EFDA launches new website
Phil Dooley, European Fusion Development Agreement
EFDA launches new website
Fifty-six design drafts, 824 pages, 1,238 images, and only one URL. The new website of the European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) has been launched this week, combining the existing JET and EFDA websites. For webmaster Anja Haertling and the EFDA Public Information team, it is the culmination of nine months hard work.
The initial concept was hammered out in a team retreat in February. "We did go about it in a good way—we had a good structure. I think we're a really good team, we had different ideas and they worked together really well. The best thing is the merge: it reflects our structure a lot better, it's clearer now what EFDA does."
The site has been upgraded behind the scenes too, which will allow future developments, says Anja Haertling. "The new CMS reflects the way people work, people will be able to add sections and work more collaboratively on the pages."
However, she is not planning to sit back and relax now: "Now I'm seeing all the small things that have to be improved," she says. "But it's more fun because I know now it is the real thing!"
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