Approximately 350 attendees—fusion startups, managers and scientists, suppliers, public research institutes, Domestic Agency and ITER Organization representatives—registered for the three-day workshop at ITER Headquarters.
Pursuing the same goal and encountering some of the same challenges, public ventures like ITER and private startups have a lot to share. In the long tradition of fusion openness and generous collaborations, establishing public-private synergies appears today not only as desirable, but as indispensable.
The first panel and Q&A session, moderated by Fusion Energy Insights founder and CEO Melanie Windridge, was about ... tokamaks. From left to right: Minsheng Liu, President, ENN Energy Research Institute; David Weisberg, Senior Scientist at General Atomics; David Kingham, Executive Vice Chairman at Tokamak Energy; and Alex Creely, Director of Tokamak Operations at Commonwealth Fusion Systems.
"Our project is useful to all of you," said ITER Director-General Pietro Barabaschi in his opening address. The moment could be historic—the birth of a truly global fusion community, without distinction of size or status and united in a common ambition.