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Integration check of Tokamak Complex

The first-of-a-kind meeting was crucial for the further development of Tokamak Complex design. (Click to view larger version...)
The first-of-a-kind meeting was crucial for the further development of Tokamak Complex design.
The Design Integration Section organized a design integration review (DIR) on 7-8 July dedicated to the Tokamak Complex buildings, comprising the Diagnostic, the Tokamak, and the Tritium buildings.

The scope of the meeting was to review the maturity of the physical and functional interfaces between systems and buildings prior to the preliminary design review meeting scheduled end July. The Responsible Officers for the systems as well as European Domestic Agency (F4E) representatives were invited to comment on the status and maturity of the interfaces in order to consolidate the documentation for the next phase of the building design (functional schematics, configuration management models and interface sheets).

The status of safety requirements implemented into the building designs and the instrumentation and control (I&C) strategy were both discussed in relation with the cable routing in the buildings, potentially having a significant impact on building layout.

This week's meeting was the first of its kind, and was a crucial step in the further development of the Tokamak Complex design. The various actions generated will be resolved within the next weeks in order for the European agency to proceed with the design of the buildings. A second DIR for the Tokamak Complex buildings is expected to be held by end of the year to review actions and progress made in the maturity of the systems prior to the finalization of the tender preparation phase.

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