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Expert panel reviews cryopump systems design

The preliminary design review aimed to confirm the technical maturity of the design and prepare the manufacturing of a torus pre-production cryopump. (Click to view larger version...)
The preliminary design review aimed to confirm the technical maturity of the design and prepare the manufacturing of a torus pre-production cryopump.
The designs of the ITER cryopumps and cryogenic supply systems are now accelerating towards completion. Last week a three-day preliminary design review (PDR) was held at ITER Headquarters to confirm the technical maturity of the design, prepare the manufacturing of a torus pre-production cryopump and pursue developments towards the Procurement Arrangement.

"We have to make absolutely sure that everything is going in the right direction," explains Robert Pearce, ITER Vacuum Pumping Section Leader and the organizer of the review. "It is very important, at this stage, to present the design status to a panel of distinguished independent experts that will see if there's a problem we haven't identified and come up with pertinent suggestions ..."

This PDR for the ITER cryopumps and front end cryodistribution system was one of the largest ever held at ITER. (Click to view larger version...)
This PDR for the ITER cryopumps and front end cryodistribution system was one of the largest ever held at ITER.
Wolfgang Obert, Cryogenic Group Leader at JET, who was responsible for the cutting edge design and operation of JET cryogenics system, was the review Chair. He was supported by: Hans Falter, who led the development of neutral beams at JET and IPP, Garching; Laurent Tavian, responsible for CERN's cryogenic systems; and Larry Baylor, a world expert in pellet injection development.

All together, the meeting was attended by more than 60 people from ITER, the European Domestic Agency F4E and European Associates either at Headquarters or through video conference. This PDR for the ITER cryopumps and front end cryodistribution system was one of the largest ever held at ITER.

The next big step is scheduled for the end of the year, with the call for tender for a full size pre-production torus cryopump.

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