Whether directly employed by the ITER Organization, a Domestic Agency or one of the 700 institutions and contracting companies present on site at any given moment, the denizens of the ITER international enclave hail from 90 countries.
Few places, if any, host a more cosmopolitan community on such a small stretch of land. The people working on ITER territory hail from 90 countries (up from 68 in 2020), from "A" like Afghanistan to "V" like Venezuela. Reflecting the important presence of French companies on site and the necessary interaction with the host country, the largest cohort is French (3,885). Italians come second (421), followed by Spaniards (335), Indians (254), Chinese (214), Portuguese (165) and Romanians (119). There are almost as many Americans (42) as there are Algerians (44) or Moroccans (46), all involved in one way or the other in the realization of ITER.
Since construction began in the summer of 2010, an estimated 15,000 people from 5,000 companies, small and large, have been involved in the myriad activities that building ITER requires.
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