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Other ITER postdoctoral fellowships

Other ITER postdoctoral fellowships

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In addition to the Monaco-ITER Postdoctoral Fellowship program, the ITER Organization offers additional employment opportunities for junior experimental or theoretical physicists and/or engineers.

The recruitment program is open to all post-doctorates from across the ITER Members. The targeted profile is a scientist, experimental physicist, or engineer who has completed a Ph.D. prior to the deadline for beginning the assignment, but not more than three years before the time of application. Priority will be given to assignments in the following project unit categories:

  • Engineering Design Department
  • Central Integration Office (mainly Integrated Engineering Analysis Section)
  • Science, Controls & Operation Department
  • Plant Construction Department (Electrical Implementation Division)
  • Machine Construction Department (Vacuum Delivery and Installation Section)
This page will be updated when new positions are announced.