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New JET results tick all the boxes for ITER

JET's initial results were summarized by Dr Francesco Romanelli, leader of the European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) and JET leader, at the IAEA Fusion Energy Conference in San Diego, US on Monday 8 October. (Click to view larger version...)
JET's initial results were summarized by Dr Francesco Romanelli, leader of the European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) and JET leader, at the IAEA Fusion Energy Conference in San Diego, US on Monday 8 October.
Latest results from the Joint European Torus (JET) fusion device are giving researchers increasing confidence in prospects for the next-generation ITER Project, the international experiment that is expected to pave the way for commercial fusion power plants. Operation with a new lining inside, JET has demonstrated the suitability of materials for the much larger and more powerful ITER device.

JET, Europe's premier magnetic confinement fusion facility based at Culham, UK, has completed eleven months of tests to simulate the environment inside ITER and to prototype key components. For this purpose JET has been successfully transformed into a 'mini-ITER' with a wall made of the same materials—beryllium and tungsten—that ITER plans to use.

Read more on the EFDA website.

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