Image of the week

Shiny steel and sharp edges

All shiny steel, sharp edges and perfectly machined penetrations and grooves, two toroidal field coils are being prepared for the pre-assembly process.
Two coils—TF9 (Europe) and TF12 (Japan)—are now on temporary stands in a coil preparatory building not far from the Assembly Hall for pre-assembly operations.
The spectacular D-shaped casings of TF9 (from Europe) and TF12 (from Japan) hide and protect a technological jewel: layer upon layer of spiralled conductor made of the exotic compound niobium-tin and adjusted with submillimetric tolerance.
The ITER Tokamak will include 18 such coils, each as tall as a four-storey building and as heavy as a fully loaded Boeing 747 . Procurement of these massive components is shared between Europe (10) and Japan (8 plus one spare).