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Facts on site visits: Best year ever!

In 2011, the Joint Visit Team welcomed 12,768 people to the ITER construction site. (Click to view larger version...)
In 2011, the Joint Visit Team welcomed 12,768 people to the ITER construction site.
The figures are in: 12,768 visitors were welcomed on the ITER construction worksite in 2011, representing a 11.6 percent increase over 2010.
A special effort was expended during the year to welcome school groups from within a 50-kilometre radius of ITER. One hundred and forty-one different groups visited from grade-school through university: 4,036 young people in all. These groups were treated to a special visit program: in addition to a site tour, they participated in hands-on workshops and heard presentations tailored to their specific age group.
The breakdown of 2011 visitors continues as follows: 4,028 professionals; 3,872 members of the general public; 632 mayors and institutional representatives; 169 international visitors and 31 journalists.
The Joint Visit Team has had a busy year!

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