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Actu & Médias

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The new voice of fusion research in Europe

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A new magazine reports about the progress made in European fusion research: With the launch of Fusion in Europe, EFDA combines its former publications Fusion News and JETInsight. It intends to present European fusion research as the lively and productive community that it has been for decades now.

The quarterly newsletter addresses stakeholders such as politicians, partners in the European Commission and other organizations, as well as journalists and interested persons in general. A special section is directed to the European fusion community and the members of the various fusion-related committees. With a circulation exceeding 5,000, Fusion in Europe gives research news from all EFDA Associates high visibility within and beyond the fusion community.

Three main sections serve the various interests of the readers:

Moving forward provides organizational and research news from EFDA and Associates. JETInsight reports about JET—the machine, the research and the people. Community intends to keep all members of the widely scattered fusion community in the loop: It contains news about people, meetings, organizational changes or outreach and educational activities. 

Christine Rüth and Petra Nieckchen are the editors of Fusion in Europe. If you would like to provide input, please contact Christine Rüth at christine.rueth@efda.org.

People wishing to subscribe to Fusion in Europe, please send an email to: newsletter@efda.org

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