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Actu & Médias

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Five new Monaco/ITER Fellows appointed

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The ITER Organization has announced the appointment of five new Principality of Monaco/ ITER Postdoctoral Research Fellows who will conduct research in fusion science and technology during the next two years under funding provided by the Partnership Arrangement between ITER and the Principality of Monaco. The five successful candidates, selected from a wide range of talented applicants representing all of the ITER partners are:

  • Shimpei Futatani (Japan), who received his PhD from Kyoto University for studies of turbulent transport of impurities in fusion plasmas and has recently held a postdoctoral appointment at the University of Provence.
  • Sun Hee Kim (Korea), who received his PhD from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne for computational analysis of burning plasma operational scenarios and has recently been furthering his research at IRFM-CEA, Cadarache.
  • Jing Na (China), who recently received his PhD from the Beijing Institute of Technology for research into the control of systems with delays and nonlinearities.
  • Ian Pong (Europe), who received his PhD in applied superconductivity from the University of Cambridge and who has most recently been a CERN Postdoctoral Research Fellow.
  • Debasmita Samaddar (India), who has recently been awarded a PhD by the University of Alaska for studies on time parallelization of computations of plasma turbulence.

The Fellows will take up their positions over the next few months.

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