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Switzerland officializes ITER participation

The longterm presence of the snow atop Switzerland's most famous mountain, the Matterhorn, may indirectly depend on the success of fusion energy. (Click to view larger version...)
The longterm presence of the snow atop Switzerland's most famous mountain, the Matterhorn, may indirectly depend on the success of fusion energy.
As a member of Euratom, Switzerland has been involved in the European fusion program and ITER from the start. In a formal process initiated by the government last fall and concluded in March, the Swiss government has ratified the accession of Switzerland to the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy as a third country member.

The government said ITER would be by far the most important element of European nuclear research and it wanted to be closely involved. The accession of Switzerland was overwhelmingly approved by both houses of the Swiss Parliament. As an associated state, Switzerland contributes financially to the European fusion program.

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