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Updated home for USIPO

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The US ITER Project Office (USIPO) is now well settled into an expanded and renovated office space, after a lot of construction and shuffling of offices in March of this year. Some of the more distinctive features include a formal visitor entrance with multiple screens showing the latest ITER progress, a large state-of-the-art training room, and a 30 metre-wide wallscape highlighting key milestones in ITER history.

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The larger, updated space allows the entire USIPO staff to be located in one building, instead of spread across multiple locations. Visitors are now clearly directed to a central lobby with a staffed reception desk to assist with badging needs. The improvements also meet the needs of the large gatherings typical of regular Lehman reviews, all-hands staff meetings and training sessions.

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The new training room can seat over 130 participants. To serve staff meeting needs, the number of video-conference-friendly rooms was doubled. US ITER staff are naming the conference rooms after fusion pioneers.

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