Rules and regulations

The ITER Organization, like any intergovernmental organization, is subject to international law and has to comply with the general principles of international law.

Due to the nuclear nature of the activities carried out by the ITER Organization, however, the Parties to the ITER Agreement stipulated that the ITER Organization shall observe applicable national laws and regulations of the Host State in the fields of public and occupational health and safety, nuclear safety, radiation protection, licensing, nuclear substances, environmental protection and protection from acts of malevolence (Article 14).

Outside the scope of Article 14 of the ITER Agreement, the ITER Organization ensures by its own rules and regulations that its activities respect the principles of international law and that its activities remain within the mandate of the Organization.

Staff regulations

The rules governing the relationships between staff members and the ITER Organization are those provided by the Staff Regulations of the ITER Organization. The ITER Organization Staff Regulations were approved by the ITER Council.

The Staff Regulations establish the duties and responsibilities of staff members; the principles applicable to employment contracts; the principles concerning leave; and also procedures for appeals relating to decisions of the ITER Organization Director-General concerning employment contracts.

The ITER Organization Staff Regulations are complemented by administrative circulars.

Resource management

The ITER Council, which decides on the financial rules applicable to the ITER Organization, has put in place Project Resource Management Regulations and related implementing measures.

This set of regulations, which are based on the standards of public procurement and budgeting, set out the principles applicable to:

  • the management of in-kind contributions
  • the management of cash resources (including rules for budget and procurement)
  • the decommissioning fund

These regulations and implementing measures are complemented by procedures and administrative circulars put in place by the Director-General of the ITER Organization.

Intellectual property

One of the purposes of the ITER Organization is the sharing by the ITER Members in information and intellectual property developed in the framework of the ITER Project. An Annex of the ITER Agreement is dedicated to Information and Intellectual Property. More on intellectual property at the ITER Organization can be found here.