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US and India confer on cooling water system

The international cooling water team last week in Cadarache. (Click to view larger version...)
The international cooling water team last week in Cadarache.
The ITER cooling water system is all cool. Last week, representatives from the two procuring parties—the US ITER Project Office and ITER India—plus their contractors A/E Areva FS and consultants from Nuclear Power Corporation India Limited and Engineers India Limited, as well as staff from the ITER Cooling Water Section—moved the project a big step forward. In a series of meetings, US-ITER reconciled their component delivery dates with the need dates given in the ITER assembly schedule and further developed the optimization of shop fabrication and field assembly requirements.

The focus of the meetings with ITER India was the optimization of the design of the heat rejection system and the component cooling water system. This optimization focused on the size and number of cooling towers, water basin size, and size and number of heat exchangers. Also included in these discussions were the instrumentation and controls for the Indian scope of supply.

To learn more about ITER's cooling water system click here...

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