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ITER will be on stage at 22nd World Energy Congress

Organized every three years since 1971, the World Energy Congress (WEC) is the world's premier event on energy. The 22nd edition will be held in Daegu, Korea, at the heart of the third largest metropolitan area of the nation with over 2.5 million residents. (Click to view larger version...)
Organized every three years since 1971, the World Energy Congress (WEC) is the world's premier event on energy. The 22nd edition will be held in Daegu, Korea, at the heart of the third largest metropolitan area of the nation with over 2.5 million residents.
The ITER Project will be present at the world's largest gathering on energy, the 22nd World Energy Congress, from 13-17 October 2013 in Daegu, Korea. Representatives from the ITER Organization and the seven ITER Members will participate for the first time in this major international event on energy, devoted this year to "Securing Tomorrow's Energy Today."

With over 5,000 participants from 100 countries, and 25,000 visitors expected over the five days of the conference, the 22nd World Energy Congress (WEC) is the world's premier event on energy. Launched in 1924 and held every three years since 1971, the Congress offers a unique venue for energy sector stakeholders—policy makers, chief executives from leading energy companies, industry experts and researchers—to debate the way to a sustainable energy future. 

The rise of renewables and alternative fuels as well as the development of new energy technologies is increasingly shaping the energy market. In this context, the ITER Organization and the seven ITER Members will be participating in the Congress for the first time in order to showcase fusion and the ITER Project.

The ITER stand (located in Hall 2, B420) will be manned by representatives of the ITER Organization and the seven Domestic Agencies. The Director-General of the ITER Organization, Osamu Motojima, will participate in a Congress session entitled "Fusion: Betting on a different future?" Smaller sessions on the Project for the general public and a press conference (Tuesday, 15 October at 11:00 a.m.) will also be organized. Newsline will be reporting from Korea.

See the Press Release in English and French.

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