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The "Energy Survival Guide"

This book deserves to be read by all those interested in the future of energy and energy use. (Click to view larger version...)
This book deserves to be read by all those interested in the future of energy and energy use.
Can solar energy provide the entire world's electricity? Should we abandon nuclear power after Fukushima? How much energy do we save by installing windows with double glazing? The Energy Survical Guide is a reliable source for all those who want to know the facts.

The author is Jo Hermans, professor emeritus of physics at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, who has lectured on energy and environment topics for decades. Jo has dedicated this book to his grandsons David and Thomas and those of their age around the globe "who are the heirs to our successes and failures in making this world sustainable."

A book about energy would not be complete without mentioning nuclear fusion and by looking both at its advantages and its disadvantages. His conclusion: "The enormous potential of nuclear fusion means that it is worth pursuing research and development by all means."

The "Energy Survival Guide" is published by Beta-Text in cooperation with Leiden University Press, ISBN 978 90 8728 123 6. The hardcover is €24.95 - 184 pages. For discount on larger orders please contact BetaText: info@betatext.nl

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