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Myeun Kwon appointed President of NFRI

Myeun Kwon, the newly appointed President of the NFRI, during his first ITER Council meeting. (Click to view larger version...)
Myeun Kwon, the newly appointed President of the NFRI, during his first ITER Council meeting.
On 12 September, Myeun Kwon, the former director of KSTAR, the Korean superconducting tokamak, was appointed president of the Korean National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI), which is dedicated to conducting research and development of fusion energy. Equipped with a budget of USD 5 million per year, the institute fosters the education of fusion scientists and engineers and performs basic R&D.

The Korean government is very supportive to the development of fusion energy, Myeun Kwon says. In 2007, an article was added to Korean national law committing to the promotion of fusion as "a green energy source."

Click here to read more about NFRI and its mission.

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