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The circle is closed

Photo: Tino Schulz (Click to view larger version...)
Photo: Tino Schulz
This week on Wednesday, 16 November, the last module of the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X cryostat was lifted into place, closing the most complex and extravagant ring ever manufactured. The module was installed in only three hours—much less time than anticipated, Lutz Wegener, head of Wendelstein's assembly team, stated.

Photo: Tino Schulz (Click to view larger version...)
Photo: Tino Schulz
"We had to operate the precious pendulum within 8-mm accuracy, but this time we had to watch both sides in order not to touch the neighboring modules. Over the next three to four days, the assembly team will continue its work at the Max-Planck-Institute in Greifswald, Germany in order to align the module and all its components into final position. The completion of the first four modules with ports and thermal insulation and the electrical, mechanical and hydraulic connection for two modules will continue in parallel.

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