ITER safety meetings

From left to right: Jean-Michel Bottereau AIF, Fabrice Dufour and Alain Thomassin IRSN, Dorothée Conte ASN, Jean-Philippe Girard ITER-IO, Virginie Wasselin IRSN, Laurence Tabard ASN and Didier Perrault IRSN.

The ITER Organization, with the support of the EU and Agence ITER France, organizes monthly meetings with the French nuclear safety authority to present the safety features of the project. Topics under discussion are accident analysis, plasma control, confinement, radiological risk, risk of fire, etc.

During the meeting held on Tuesday 20 February, representatives of the Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN) and the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN, a support team of ASN), paid a visit to the ITER site to see the progress of the site preparation (see picture).