ITER technical reports

ITER technical reports aim to make results of scientific and technical activities carried out under the ITER Agreement available to the public. Typically, they are versions of internal reports that have been deemed of interest for the wider scientific and technical community, but that have not been submitted for conventional publication in scientific journals, books, etc. Documents may be submitted for publication on this page by any scientist carrying out activities under the ITER Agreement. If you are interested in publishing an ITER technical report, the ITER Document Control Section (@email) is available to support you in the process.

Publication Date Title Actions

10 Apr 2024

ITER Research Plan within the Staged Approach (Level III — Final Version)

This ITER technical report describes at Level III the ITER Research Plan consistent with the 2016 Staged Approach Baseline and the associated tokamak machine and ancillary systems' configurations adopted in its various phases. This is an evolution from the ITER Research Plan within the Staged Approach (Level III - Provisional Version) (ITR-18-003) in which several options for the tokamak machine and ancillary systems' configurations were considered in some phases. In addition, this new ITER Technical Report provides a major update of the required R&D to support the ITER Research Plan which has guided the International Tokamak Physics Activity R&D programme in the recent years and will further guide in the future for the many issues which are common between the 2016 Staged Approach ITER Baseline and the 2024 New ITER Baseline.

Author(s): D.J. Campbell, A. Loarte, D. Boilson, X. Bonnin, P. de Vries, L. Giancarli, Y. Gribov, S.H. Kim, M. Lehnen, T. Luce, I. Nunes, A.R. Polevoi, S.D. Pinches, R.A. Pitts, R. Reichle, M. Schneider, J. van der Laan, G. Vayakis

Reference: ITR-24-005

Keywords: Staged Approach baseline, operation phases, first plasma, research program, test blanket module, fusion energy, pre-fusion power operation, heating & current drive, plant configuration, disruption mitigation, fusion power operation, diagnostics, H mode access and operation

29 Mar 2024

Initial evaluations in support of the new ITER baseline and Research Plan

This technical report describes the initial evaluations carried out to define the key associated tokamak machine and ancillary systems' configurations and research plan objectives and phases of the 2024 new ITER baseline. These include the change of wall material from beryllium to tungsten, heating and current drive mix and the use of an inertially cooled first wall to minimize risks in the initial first of operation, which include exploration of H-mode plasmas in deuterium. The gradual approach to deuterium-tritium operations to facilitate nuclear licencing and the associated experimental strategy is also described. The evaluations and outline research plan described in this report provide the basis for further refinement of the research plan carried out in collaboration with experts from the ITER Members.

Author(s): A. Loarte, R.A. Pitts, T. Wauters, I. Nunes, F. Köchl, A.R. Polevoi, S-H. Kim, M. Lehnen, J.Artola, L. Chen, S.D. Pinches, X. Bai, P. de Vries, I. Carvalho, M. Dubrov, Y. Gribov, M. Schneider, L. Zabeo

Reference: ITR-24-004

Keywords: New baseline, operation phases, research program, tungsten first wall, heating & current drive, plant configuration, disruption mitigation, fusion power operation, H mode access and operation

08 Sep 2023

Plant Control Design Handbook

The Plant Control Design Handbook (PCDH) defines standards, specifications and interfaces applicable to all ITER plant systems Instrumentation and Control (I&C). It forms part of ITER Project Requirements.

Author(s): A. Wallander

Reference: ITR-23-009

Keywords: ITER control system, instrumentation and control, standardization, CODAC, interlock, occupational safety, interfaces.

17 Feb 2021

ITER Cabling Handbook

The intent of these cabling regulations is to ensure uniformity and homogeneity of the measures implemented in the ITER facility related to the protection of equipment and people against the unwanted effects of electric currents. This document deals with cables trays, cables and connector installation and segregation, cable trays earthing and E.M.C. directives. These rules shall be applied in the cabling engineering workflow for all subjects concerning or in relationship with cabling in the ITER facility.

Author(s): D. Beltran

Reference: ITR-21-010

Keywords: cable trays, cable, connector, standards, design, installation

22 Sep 2020

Required R&D in Existing Fusion Facilities to Support the ITER Research Plan

The report provides the description of a selected set of issues for which R&D in present experiments is required to support the refinement or consolidation of the ITER Research Plan (IRP). The selected set includes issues related to completion of systems' designs, specific choices and options to be explored in the early stages of the IRP and strategic assumptions on the development of the IRP experimental programme towards high Q operation.

Author(s): A. Loarte (for the Science Division staff)

Reference: ITR-20-008

Keywords: ITER Research Plan, R&D, disruption mitigation, H-mode operation, power load control, scenario development

16 Jul 2020

ITER Electrical Design Handbook Codes & Standards

Author(s): J. Hourtoule

Reference: ITR-20-005

Keywords: immunity, emission, coupling, testing, standards, design, grounding, shielding

16 Jul 2020

ITER Electrical Design Handbook Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

Author(s): D. Beltran

Reference: ITR-20-006

Keywords: immunity, emission, coupling, testing, standards, design, grounding, shielding

16 Jul 2020

ITER Electrical Design Handbook Earthing and Lightning Protection

Author(s): D. Beltran

Reference: ITR-20-007

Keywords: immunity, emission, coupling, testing, standards, design, grounding, shielding

19 Nov 2019

ITER Vacuum Handbook

The ITER Vacuum Handbook defines the requirements to be satisfied in the design and manufacture of Vacuum Components/systems for use on the ITER machine. As an applicable document, referenced in the ITER Project Requirements, the application of the ITER Vacuum Handbook is mandatory.

Author(s): R. Pearce, L. Worth

Reference: ITR-19-004

Keywords: vacuum, quality, design, manufacture, requirements, standard

17 Sep 2018

ITER Research Plan within the Staged Approach (Level III - Provisional Version)

The ITER Research Plan (IRP) Level III Provisional Version, now available as an ITER Technical Report, defines the development path of ITER operational scenarios from First Plasma to the achievement of the ITER fusion power production goals. These goals are the production of 500 MW fusion power with an energy gain Q of 10 for >300 s and in-principle steady-state operation with Q = 5. The development of long-pulse inductive plasmas for fusion technology development is also envisioned. The IRP was initially developed during the ITER Design Review in 2007-2008 in order to analyze the experimental program towards high-fusion-gain deuterium-tritium operation. It was further elaborated in subsequent years to identify the main lines of physics R&D required to support the preparations for ITER operation, as well as to incorporate the main elements of the testing program for the test blanket modules (TBMs), which will provide the first tests of tritium breeding technology in the fusion environment. With the acceptance of the revised ITER baseline cost (ad referendum) and schedule by the ITER Council in November 2016, a study was launched to bring major elements of the Research Plan in line with advances in physics research and the framework of the staged approach to ITER construction. In the staged approach, assembly phases will alternate with periods of operation as a way to minimize risk. The outcome of this study, which included experts from the ITER Members' fusion communities and Domestic Agencies, is the ITER Research Plan (IRP) Level III that describes the development path of ITER operational scenarios consistent with the phased installation of the ancillary systems in the staged approach.

Author(s): ITER Organization

Reference: ITR-18-003

Keywords: operation phases, first plasma, staged approach, research program, test blanket module, fusion energy, pre-fusion power operation, heating & current drive, plant configuration, disruption mitigation, fusion power operation, diagnostics, H mode access and operation

23 Mar 2018

ITER Disruption Mitigation Workshop, ITER HQ, 8-10 March 2017

Author(s): M. Lehnen, S. Maruyama

Reference: ITR-18-002

Keywords: disruption mitigation system, runaway electron avoidance, runaway electron energy dissipation, thermal quench mitigation

28 Feb 2018

Development of HTS Current Leads for the ITER Project

The HTS current leads for the ITER project will be the largest ever operated, with unprecedented currents, up to 68 kA and voltages, up to 14 kV. According to the ITER agreement these leads will be provided in-kind by the PR of China. After an extensive development program at the Hefei Institute of Plasma Physics (ASIPP) and with the support of the ITER HTS working group, the ITER current leads were designed and qualified. The following discusses the main highlights of this development, with particular emphasis on the description of the design of the different types of ITER current leads and their final qualification in dedicated cold tests in nominal conditions.

Author(s): P. Bauer

Reference: ITR-18-001

Keywords: magnets, HTS current leads