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Actu & Médias

Pour les actualités en français, voir la page Actus & Médias.

The lid is on

At any given level of the Tokamak bioshield, different companies are involved with construction tasks; this is called "co-activity" and it requires careful coordination. In some cases co-activity also calls for the installation of special structures to provide the required safety for all workers involved.

View from above: the ''lid'' is now in place. Two openings will allow material and equipment for the crown's construction to be delivered to the ground floor. (Click to view larger version...)
View from above: the ''lid'' is now in place. Two openings will allow material and equipment for the crown's construction to be delivered to the ground floor.
As work progresses on the upper levels of the massive circular bioshield, construction of the Tokamak support structure (the "crown") will soon begin on the ground floor ("B2 slab") of the Tokamak Building directly below.

In order to protect workers on the the lower-level, a circular platform (the "lid") was installed in August, supported by massive steel structures.

View from below: the steel structure will protect workers on the the lower-level of the machine ''well'' and will also be used as a storage platform. (Click to view larger version...)
View from below: the steel structure will protect workers on the the lower-level of the machine ''well'' and will also be used as a storage platform.
The lid has three openings—one for the vertical support structure of the central tower crane, and two for allowing the hook to pass with material and equipment for construction projects on the the ground floor.

Once delivered through the lid's opening, material and equipment will be handled by a circular gantry crane, running 360 degrees on the lowest level of the bioshield "well."

The lid will also be used as a storage platform for materials needed by the VFR consortium for works on the upper levels of the bioshield.

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