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Parking and more in JWS3 area

Surveys and levelling of the area around JWS3 are complete and a whole set of operations, among which storm basin excavation, is now underway. (Click to view larger version...)
Surveys and levelling of the area around JWS3 are complete and a whole set of operations, among which storm basin excavation, is now underway.
Work has been ongoing for the past three weeks to create a new lot that will provide 347 parking spaces for both ITER and Fusion for Energy staff working at JWS3, and also for worksite workers.

Surveys and levelling of the area around JWS3 have been completed and a whole set of operations is now underway: embankments (3,700 square metres) are being seeded with vegetation; roadways and underground storm basins are being created; manifolds for the drinking water network are being installed and three access gates are being opened in the 200-metre-long fence that secures the area.

Finishing work will follow, including exterior lighting.

All in all, some forty people from six companies, most of them local, are at work on this project.

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