harness nuclear fusion as major energy sourcehttps://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/tech-companies-rake-in-7-1-billion-on-quest-to-harness-nuclear-fusion-as-major-energy-source/3595987/https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/tech-companies-rake-in-7-1-billion-on-quest-to-harness-nuclear-fusion-as-major-energy-source/3595987/2024-07-19 00:00:00Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: ITER组织副总干事一行到访核聚变中心https://www.iterchina.cn/picnews/info/2024/13984.htmlhttps://www.iterchina.cn/picnews/info/2024/13984.html2024-07-19 00:00:00Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: The nuclear fusion industry is having a growth spurthttps://www.axios.com/2024/07/17/nuclear-fusion-companies-fundinghttps://www.axios.com/2024/07/17/nuclear-fusion-companies-funding2024-07-19 00:00:00Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: ITER 10 Years Later? • What the New Schedule Really Means (video 10'21")https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7PPzzvQoLUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7PPzzvQoLU2024-07-18 00:00:00Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: ITER 10 Jahre später? • Was der neue Fahrplan wirklich bedeutet (video 10'57")https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2Z8nomV_HUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2Z8nomV_HU2024-07-18 00:00:00Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: Global fusion energy investment growth falls for second yearhttps://www.reuters.com/business/energy/global-fusion-energy-investment-growth-falls-second-year-2024-07-16/https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/global-fusion-energy-investment-growth-falls-second-year-2024-07-16/2024-07-18 00:00:00Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: Take a look behind the scenes at the world's largest fusion experimenthttps://www.newscientist.com/article/mg26335000-300-take-a-look-behind-the-scenes-at-the-worlds-largest-fusion-experiment/https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg26335000-300-take-a-look-behind-the-scenes-at-the-worlds-largest-fusion-experiment/2024-07-18 00:00:00Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: Fusionsexperte: ITER bleibt der "Schneepflug", der den Weg bahnthttps://www.heise.de/news/Fusionsexperte-ITER-bleibt-der-Schneepflug-der-den-Weg-bahnt-9803938.htmlhttps://www.heise.de/news/Fusionsexperte-ITER-bleibt-der-Schneepflug-der-den-Weg-bahnt-9803938.html2024-07-18 00:00:00Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: FIA Launches 2024 Global Fusion Industry Reporthttps://www.fusionindustryassociation.org/fia-launches-2024-global-fusion-industry-report/https://www.fusionindustryassociation.org/fia-launches-2024-global-fusion-industry-report/2024-07-18 00:00:00Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: ITER 10 Jahre später? (video 10'58")https://www.spektrum.de/video/urknall-weltall-und-das-leben-iter-10-jahre-spaeter/2224166https://www.spektrum.de/video/urknall-weltall-und-das-leben-iter-10-jahre-spaeter/22241662024-07-17 00:00:00Wed, 17 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: Nuclear Fusion / Supply Chain Spending Increases, But Challenges Remainhttps://www.nucnet.org/news/supply-chain-spending-increases-but-challenges-remain-7-2-2024https://www.nucnet.org/news/supply-chain-spending-increases-but-challenges-remain-7-2-20242024-07-17 00:00:00Wed, 17 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: Equity Investments to Fusion Energy Companies 2010-2023 by Countryhttps://www.fusionenergybase.com/article/equity-investments-to-fusion-energy-companies-2010-2023-by-countryhttps://www.fusionenergybase.com/article/equity-investments-to-fusion-energy-companies-2010-2023-by-country2024-07-17 00:00:00Wed, 17 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: The continued growth of the fusion supply chainhttps://fusionenergyinsights.com/blog/post/the-continued-growth-of-the-fusion-supply-chain-insights-from-the-fusion-industry-association-s-supply-chain-2024-reporthttps://fusionenergyinsights.com/blog/post/the-continued-growth-of-the-fusion-supply-chain-insights-from-the-fusion-industry-association-s-supply-chain-2024-report2024-07-16 00:00:00Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100PRESS: Split of Fusion Regulation from Fission Codified by New Lawhttps://us17.campaign-archive.com/?e=6889ce2da7&u=be8b78d2ef406eb6026a6ba21&id=2a07fc65f8https://us17.campaign-archive.com/?e=6889ce2da7&u=be8b78d2ef406eb6026a6ba21&id=2a07fc65f82024-07-16 00:00:00Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0100