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Actu & Médias

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Image of the week

Number 18, the last of 19

In April 2020, within an interval of one week, the first two D-shaped toroidal field coils required for the ITER Tokamak were delivered to the ITER construction site. Procured by Europe and finalized in Italy, toroidal field coil #9 (TF9) was received in the wee hours of Friday 17 April; eight days later on Saturday 25 April, toroidal field coil #12 (TF12) completed the last leg of its 10,000-kilometre journey from Japan.

With the delivery, last Friday, of toroidal field coil #18, procurement by Europe and Japan of the D-shaped coils required for the machine (18 plus one spare) is complete. An official celebration is planned in January 2024. (Click to view larger version...)
With the delivery, last Friday, of toroidal field coil #18, procurement by Europe and Japan of the D-shaped coils required for the machine (18 plus one spare) is complete. An official celebration is planned in January 2024.
Since then, the 350-tonne, 17-metre tall components procured by Europe and Japan (10 coils and 9 coils respectively) have been delivered with clockwork regularity. On Friday 15 December, the delivery of toroidal field coil #18 (TF18) from Europe marked the completion of this strategic procurement program. A few hours later, staff from the ITER Organization and the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy gathered around Director-General Pietro Barabaschi, Deputy Director-General Yutaka Kamaka and Alessandro Bonito-Oliva, formerly the Magnets Programme Manager for Fusion for Energy and now ITER Head of the Tokamak Program, to "greet" the massive component. A more official celebration for the end of procurement is planned in January 2024.

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