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Monaco/ITER postdoctoral fellowships

Monaco/ITER postdoctoral fellowships

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Through a Partnership Arrangement signed with the ITER Organization in 2008, and renewed in 2018, the Principality of Monaco provides the financing for Postdoctoral Fellowships in science and technology at ITER.

As part of the fellowship program, five young scientists or engineers from the countries that make up the ITER Project or from the Principality of Monaco are selected every two years for two-year assignments, during which they work alongside ITER specialists and contribute to the project through original research.

The principal motivation of the research fellowships is the development of excellence in research in fusion science and technology within the ITER framework. Brilliance and creativity, together with understanding of the relevance of the individual research interests to the ITER Project, are a key requirement.

The Monaco/ITER Postdoctoral Fellowship Program allows young researchers to participate in one of the great scientific and technical challenges of the 21st century and to work closely with leading experts in fusion science and technology within a unique international setting. If you are interested in contributing to the development of fusion energy and would like to experience the ITER Project "up close," the Monaco/ITER Fellowships are a great opportunity.

The 2024 campaign closed on 29 February 2024. The next campaign will open in 2026 for 2026-2028 positions.