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Actu & Médias

Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.

A brand-new house for Korea's Domestic Agency

The Korean Domestic Agency is housed on the fourth and fifth floors of the brand-new National Fusion Research Institute Headquarters. (Click to view larger version...)
The Korean Domestic Agency is housed on the fourth and fifth floors of the brand-new National Fusion Research Institute Headquarters.
After two years of construction, the National Fusion Research Institute headquarters building is ready for occupation. All staff members of the Korean Domestic Agency (ITER Korea) moved to the new headquarters on 30 August.

The brand-new building has state-of-the-art facilities such as video conference rooms, an audio-visual classroom, a public relations centre, a fitness centre and tea rooms. The new amenities enable the staff to carry out their work in a convenient, well-equipped and comfortable environment. The 20,000-square-metre building consists of six floors of office space and two levels of parking in the basement. ITER Korea is located on the fourth and fifth floors.

The official inauguration ceremony will be held on the 30 September, with government officials and other distinguished guests in attendance.

"This is a big milestone for ITER Korea," announced the Domestic Agency Head, Kijung Jung. "This important step forward will allow us to implement our contributions to the ITER Project in a more efficient work environment."

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