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Japanese Commissioner visits ITER

The Commissioner of the Japanese Atomic Energy Commission, Mie Oba, with ITER Deputy Director-General Carlos Alejaldre. (Click to view larger version...)
The Commissioner of the Japanese Atomic Energy Commission, Mie Oba, with ITER Deputy Director-General Carlos Alejaldre.
This Tuesday, 15 June, the Commissioner of the Japanese Atomic Energy Commission, Mie Oba, visited ITER. Mrs. Oba is an associate professor in the field of foreign relations and international politics at the Tokyo University of Science. She visited the ITER site as part of a round trip taking her to various Swiss and French nuclear facilities such as the Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland, the CEA sites in Cadarache and Valrho, the EPR construction site at Flamanville and the reprocessing facility at La Hague. ITER Deputy Director-General Carlos Alejaldre showed Mrs. Oba around the construction site and spoke with her about the status and scope of the ITER Project.

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